For many of us, a dacha is a place of rest from the hustle and bustle of everyday city life, enjoying silence, tranquility, a riot of colors and nature. It is especially pleasant if bright and interesting details are chosen for the design of the site. The idea for giving is an opportunity to transform it literally with the help of little things. Where to start this transformation?

DIY landscape design
Many believe that to surround yourself with beauty and comfort is not as easy as it seems. They invite designers, pay them big money for their developments, sometimes very interesting ones. The idea for giving, however, can be embodied on your own, you just need to give scope to your imagination. Equip a gazebo, break up lawns, build flower beds with rare and exotic plants, pave garden paths or build an alpine slide. As you can see, there is nothing difficult to implement your ideas.

Green is the key to a good mood
I want to make any suburban area as green as possible. Of course, we are not talking about weeds, but about plants, shrubs and even trees, with the help of whichthe surrounding area will become much more alive. Many summer residents begin, for example, to equip lawns, spectacular and interesting. The idea for giving is to create a grassy carpet, on which you can even walk barefoot. And in general, the lawn is a combination of orderliness, calmness and comfort, since the broken lines of the landscape will be cleverly disguised.

Flower beds and alpine slide: a variety of shapes and colors
Flowerbeds of various configurations will look very impressive on a green lawn. Even if they are decorated in the same style, you can create a variety of flower arrangements, expressive, juicy, interesting. The idea for giving any size is an alpine slide. It will never be superfluous, and if the volume of the summer cottage allows, then you can make it with a fountain and more in height. If there is not enough room for creativity, you can limit yourself to a more compact slide. The main thing is that it be competently and beautifully decorated with flowers: asters, armeria, anafalis, saxifrage and many other varieties. The top of the hill should be decorated with plants that are resistant to sunlight, such as iberis, cinquefoil or evergreen shrubs.

Pond: is it necessary?
Interesting ideas for giving (the photo confirms that such beauty can be created with your own hands) - this is taking into account every little thing to achieve maximum harmony. For example, a personal territory can be decorated with an artificial reservoir. It could be a pond, a small fountainor a waterfall - it all depends on the imagination of the owner and the possibilities of the site. By the way, a mini-pond can be created even from an ordinary bathroom, the main thing is to choose the right decorative elements.
Creative garden ideas are a great way to transform your space, making it brighter, livelier, fresher and more memorable. You can create a beautiful and quiet corner on your own, the main thing is to arm yourself with imagination and correctly assess the potential of your site.