Reverse osmosis water filters: consumer and expert reviews

Reverse osmosis water filters: consumer and expert reviews
Reverse osmosis water filters: consumer and expert reviews

To date, the main production of reverse osmosis filtration systems has been established in the USA, Russia and China. The principle of production in all countries is largely similar. The main difference between the manufacturing processes of reverse osmosis filters lies in the details. In the markets, the systems for their service are of different quality, which affects the cost of the goods.

Reverse osmosis water filters: reviews, principle of operation and main elements

reverse osmosis water filters reviews
reverse osmosis water filters reviews

According to the type of configuration, standard reverse osmosis is separately distinguished. The cleaning system consists of five levels. The first is cleaning cartridges. They remove rust and other impurities from the water. In the second and third stages, chlorine is completely removed. Next comes the decomposition of heavy metals. The fourth step is to purify the water with a track membrane. Outwardly, it looks like a regular mesh, but due to its size, it is able to hold even the smallest elements. All the smallest impurities do not remain on it. Only water and oxygen pass through it, and dirt, passing throughsurface, goes into the sewer system.

Manufacturers produce different types of membranes that differ in throughput. On average, these figures are at the level of 7 to 15 liters per hour of work. When buying a filter for a family, 10 liters will be enough. Enterprises require large volumes. It should be noted that the membrane plays a key role in the system, and the final water purification directly depends on it. After completion of all processes, the water is in the storage tank. Its principle of operation is to store water. For this, optimal pressure is created inside the storage tank.

Finally, the last stage of purification is the protection of water with a post-filter, which is responsible for its taste, smell and color. It is produced entirely from activated carbon, additionally includes silver ions.

Positive feedback from customers received reverse osmosis water filters, which are equipped with an additional element - a mineralizer. It is responsible for the balance of trace elements necessary for human he alth.

For the productive operation of the filter in the house, good pressure in the water supply system is simply necessary. If it is less than 5 atmospheres, you need to think about purchasing a pump. Installing a pump will significantly increase the pressure in the system and ensure uninterrupted water purification. Otherwise, it will simply go into the drain.

Filter structurer

Some reverse osmosis filters use a structurer. The principle of its action is to form a crystal lattice of water. As a result, the human body is able to absorb it faster. The formation of a crystal lattice occurs due to infrared radiation and an electromagnetic field. With the help of these two forces, water molecules are separated into parts and then assembled in the correct order. Scientists around the world have recognized the positive effects of such purification. As a result of studies in the human body, improvements in blood circulation were noticed. At the same time, metabolism improves, and immunity grows stronger.

Combating pathogens

Tap water contains a large number of harmful bacteria and viruses. They can greatly undermine the human immune system. Conventional reverse osmosis filters are capable of resisting them. Reviews of experts on this issue indicate a high degree of protection of the human body. Conventional reverse osmosis filters can handle a large number of pathogenic microbes. Harm from pathogens can be quite serious.

reverse osmosis filters reviews
reverse osmosis filters reviews

The principle of the filters is to use ultraviolet degreasers. Disinfection takes place without the use of chemicals. Ultraviolet rays can disinfect water without changing its properties.

Replaceable filter elements

For all elements of the system there is a single European standard. This makes it easy to replace filter parts when they wear out. However, some manufacturers produce replacement parts that are only suitable for certain models. Considering this,when choosing a filter, the buyer is obliged to take an interest in the versatility of the parts. Often the cost of the filter is significantly underestimated, while the price of replacement elements on the market is high.

reverse osmosis water filters
reverse osmosis water filters

Setting the filter

Installation of a reverse osmosis water filter in the house can only be carried out by specialists. It should be taken into account that the system has many connections. In order to avoid possible leaks, you must be sure of the quality of the connection.

household filters with reverse osmosis
household filters with reverse osmosis

Household filters with reverse osmosis

It should be remembered that the plumbing system carries a large number of different substances. First of all, it is chlorine and rust. Through the faucet in the kitchen, they end up in a cup in a person, and then enter the body. Household filters with reverse osmosis today are able to fight most harmful substances and bacteria contained in water.

Food cooked with purified water always tastes good. Reverse osmosis filters can greatly improve the taste of already familiar tea or coffee. Purified water always has a positive effect on he alth, removing toxins from the body and strengthening the immune system. Scientists have noticed an improvement in he alth in the presence of sand in the kidneys, associated with the use of filtered water.

reverse osmosis water filters
reverse osmosis water filters

Atoll Company Filters

Company "Atoll" not so long ago occupied a niche in the market of treatment systems and presented itsreverse osmosis water filters. Consumer reviews of their products are mixed, but one should not rush to conclusions. The company "Atoll" specializes in the production of filters for water purification. They are great for both home and large offices. Purified water can be used for drinking or preparing various foods and drinks. According to the company's specialists, the reverse osmosis system is the most efficient nowadays.

Atoll reverse osmosis filters are produced in the USA and Russia. The "E" mark in the filter models indicates a Russian manufacturer. However, it should be noted that the United States adheres to similar standards and the exact same requirements are imposed on the system.

New reverse osmosis water filters: reviews and facts

New filters "Atoll A-560E" are able to cope with many harmful substances that are in the water. The peculiarity of the above model is the saturation of water with oxygen. This fact greatly improves the taste properties of water. Atoll A-560E has a special membrane that is involved in cleaning. It does not use any elements that can change the structure of water. Buyers of this model say that it is more suitable for a small family and looks great in the kitchen.

, atoll reverse osmosis filters
, atoll reverse osmosis filters

What are Atoll filters made of?

All Atoll reverse osmosis filters consist of five main elements. First of all, it is a prefilter. In hisResponsibilities include removing chlorine and organic matter from water. The life of the membrane depends on the quality of its work. In order to choose the right model, you need to know the level of water pollution in the water supply. Based on this information, you can purchase reverse osmosis water filters, which has one prefilter, or three at once.

The second component in a reverse osmosis system is the membrane. The company "Atoll" is engaged in the production of only high-quality membranes. It effectively copes with contaminants that the prefilter could not cope with. This applies to the smallest elements. The membrane traps everything in its path, except for water and oxygen molecules, but this leads to its inevitable deterioration. After a long period of operation, it becomes clogged and is no longer able to perform its functions.

The third element of the "Atoll" system is storage capacity. Its volume depends on the reverse osmosis filter model.

The fourth element of the system is a post-filter. This device perfectly copes with all unpleasant smells of water. Often the smell appears due to the fact that the water has been in the same container for a long time and has stagnated. In some Atoll models, a mineralizer is additionally built in. Its immediate task is cleaning with mineral s alts. As a result, the mineralizer contributes to faster absorption of water by a person.

The fifth element of the "Atoll" system is a drinking tap. It is installed directly on the sink. Drinking faucet is very easy to use, it does not interfere with useold faucet with untreated water.

Aquaphor filters

aquaphor reverse osmosis filters
aquaphor reverse osmosis filters

The company "Akfavor" has long begun to produce filters with reverse osmosis. Customer reviews speak of the high quality of the products of this brand. The most interesting model of the company are the Aquaphor Morion filters. Its difference from analogues is a fundamentally new tank. The problem with pressure in the tank is completely absent due to the force of counteraction of water from the water supply and already purified. The dimensions of the case are small, which ensures a high level of comfort when using. The entire filter system is enclosed in one housing, which is not very versatile, but has its advantages. First of all, this concerns a simple change of cartridges. The disadvantages include the fact that Aquaphor reverse osmosis filters are more expensive, and there are no parts for them on the market.

Geyser company filters

Geyser Company has recently presented new reverse osmosis water filters. The feedback from experts on this matter is encouraging, since this company today occupies one of the leading positions in the water treatment industry. In Russia, the Geyser company was one of the first to deal with water purification. Since 1986, its scientists have made significant progress in their research. Among the greatest achievements of the Geyser company, one can note the invention of a filter bed, filter cartridges, as well as a unique material"Aragon".

The most popular models are water filters with reverse osmosis "Geyser Typhoon", "Geyser ECO" and "Geyser Aragon". The first one does an excellent job of cleaning cold and hot water. Its peculiarity lies in the rapid removal of heavy metals, as well as oil products. The resource of the cartridge provides for the purification of more than 200,000 liters of water, the filtration rate is more than 20 liters per minute.

ECO filters also do an excellent job with heavy metals, further reducing water hardness. The peculiarity of this model is the saturation of water with useful calcium. Filters "Geyser" with reverse osmosis of the "Aragon" series are designed with special cartridges, which consist of polymers with the addition of silver. Such a system perfectly fights s alts and other harmful elements.
