Many people own small apartments. There is no need to talk about the convenience of planning in such houses. Irregular shapes of rooms, small sizes become an obstacle to the implementation of design ideas. For a small kitchen in Khrushchev (photos of successful examples can be seen in the article), it is quite difficult to choose a design even for professionals. It is for this reason that for many years the question has been quite relevant: “How to make a small room comfortable, beautiful and functional?”
Let's note right away that it will be difficult. But nothing is impossible in life. If desired, even in a tiny kitchen, you can realize your ideas. What will be needed for this? First of all, get acquainted with the rules and tricks of qualified designers. They will help not only rationally organize the space, but also visually change its perception.

Before putting into practice the ideas of the interior of small kitchens (photo of an example diagram below) in practice, it is recommendedfirst make a plan. What is it for? The fact is that rarely any owner of an apartment in Khrushchev can boast of a convenient layout and large areas. And even with these shortcomings, the kitchen should still be filled with the necessary appliances and have enough storage space. Also, do not forget about the work surface and the dining group.
A well-organized room plan will help you organize the space correctly. Having applied all objects on paper (sizes are scaled), the owner can freely experiment with the arrangement of objects, achieving maximum savings in square meters. On the diagram, you can easily calculate everything up to one centimeter. And this is very important for organizing a small kitchen.
What must be in this room? The essential household appliances are a stove and a refrigerator. The rest, such as a slow cooker, microwave, electric kettle, blender, are considered optional, so they may not be taken into account at the initial stage of design planning.
It is also important to consider the furnishing of the room. As a rule, a headset is installed in it. If you carefully approach his choice, then there will be no shortage of storage space for various utensils and small equipment. In addition, the issue with the work surface will be automatically resolved. On the diagram, you should try to arrange the furniture in such a way that all hard-to-reach places are used as much as possible.

Smart use of space
Modern small kitchen design ideas inKhrushchev, offered by professionals, are built on the rational organization of free space. It is simply necessary so that during cooking it is easy to move around. It is necessary to provide for such a passage at the planning stage, since after installing the furniture it will be difficult to change something.
In a small kitchen, it is important to consider not only the width and length of the room, but also the height. It can also be used. For example, hanging cabinets are selected not in standard dimensions, but for the entire allowable height (up to the ceiling). Thus, there are additional shelves for storing kitchen utensils.
There are also special household appliances on sale that are compact in size. We are talking about the refrigerator and stove. When placing them, the main thing is to remember that the distance between them should be at least one meter.
Planning features
At the planning stage, all available openings in the room must be taken into account. These include windows, doors, niches. Often they are located in the wrong place. However, with the right approach, this disadvantage can be easily overcome. Professionals especially for these purposes offer original design ideas for a small kitchen in Khrushchev. Photos of such works demonstrate that even the most inconvenient layout can be made into a completely comfortable and functional space.
For example, equip a dining area near the window. It can also be used to place additional cabinets directly under the windowsill. But making the doorway functional will not work. Butwhen reworking it, you can save precious square meters. To do this, it is recommended to abandon the swing structure, replacing it with a sliding one. Those who want to visually expand the space of the kitchen need to remake the standard-shaped doorway into an arch. Niches in the room should be used as much as possible. You can install a refrigerator, a rack in them, or simply fix hinged shelves. If the room has a lot of large household appliances (electric oven, microwave, dishwasher or washing machine), then a niche is used to build it in.

10 small kitchen ideas
Let's take a look at some practical ideas to help you make the most of your small kitchen space:
- If the area of the room is too small, then cutting products can be done directly on the gas stove. Modern models are equipped with a special cover. When closed, it provides an excellent work surface.
- The space on the wall is used to the maximum, so many different lockers can be fixed here.
- To position small items such as knives, metal jars for bulk products or spices, it is recommended to use a wall-mounted fixture made of oblong magnets.
- If the kitchen set has very large cabinets with wide shelves, then folding organizers are perfect for separating them.
- You can equip additional storage space for small items above the refrigerator. For thisperfect for both side and hanging shelves.
- A standard dish dryer takes up a lot of space. It is better to refuse it. It is more rational to use a microfiber mat.
- As a rule, the doors on cabinets remain unused. And this is a big omission. They can be equipped with additional compartments.
- The place under the sink is empty in most cases. And if you fix the cornices there, you will get a fairly compact arrangement of household chemicals, garbage bags. This will not only save space, but also have everything at hand.
- Mini hangers are a great helper in a small kitchen. They can be placed anywhere - on the walls, refrigerator, cabinets and so on.
- Dinning table is better to choose a folding design. The tabletop is attached to the wall. When folded, such a model does not take up any space at all, and if necessary, it is easy to expand it.
Fridge in a small kitchen
Most of the owners of apartments in Khrushchev do not find a place in the kitchen for a refrigerator. They have to put it in the hallway. And note that this is not the worst option. Sometimes this area is not enough, so the unit flaunts in a living room, for example, a living room. If you study the work of designers, you can draw worthwhile ideas. Photos of a small kitchen with a refrigerator confirm this.
So, how to properly plan the interior? The difficulty lies in the fact that there must be free space in front of the door of the unit. Well, if the room has a niche. The refrigerator installed in it will not occupy the working area. Secondoption - on the same line with the headset. In this case, of course, you will have to give up one locker, but with a lack of square meters, you have to sacrifice something. It is important to remember that the refrigerator should not be located in close proximity to radiators and a gas stove.

Interior ideas for a small kitchen combined with a living room
If the kitchen is miniature, then even with the use of design tricks it will not work to make it as functional and comfortable as possible. In this case, there is only one way out. It's about connecting with the living room. Such a step, of course, is radical, but it is not possible to solve the problem in another way.
Thus, the owner gets a huge space for the implementation of even the most daring ideas. The design for a small kitchen in Khrushchev, in which the area was increased due to another room, has both disadvantages and advantages. The latter include the abundance of free space. Accordingly, other advantages follow from this - you can choose furniture and appliances without savings and restrictions. But it is also worth paying attention to the cons. The main thing is that the smells from the kitchen will spread throughout the room. You can fight this with the help of a hood, but even such a device does not purify the air by 100%. Also, the hostess will always have to maintain impeccable order on work surfaces.
After weighing all the pros and cons and deciding to combine the kitchen with the living room, the first thing to do is to zone the room. Separation will help to usethe resulting square meters are as rational as possible. Often in this design, preference is given to the bar counter. It looks great in the interior and performs several functions at the same time (dining table, storage space for kitchen utensils, the border between the living room and kitchen). It is worth taking care of the lighting. It is carried out in such a way that each zone is as light as possible. Accordingly, after merging the rooms, the style of their design should be the same.

Currently, various ideas are being offered for a small high-tech style kitchen in Khrushchev. This design direction is easy to implement in a small space. Preference is given to neutral colors, which contribute to the visual expansion of the area. The room should use metal structures with chrome surfaces. Open furniture does not weigh down the kitchen, but makes it, on the contrary, spacious and bright. Also in the interior there are glass and plastic. In the design of the walls, ceiling and floor, several harmonizing shades are selected. The one that will dominate should be light, and the second should be more saturated to create contrast. Many lamps of unusual shape are installed in the interior. Blinds are attached to the windows. It is better to refuse classic curtains, as they will not allow you to functionally equip the space under the window.

Modern ideas for small kitchens are also popular. For those who appreciate style,convenience and practicality, modern style is perfect. It differs in that all items in the interior are used not only for their intended purpose, but also as decoration. The characteristic features of the direction are simplicity, lightness and nothing superfluous. But this is exactly what you need in a small kitchen. Art Nouveau furniture has curved shapes, smooth corners, smooth lines. The equipment is installed in niches, so it does not clutter up the space. The main rule of design is the monochrome palette. A minimum of decorative elements and an abundance of glossy surfaces allow you to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen.
Another great idea for small kitchens is constructivism. It is ideal in those rooms where there is an acute shortage of square meters. It will not be difficult to arrange the space, and it will not require large financial costs. Preference in decoration should be given to brickwork. The decor consists of bright and rich colors. Skinali is used for the working area. They give originality and are quite practical. Glass cabinet fronts are welcome. In the interior, the rule of asymmetry is applied when arranging objects.

Japanese style
Those who lack originality and national flavor should choose the Japanese style. Various ideas for small kitchens are offered for its implementation. With the right approach, the interior will look natural and elegant. Finishing and decoration is carried out using only natural materials. Complex textures, ornate forms, intricate designs have no place here. The basis of this direction is functionality, comfort and simplicity.
Lamps with rice paper lampshades bring a special flavor to the atmosphere of the kitchen. The furniture is light, preferably with unpainted surfaces. Small figurines and porcelain are used as decor. All elements should be as simple as possible.

Offering ideas for a small kitchen in Khrushchev, one cannot but talk about the classic style. Such interiors are always at the peak of popularity. The fact is that in this direction everything is thought out to the smallest detail. There is no place for pomposity and pretentiousness, but such a design cannot be called simple either. The space uses a lot of gold, bronze, silver elements. The furniture is decorated with carved details. Preference is given to everything natural, both materials and palette. Bright colors are not allowed. Everything should be restrained and calm.

And finally, another style that is perfect for small kitchens. Minimalist ideas are available to everyone. There is no need to combine complex shapes and a lot of decor. Monochromatic finishes, calm colors, clear geometric shapes and one accent, as a rule, above the dining table - that's all, the kitchen interior is ready. A light atmosphere and maximum free space are achieved by the absence of unnecessary details and elements. Main ruleminimalism - only essentials.