Recently, the number of wells in household plots has increased significantly. The point here is not only that the cost of drilling has decreased, but also that, thanks to the Internet, drawings of drilling rigs have become available. Many are tempted by the fact that water in the house will always be available, and this does not depend on problems in the water supply networks.
Ways to prevent malfunctions

You can repair submersible borehole pumps yourself, but in many cases this need can be avoided thanks to prevention. The device needs to be taken to the surface from time to time, even if this work will be accompanied by certain difficulties. This is especially true for those wells that are quite deep, and the equipment in them has an impressive weight.
After removing the unit, it is necessary to inspect the suspension cable and electric cable. The hull is checked fordirt, damage and corrosion. The pump starts briefly so that you can listen to whether the operation is accompanied by extraneous sounds that indicate problems.
Main types and causes of malfunctions

In order to understand how to repair a well pump with your own hands, you must deal with the main causes of malfunctions. In the process of using the unit, anything can happen. Most often, pumps fail due to the negligence of the owners. Therefore, it is recommended that you read the instruction manual.
For the vast majority of users, the units are lowered into the well and do not reach until they fail. This can be avoided by lifting the pump to the surface at least once a year. But a breakdown can also occur with the most responsible attitude to the equipment. This is due to the pump running dry.
If you hang it too high, the mechanism will wear out, because it must be cooled. Sometimes intensive water supply also leads to such consequences, when the water level in the well drops very much. In this case, the equipment overheats and jams, sometimes plastic parts are melted.
Repair of a borehole pump may also be necessary if you use a very powerful device. At the same time, the water intake is quite intense, which contributes to the suction of sand that damages the pumping part, which is the impeller.
If jumps and dropspower supplies are quite frequent, this can render the capacitor and other electrical components unusable. To prevent this situation, it is necessary to use voltage stabilizers. The cause of the breakdown may also be the wear of the nodes.
Additional causes of malfunctions

Repair of the borehole pump may also be required if the check valve and accumulator, which, although not included in the system, do not work properly. In this case, the device will not be protected from pressure drops and will receive a water hammer.
It also happens that the impeller is damaged by erosion, this applies to shafts, as well as other moving parts. Quite often, the capacitor and winding fail. It is also important to ensure that the system is not clogged with silt and sand.
Repair features

If you started repairing a borehole pump, then first you need to figure out the cause of the problem. To do this, you will need a minimum set of locksmith tools. Before starting work, it is necessary to turn on the pump in the network and listen if there are any sounds that indicate incorrect operation. If you hear complete silence, then this may indicate a failure of the magneto, which cannot be repaired. In this case, the equipment should be disposed of.
If the repair is still planned to be carried out, it is necessary to remove the lower part of the case. The motor in these pumps is single-phase, it has twowindings - working and starting. There is a capacitor in the starting circuit, the capacitance of which can reach 40 microfarads. First of all, it is necessary to check the blades and shaft, as well as the impellers, which must rotate freely and not be damaged.
When the shaft jams, it indicates that the stator winding has burned out. It must be completely replaced, although some models do not provide for this, and the pump is disposed of. If nothing is damaged, then the lower part can be assembled in reverse order.
Repair of a borehole pump involves disassembly. Before this, it is necessary to put the body upright and fix it, otherwise oil will flow out of the engine. Under the cover you will be able to see the capacitor and wires. Using a tester, measure the resistance of the starting and working windings. If the device shows infinity on one of them, it means that there is a break in it. Small values indicate that the wires of the winding close to each other. If all data is normal, then the capacitor should be checked. When the reason is in him, he is changed.
Whirlwind pump repair

If you have Whirlwind brand equipment, it is important to remember that when assembling it after completing maintenance, you need to make sure that all gaskets are located correctly and their integrity is not compromised. This requirement is due to the fact that the device will be located in the water.
How to avoid repairs

If during the operation of the unit you hear extraneous noises, and the operation is accompanied by interruptions, then it is important to provide protection against dry running. Lubricate in time, otherwise erosion may occur in the working parts, at the wheels or screws. If an impact occurs, the non-return valve may fail. Sometimes it needs to be replaced.
Repair of the borehole pump "Vortex CH 90v" may be required in case of failure of the diaphragm accumulator. You can find out about this by faults in the wiring. Periodically, during the operation of the device, you must check the hose for the pump. It is important that the mentioned equipment model corresponds to the required power. Sometimes this parameter exceeds the required value.
Is it worth buying a powerful pump
There is an opinion that with an increase in power, the water supply increases. In fact, this is not entirely true. Increased power entails an increased volume of suction sand, which can lead to early failure of the impeller.
Repair of the Whirlwind well pump may be required fairly quickly after installation if the technical characteristics of the equipment do not match the parameters of the well. If the performance of the device is higher than required, then additional installation of equipment responsible for reducing the intensity of the pumped water is necessary.
In closing
In order for the repair of pumping equipment not to be required ahead of time, before purchasing such a device, it is necessary to determine the intensity with which it will be operatedunit. This takes into account the amount of water consumed.
You should not chase the cheapness of the model. Practice shows that such devices are much less expensive. The pump is a long-term investment, and disassembly, replacement and repair are expensive procedures. Although it is possible to repair the Whirlwind borehole pump with your own hands, it is better to avoid this. This can be done by periodically removing the device to the surface to check its performance and serviceability.