If you come to the country during your summer vacation, where you can fully relax, then your pastime may be overshadowed by the lack of water. In this case, a pump becomes an indispensable assistant, with which you can solve household needs and water the plot, garden, and also pump out the water accumulated in the basement if the room is constantly flooded. One of the most common in recent years are devices brand "Caliber". The pump of this manufacturer is presented for sale in a wide range. In order to figure out which model to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions of the suburban area and the technical characteristics of the equipment.

In the absence of a central water supply system, artesian wells, wells and other pits are used. Mines can be shallow and deep (up to 15 m). The laying of a well is a limit of 20 to 40 m, and as for an artesian well, its depth can exceed 40 m, depending on the occurrencegroundwater. And to lift water from a depth, the Caliber equipment is used, the pump will be able to cope with pumping water, while it will use one of the principles of operation, each of which forms the basis of centrifugal or vibration equipment.
Which pump to choose

Centrifugal pumps are more productive and powerful, so they are usually used for permanent water supply. As for vibration, they are used to solve small household needs and watering plots. If you purchase submersible equipment, then you should choose its diameter so that there is a margin between the walls of the device and the well, you should also take into account the fact that the well may have a curvature.
Technical characteristics of the Caliber NBTs pumps

NBC caliber pumps are designed for pumping water from a depth of up to 25 m. This equipment can be used for wells, boreholes, as well as reservoirs from which water will be supplied to the house's water supply system. The body is made of stainless steel, plastic or cast iron, which is reflected in the marking with a letter designation. The surface pump can be additionally equipped with a submersible ejector, which is an element for taking liquid, which allows to increase the suction height. Such pumps "Caliber", reviews of which are the most positive, can cost in the range from 1000 to 3500 rubles. Their technical characteristics include high performance,which varies from 30 to 80 liters per minute, as well as power consumption, which reaches 900 watts. This device is able to provide a maximum lifting height ranging from 30 to 60 m, but the maximum possible suction height varies from 7 to 9 m. It is important to remember that before turning on the device, the suction line must be filled with liquid. For this, there is a special hole on the body.
Reviews on downhole submersible models "Caliber NPCS"

Submersible pump "Caliber" borehole type can have a capacity ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 m3 per hour. According to buyers, the power consumption is quite large and can vary from 372 W to 1.1 kW. The maximum diving depth is 5 m, and the maximum possible lifting height varies from 50 to 100 m.
There may be suspended particles in the water, the fraction of which reaches 1 mm. According to users, pumps with high power should not be operated with a shallow well depth. Some consumers have encountered the fact that a pump failure under such conditions occurred immediately after the start of the equipment. Submersible borehole pumps have the shape of a cylinder, it has a small diameter, so the unit can be installed in any well.
Characteristics of centrifugal pump brand NPCS- 1, 2/50-370

If you are interested in the centrifugal pump "Caliber", then you can pay attention tothe model mentioned in the sub title. You will have to pay 4,000 rubles for it, and it is intended for pumping water from a well. This model will take on the role of providing the owner with the necessary volume of water. It will be possible to use it for solving household problems and watering the site. The advantages are affordable cost, the presence of thermal protection, long service life, manufacturer's warranty, as well as minimal power consumption.
Caliber products are very popular today. The centrifugal pump is no exception. If we are talking about the model NPTS-1, 2 / 50-370, then we can say about it that the equipment is made in China, and the weight is 6 kg. Width and length are 125x545 mm. Metal is used as the case material, and the power of the equipment is 0.37kw. The water lifting height is equivalent to 50 m, and the cable length is 1.5 m. The nominal pressure at which the equipment is capable of operating is 5 atmospheres. No wonder consumers today are increasingly choosing Caliber products. The pump described in this section is a confirmation of this, because it has thermal protection and unique technical characteristics. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the metal at the base of the impeller, which prolongs the life of all equipment. The productivity is 1200 liters per hour, which is enough for the tasks assigned to the device.
Description of the NPC-400/35P model

This submersible drainage pump has a immersion depth of 6 m.the productivity is 9 m3 of water per hour, as for the maximum pressure, this parameter is 8 m for this model. The power is 400 W, and even dirty water is capable of pumping equipment. The device is installed vertically and has an automatic water level monitoring system. The weight of the equipment is small and is 4.8 kg, and the device does not make noise during operation, which allows it to be used near people. As advantages, one can single out the fact that the model fully copes with its tasks, among them pumping out drainage water from the basement can be distinguished. The Caliber NPC pump, however, is sometimes still prone to breakdowns. For example, the impeller often fails, it simply stops rotating.
If there is a need for water in a suburban area or you are faced with the problem of basement flooding, then you need to purchase Caliber brand pumping equipment. In the latter case, a drainage device is suitable that can even pump out polluted water from wells and artificial reservoirs, as well as pools. With this unit, you can prepare the countryside for winter.