Sooner or later it becomes necessary to change the old washing machine to a new one or make a purchase for lack of such equipment. Of course, no one doubts its benefits, however, some housewives may be interested in what is indicated on the control panel. A number of manufacturers place their decoding near the symbols. Otherwise, what the icons on the washing machine mean can be understood from the instruction manual. And it is mandatory included in the equipment kit.
How to recognize icons?
How to figure out among the many icons on the dashboard of the washing machine? The answer is quite obvious - read the instructions. It would seem, what could be simpler than simple? However, the document may be lost (due to various circumstances) or the equipment was received without this saving book, as is often the case when buying a used washing machine.

In this caseyou have to make various inquiries to find out what this or that symbol on the dashboard means. In the framework of this article, we will try to decipher the symbols using the example of some specific popular brands.
Basic symbols
Regardless of the manufacturers of washing machines, all images on each model can be divided into 4 main groups. It is about them that we will discuss further. A careful study of this material will allow you to find out what the icons mean on a Bosch washing machine or another brand.
Washing process
The first group refers directly to the washing process itself. Therefore, the following symbolism applies to it:
- pre-process;
- regular wash;
- rinse mode;
- extra rinse;
- drain mode;
- spin process;
- drying laundry.
And not all of them can be found on the panel of the washing machine. For example, not all models are equipped with an additional rinse mode. At the same time, sometimes such functions can be found on the panel - “rinse with softener” or “rinse hold”. This is mainly due to the characteristics of a particular washing machine. The standard symbolism for all models is interpreted the same way.
Fabric Type
The second group includes those icons that denote one or another type of linen fabric. That is, the main difference in these modes of operation lies in the temperature limits and the speed of the drum.

The question of what the icons on the washing machine Bosch, Samsung, Indesit, Siemens, Electrolux, etc. mean, is asked by each user. But especially those people who purchased equipment on the secondary market without instructions. Often on the panel you can see the following designations of fabric types:
- cotton;
- synthetics;
- silk;
- wool;
- jeans.
That is, based on the selected type of fabric, the machine automatically starts a special washing program. It already contains what temperature is needed for each specific material, including the number of spin revolutions.
What does the flower icon mean on a washing machine? It corresponds to the delicate cleaning mode.
Additional washing modes
The third group is represented by icons indicating those washing modes that you can use at your discretion. That is, these icons are needed for different purposes:
- delicate fabrics;
- hand wash;
- stained items;
- economical washing process;
- night mode;
- intensive mode;
- quick procedure;
- hygiene items;
- curtains, curtains, tulle;
- baby things.
Recently, many manufacturers are trying to include at least one additional symbolism in this category with each release of a new model. In other words, the capabilities of washing machines are growing every time. This allows companies to always be afloat and keep upfrom their competitors.
Separate button
The fourth group includes not just icons, here each symbolism has its own separate button. In fact, these are the designations of additional functions included in the selected main mode of operation of the washing machine. In other words, the following symbols can be found on the panel:
- Temperature adjustment.
- Choosing the number of revolutions.
- Adding water.
- Reduction of wash time.
- Foam Control.
In most cases, icons from the fourth group migrate to the third, as well as vice versa.

For example, on one model, the "wash things with stains" mode can be a separate functionality, while on the other it is a separate button symbolizing an additional washing option.
What do the icons on the Bosch washing machine mean? Many models of washing machines from this company are equipped with panels with the most understandable designations. It will not be difficult for an ordinary consumer to establish the necessary mode and be content with a good result. As a rule, all standard modes are collected around the rotary knob and have the appropriate inscriptions. It is enough to install it in the necessary point and press the start button, then the machine will do everything according to the selected program.
However, for the most part, this applies to the main modes, while additional functions are indicated only by icons. What is at stake, one can only guess. In the same timethere is not much additional functionality, and it is usually indicated by certain symbols.
What do the icons on the washing machine mean below:
- Dirty T-shirt indicates the regime for heavy pollution.
- Empty bowl with vertical stripe indicates prewash.
- Iron stands for wrinkle resistance.
- A container filled with water with an up arrow indicates an increased amount of water.
- The thermometer indicates the desired temperature.
- The clock will be evidence of a delayed start.
- Spiral used to denote the intensity of the spin.
In this case, the icons can be placed on the panel in any form or be near the display.
Technique from Electrolux
The panel of the washing machine of the equally popular Electrolux brand is intuitive for most consumers. There is also a rotary knob with which the desired program is set. Therefore, everyone can figure out the management.

There are models where each character is supplemented with decoding, but there is a technique with only pictograms. Then you should just remember what the icons of the Electrolux washing machine mean:
- Cotton washing mode is indicated by a small capacity. The same applies to colored or white things. If the Eco inscription is present, this indicates that the program is relevant for cotton items that do not shed after washing.
- Purificationsynthetic underwear is symbolized by the image of a flask.
- The delicate cycle, which is suitable for most silk items, is the flower icon.
- It will be clear symbolism in relation to woolen and especially thin things - a ball of wool.
- For the items mentioned above, there is an extra delicate wash, indicated by a butterfly.
- In order to wash duvets and other types of blankets, the pointer of the pen should be matched with the pattern of the fabric patch.
- Washing thick, knitted items, as well as dark-colored fabrics, is indicated by the “jeans” symbol.
In this regard, even if there is no decoding on the panel of the purchased washing machine and only icons are visible, understanding the washing modes is not as difficult as it might seem. Therefore, most users already know perfectly well what the icons on the Electrolux washing machine mean.
Popular brand Samsung
As for most models of washing machines from this Korean giant, there may be no icons on their panel at all. Instead, the manufacturer indicates with specific names one or another mode of operation of the equipment.
At the same time, some models still have only icons. However, they are intuitive, which is the merit of Samsung specialists.

You can understand the decryption from the following notation:
- T-shirt. It is customary to designate an intensive washing mode or cleaning synthetic products with this icon.
- Watch. This is for everyonethe familiar symbol for delayed start.
- T-shirt with soap balls. It is possible that just this pictogram is still unknown to someone. It stands for Eco Bubble mode, that is, washing in cold water.
- Capacity (basin) with shading. As you might guess, soaking is hidden under this symbol.
Understanding what the icons on the Samsung washing machine mean is not so difficult. In addition, the equipment of this brand has all the names in Russian, which means the purpose of the equipment for the cities of Russia. Therefore, it will not be difficult for our compatriots to understand which regime to choose in each case.
What is shown on Siemens appliances
In order to decipher the icons on the panel of the Siemens washing machine, you should refer to the instruction manual. It gives a detailed description of each icon:
- Dark t-shirt design - wash linen of the appropriate shade.
- Multiple shirts icon - washing linen items. As a rule, these are business clothes.
- Mountain range - in this mode, clothes for outdoor activities and sports should be washed.
- Basket icon with arrow - start draining.
- Spiral icon - spin mode.
- Water container - rinse.
- T-shirt design with horizontal lines - intensive cotton wash.
- The picture of a leaf is an eco-wash program.
- Jacket on a hanger - washing synthetic products. If pants are drawn nearby, then thisindicates cleaning mixed fabrics.
- Hand basket or ball of wool - delicate wash.
As you can see, it's easy to guess what the icons on the Siemens washing machine mean. Some of them have already come across on the dashboard of washing machines from other manufacturers.

This once again confirms that all manufacturers are trying to indicate the generally accepted basic designations of the main washing modes.
Zanussi symbols
Models of washing machines of the well-known brand Zanussi also have a standard set of features with the appropriate symbols. There are no special icons on the control panel, which is not bad. Many options (if not all) have the same markings as Indesit washing machines.
An example is the spin mode designation. Both manufacturers have a spiral pattern. Rinsing is indicated by the same basin filled with water (horizontal shading). The reservoir with an asterisk symbolizes cold washing. The flower corresponds to the delicate cleaning mode.
On some modern models of this manufacturer, you can find slightly different meanings of the icons on the washing machine. For example, a number of Zanussi models have a spiral icon that is crossed out with a straight line. This is evidence that the washing process will be carried out without spinning.
One has only to look at the panel of almost any model of the washing machine from the companyIndesit, as it immediately becomes clear that the developers care about their consumer. Like most other similar equipment, it also has a handle, by turning which the desired washing mode is set. Only they are usually indicated by numbers from 1 to 13 with some additional symbols.
The decoding of these designations is located near this handle. In most cases, this is not some special panel, but the actual compartment cover for filling with washing powder. Moreover, each description is supplemented by an indication of the corresponding temperature regime.
Thus, each consumer will be able to easily understand what the icons on the Indesit washing machine mean. By and large, there is nothing to remember here, since everything is in plain sight.
Container for special products
In addition to deciphering the icons on the control panel of washing machines, you should be aware of the icons that are located elsewhere. Any technique that works in automatic mode is equipped with a special tray that serves to add laundry detergent.

Accordingly, each container of this compartment is marked with its own icon:
- The symbol of the Latin letter "A", as well as the Roman numeral I or Arabic 1. These signs indicate that only dry mixture is used, which is intended for prewash.
- Latin letter B, Arabic numeral 2 or Roman II. Powder for the main wash mode should be poured into this compartment.
- Asterisk, flower. These symbols indicate a place to fill it with softeners and conditioners.
Now you can figure out not only what the icons on the Indesit washing machine or another brand mean, but also avoid confusion. And this is due to the fact that each compartment has its own symbol. In other words, the user is visually provided with information regarding what and where is filled or poured.
Independence out of place
Automatic washing machines, regardless of the manufacturer, belong to the category of sophisticated household appliances that do not tolerate negligence and the use of the good old Russian method - the scientific poke method.
Only approach is undesirable due to the fact that the user can run a program that does not fit any type of clothing. Such an attitude will only lead to damage to clothes. In addition, this does not benefit the technique itself, and subsequently expensive repairs to the electronic system of the unit may be required. Therefore, you should always keep in mind what the icons on the washing machine mean.
Modern units, although they are distinguished by a high degree of reliability, are rather “fragile”. Therefore, it is clearly not necessary to fully rely on one's own intuition, transferring experience from the previous model. Almost every company modernizes its products with enviable regularity.

Many domestic users have one bad habit - to look into the instructions afterbefore something goes wrong. This applies to absolutely any technique, because many of us know how this or that device works. But, in the end, this leads to undesirable consequences, for the elimination of which one has to pay a high price.
But after all, manufacturers do not just include instructions in the package. It will allow you to get acquainted with all the intricacies of the operation of technology and understand what the icons on the washing machine mean. And this applies not only to washing machines, but to any other household appliances.