Wine filter: cleaning methods, expert recommendations

Wine filter: cleaning methods, expert recommendations
Wine filter: cleaning methods, expert recommendations

Those who are engaged in winemaking know that due to the presence of pomace, yeast residue, cream of tartar and sugar sediment in the drink, the final product is very rarely transparent. These components not only make the wine less attractive, but can lead to re-fermentation. To prevent this, the alcoholic beverage should be purified. Wine filters have been invented specifically for this purpose. There is a lively debate between experts about whether it is necessary to carry out filtration and how deep. Some believe that the use of a wine filter will adversely affect the taste of the product. Others, on the contrary, say that the purified drink is much better. If a home winemaker is going to filter the wine, he needs to know what methods exist for this. Learn more about wine filters in this article.

press filter for wine
press filter for wine

Introduction toprocedure

Wine filtration is a multi-stage production process, the task of which is to rid the product of mechanical suspensions, yeast sediments, fining agents, tartar and microorganisms. In other words, the purpose of this procedure is to microbiologically stabilize the wine. Membrane filtration is predominantly used in enterprises. This method is considered the most common, since the structure of the wine is completely preserved. It is carried out using special equipment and cartridge-type filter elements (cartridges). However, artisanal winemakers are more interested in what kind of filter can be used for homemade wine? More on this later.

The easiest way

Judging by the reviews, sometimes it can be that the wine is transparent and has a great taste, but motes are found in it. It is easily removed. The wine is filtered through gauze and bottled.

house wine filter
house wine filter

Further, the containers are well clogged. In this form, the drink can stand in the cellar and "ripen" for a long time.

How to clean with egg white

If home-made alcoholic beverages remain cloudy even after high-quality straining and ripening, an egg white wine filter can be recommended. The cleaning procedure is carried out as follows. First you need to take the egg and separate the protein from the yolk.

Cleaning the drink with an egg
Cleaning the drink with an egg

Then it is poured into a separate container, in which there is a small amount of water. That's where you need to poursome wine. Then the contents are stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Now it can be added to homemade wine. After the drink, you need to mix it again and leave it for a couple of weeks so that it ripens. This procedure should be kept under control. If the wine has brightened, it is immediately drained from the sediment, distributed into bottles and corked. Those who decide to use an egg filter for wine to clean the drink are wondering how much protein is needed? According to experts, at least two eggs will have to be used for 100 liters of wine.

About gelatin filtration

Clarify wine at home using gelatin. Judging by the reviews, 2 g of this substance will be needed for 10 liters of products.

wine filters
wine filters

It's easy to make a wine filter. First, gelatin is soaked in cold water and infused for 10 hours. During this period, the water can be changed. After the gelatin has swollen, it is poured with hot water and left to cool. Next, gelatin is gradually added to the wine and the container is tightly sealed. If the filtration procedure was successful, then the gelatin flakes should settle to the bottom. Now the wine can be carefully drained, bottled and sealed.

What else can be done

Judging by the reviews, skimmed cow's milk brightens wine well. To clear a liter of alcoholic beverage, you need one teaspoon of milk. After adding, the contents are mixed and infused for several days at a temperature of 26 degrees. Also, wine can be purified by resorting to the procedureheating. To do this, the wine to be filtered is bottled into several glass bottles. Then they need to be tightly corked, put in an iron container and poured with cold water. After the pan is heated to 50 degrees, removed from heat and cooled. Then this procedure should be repeated twice more. At the end, the wine settles for five days. After this period, the sediment is drained.

What is a press filter

Professional technologies have been invented for wine, namely for its purification. If the above methods did not give the desired result, it can be advised to resort to special filter presses. The essence of the purification procedure is that the wine is driven under pressure through a multi-layer filter material. As a result, the suspension is kept in the upper layers, and the refined wine is at the bottom. Then the filtered products are distributed into bottles. The most popular filter material among winemakers is filter sheets. For its manufacture, cellulose is used with the addition of various minerals. Cardboard plates have different porosity, the degree of which is calculated in microns. This material can be used for fine, coarse, medium and even sterilizing filtration.

Cleaning equipment

Many winemakers are convinced that the use of beverage purification equipment is only acceptable on an industrial scale. However, according to experts, a wine press will help to clarify the drink at home. For example, the Italian filtration apparatus Hobby FCH is very popular.6. A unit with six intermediate plates, which can clean 200 liters of wine within one hour.

wine press
wine press

The device has high performance and is easy to operate. According to the owners, it is not limited to cleaning only wine. It can be used to filter various juices, beer, kvass and other liquids.
