When to transplant strawberries so that they please with a bountiful harvest

When to transplant strawberries so that they please with a bountiful harvest
When to transplant strawberries so that they please with a bountiful harvest
How to transplant strawberries
How to transplant strawberries

Strawberry is a he althy and tasty berry. It contains many vitamins and microelements. In the markets at the very beginning of summer, you can see strawberries for sale from the garden. However, why go to the market if you can learn how to grow this berry yourself? To do this, you need to learn how to plant, care for and when to replant strawberries so that they please you with a bountiful harvest.

Growing it with your own hands, you will be sure that the berries are free of any harmful substances, and you can safely enjoy the delicious nutrients present in this wonderful plant.

Reproduction on the strawberry plot occurs annually due to the appearance of whiskers. Strawberry growth begins to stop in the fourth year of its life, and therefore the yield will decline. In order not to lose your crop, you need to know when to transplant strawberries.

To propagate strawberries, you need to use its young rosettes. They form on long shoots. Having done this, you should study the question of how to properly transplant strawberries. Each outlet must be no older than three years. For it to take root,separate this small bush from the main bush and plant it in a place prepared for planting. The best time to transplant strawberries may be autumn or early spring, before the flowering of this plant has begun.

How to transplant strawberries
How to transplant strawberries

The soil for planting strawberries should be slightly acidic, loamy. If the landing site is swampy, drainage must be done. On acidic soil it is necessary to carry out liming of the soil. A place where legumes were previously grown can be very successful for planting strawberries. Never plant strawberries in beds where cucumbers and nightshade plants have been planted.

Soil preparation must be done two months before the day when it is time to transplant strawberries. When digging the soil, be sure to add superphosphate and potassium fertilizers to it. Never leave roots of dug up weeds in the soil. Be sure to water the area prepared for planting strawberries with plenty of water the day before planting.

When to transplant strawberries? Pick a cloudy day for this. First of all, cut the lashes on which rosettes have grown, and dig out from the ground those plants that have managed to take root in the soil. You need to shake off the ground from the roots so that you can pinch the roots a quarter of the length. Then they need to be dipped before planting in a mixture of clay, water and manure. Plant strawberries with a distance of 25 centimeters between plants and up to 70 centimeters between rows. Be sure to position the next shoot of the plant above ground level.

howtransplant strawberries in spring
howtransplant strawberries in spring

When you have finished transplanting strawberries, water the plant thoroughly and sprinkle the soil with peat or sawdust. Leave the mulching material in the garden for the winter.

How to transplant strawberries in spring? To do this, you need to pinch off from one to three mustaches from large and flowering bushes and transplant them to another area. Plant them so that they do not interfere with each other. To completely renew and revitalize your strawberry garden, get rid of old and barren seedlings.
