Airbrushes are called devices of a special variety used for high-quality and quick application of paint on any surface. Such tools work on the principle of conventional pneumatic sprayers. When stained, they release a jet of air around which a rarefied pressure area is created. Once in this place, the enamel under pressure begins to disintegrate into separate microscopic drops.
That is, when such a pneumatic device operates according to the laws of physics, a simple aerosol effect occurs. Of course, to perform high-quality painting, you need to know, among other things, how to choose the right airbrush.
Use area
Such tools are used, of course, primarily to decorate various kinds of surfaces. With the help of an airbrush, you can give an aesthetic stylish appearance, for example:
- car;
- walls and ceiling in the room;
- windows, doors, etc.
In some cases airbrushes are usedeven to create real artistic paintings and miniatures. Such devices can be simply indispensable in modeling, when creating, for example, models of equipment or various kinds of architectural structures.

What varieties exist
Let's talk about how to choose the right airbrush in the article below. To begin with, let's figure out what types of such devices actually exist on the modern market and how they can differ.
Classify airbrushes produced by the industry according to several criteria. For example, on sale today there are devices of this type, lockable and in-line. The latter type of airbrush works on the simple principle of constant air supply. Such models are not too expensive, but at the same time they are not considered particularly convenient to use. Such devices do not have the function of adjusting the air stream. Flow tools can be a good answer to the question of which airbrush to choose for a novice artist. For experienced professionals who produce complex design work, the purchase of such a device will most likely not be a very successful decision.
The price of lockable airbrush models on the market is higher. But on the other hand, models of this variety have a special trigger (trigger), through which you can adjust the air flow spraying paint.
On what grounds can more be classified
Also, modern spray guns can differ in the location of the tank. The storage tank for such devices is alwaysinstalled vertically. But at the same time, the tank can be connected to the airbrush both from the side and from above or below.
In addition, modern spray guns differ in the type of spray itself, which can be:
- external;
- domestic.

Types of lockable devices
Those consumers who want to know which is better to choose an airbrush for painting models of equipment or buildings, cars or, for example, walls of premises, should, among other things, have an idea of how such work can be carried out instrument.
The lockable models most popular with craftsmen are classified into:
- double independent;
- automatic.
For dual independent devices, the trigger can control two parameters at once:
- actual air pressure (by pressing up/down);
- needle stroke (forward/back).
Automatic airbrushes are less complex. The trigger for such devices can move, for example, only forward and backward. The needle of the airbrush in this case remains motionless. It is this design that most often models of Chinese, German, Taiwanese production have.
In some cases, the trigger in automatic airbrushes only goes up and down. In this type of model, the needle moves and the air pressure changes accordingly.

What to look for when choosing firstqueue
For those consumers who are not yet well versed in the operation of airbrushes, when buying such a device, experts recommend paying attention primarily to its cost. It is believed that for beginners, universal models of such instruments of the middle price category are best suited.
A cheap airbrush, of which there are many on the market today, can only be a good answer to the question of how to choose an airbrush if the tool is needed to perform work that does not require special accuracy. For example, very inexpensive sprayers are usually chosen by people who just want to try their hand at surface design and have no idea if this kind of activity is right for them or not.
Expensive airbrushes, as well as too cheap ones, are also not recommended by experts for beginners. Such models usually have a very wide functionality. Therefore, it is believed that airbrushes of this type are suitable mainly for professionals only. A beginner, due to lack of experience, in any case, will not be able to use all the functions available in an expensive model. The complex design of the airbrush will most likely interfere with his work.
Tool Options
In addition to the price, when buying an airbrush, of course, you need to pay attention to its characteristics. The main parameters that determine the choice of such instruments, in most cases, are:
- design;
- nozzle diameter;
- tank size;
- reservoir connection method.
How to choose by parameters
By design, as already mentioned, devices of this type are lockable or in-line. The last type of airbrush, as we found out, can be a good answer to the question of how to choose an airbrush, mainly only for those people who have never picked up such a tool in their lives.
In most cases, even beginners at first prefer to purchase still lockable models of sprayers with a trigger. At the same time, it is believed that automatic devices of this type are best suited for targeted training. People who already have basic skills in working with such tools should still purchase dual independent airbrushes. Models of this variety are convenient primarily because they allow you to control the thickness of the line and paint consumption without interruption in work.

Nozzle diameter
Which airbrush is best for this indicator? The nozzle diameter of modern spray guns can vary between 0.15-0.6 mm. The choice in this case will depend primarily on the purpose for which the instrument is purchased. Models with nozzle:
- at 0.15-0.18mm can be used to draw the finest lines with the highest degree of detail;
- at 0.2-0.3mm are the most popular and can be used for both detail and background coverage;
- at 0.4-0.5 mm are mainly used in large-scale paint work.
Spray Type
Nozzle diameter and design features are of course not the only factors to consider when buying an airbrush. “Which is better to choose a tool for convenient work?” - the answer to this question depends, among other things, on the type of spray device. In airbrushes with external plumbing, classified as external mix, air and paint are mixed outside the body. Such models are not too expensive and are mainly suitable only for teaching beginners, since they do not allow the formation of a thin “torch” of aerosols.
In internal spray units, paint and air are mixed directly inside the housing. This design allows you to get any thickness of the "torch". Also, airbrushes of this type give a better spray with the formation of very small droplets.
How to choose an airbrush for painting: tank location
The convenience of using an airbrush practically does not depend on the place where the paint is supplied. In this case, the choice of tool is carried out mainly in accordance with the personal preferences of the master. All three ways to attach a tank have both their advantages and disadvantages.
When the bottom feed, the enamel is injected into the flow due to the vacuum created by the movement of air. The main advantage of this arrangement is the ability to quickly change paint. The disadvantages of airbrushes of this type include the fact that their tank can sometimes fall off at the most inopportune moment. When attaching this type of tank to the body of the tool, try as tightly as possible.

The main advantage of the side connection of the tank is that in this case the airbrush can be turned in any way (for example, even 180 degrees when decorating the ceiling). The paint in such models can also be changed fairly quickly. The main disadvantage of tanks of this type is considered to be only not very good weight balance. Some masters believe that this can cause inconvenience in work.
Sometimes beginners are interested in which airbrush to choose for models of equipment or architectural structures of small size, or, for example, to create miniatures. In this case, a top feed tool may be best. Airbrushes of this type are considered the most convenient for drawing small details. Paint in such models is fed into the sprayer under its own weight. Therefore, the compressor pressure in devices of this type can be reduced up to 4-6 units.
The disadvantage of tools of this variety is that it is impossible to quickly change the paint in them. Also, these airbrushes cannot be turned over when working.

Which compressor to choose for an airbrush
Such devices in the design of spray guns are responsible for supplying air for spraying enamel. The choice of compressor for the sprayer, of course, also needs to be given maximum attention. Several types of such devices can be used when working with an airbrush:
- Mini compressors with small dimensions. The advantages of this type of devices includelight weight and quiet operation.
- Compressors with receiver. Models of this type are able to provide a long and very uniform air supply. Such compressors make the use of airbrushes very convenient.
- Household oil and oil-free compressors. Devices of this variety are usually used when they want to quickly perform a large amount of work. With the help of compressors of this type, for example, large surfaces are often painted.
The choice of a compressor thus depends primarily on what type of work the master is supposed to do. Models equipped with blowers with a receiver can be the best answer to the question, for example, which airbrush to choose for painting models or painting pictures. A tool with a household compressor can be an indispensable option when renovating an apartment, etc.
Types of superchargers by design
How to choose the right airbrush - we de alt with this above in the article. But what type of compressor can best suit such a device in one case or another. According to the design of such devices, there are only three main types:
- membrane;
- piston;
- screw.
Diaphragm compressors are affordable and compact. However, it is not possible to design surfaces with high quality using such models. Also, diaphragm compressors are not very efficient.

Which compressor to choose forairbrush is best, of course, both beginners and experienced craftsmen would like to know. It is believed that both professionals and novice designers are very well suited for spray guns with a piston supercharger. It is these models that are the most popular among consumers today.
Compressors of this type, in turn, can be oil or oil-free. The advantage of piston devices of the first type is their relatively low weight. Also in such models it is not necessary to change the oil. The disadvantages of such tools in the first place include a short period of the workflow due to rapid overheating.
Oil reciprocating compressors are considered more reliable and durable devices. Such devices are characterized by high performance and the possibility of long-term use without interruption. Their only drawback is the need for periodic oil changes.