Modern building materials are quite diverse, which allows you to embody the most daring design ideas. Not the last place among them is occupied by bas alt cardboard, the characteristics of which have long made it popular.

What is so attractive about this material? Judge for yourself.
Bas alt cardboard is made from super-thin fiber, to which special binding elements are added. During production, vacuum pressing and subsequent drying methods are used.
There are several varieties of this material:
- foiled bas alt cardboard;
- no wafer;
- with reinforcing glass mesh.
They can all be used for different purposes. But most often bas alt cardboard is used for thermal insulation of buildings, pipelines, stoves and fireplaces. It is also good as a fire retardant coating for domestic and industrial equipment. It is not uncommon for this material to be used to increase the fire resistance of metal structures. In terms of technical characteristics, he was far ahead ofonce in vogue asbestos cardboard, which is now banned from use due to increased carcinogenicity.

Notable is the fact that it can be used at temperatures from -200 to +900 oС.
But not only for this, real masters appreciate bas alt cardboard. It has many advantages over other materials:
- Environmental safety. This cardboard does not contain and does not emit any harmful substances. That is why its use is allowed in areas requiring strict environmental control, such as: pharmaceuticals, food industry, microbiology.
- High temperature resistance and incombustibility. This material will begin to melt only at a temperature of 1000 degrees.
- Low hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb moisture from the air), which does not change throughout the entire service life.
- Vibration resistance. Only the unique structure of this material is able to withstand increased vibrations even at high temperatures.
- Strength. Bas alt cardboard does not collapse with temperature changes.
- Easy installation. This material is easily cut into shapes, glued with inorganic glue.
- Resistant to microorganism, fungus or rodent attack.
- Bas alt cardboard provides additional sound and thermal insulation.
- Long service life. Experts say that in the absence of mechanical damage, it retains operational properties.up to 50 years old.

Ease of installation is one of those qualities that allow the use of bas alt cardboard in many repair and construction works. The most important thing here is to follow the correct sequence and take into account some little things:
- First you need to prepare the surface.
- The second stage can be called cutting the material.
- Next, take care of the adhesive composition.
- Now you can start the main lesson - isolation.
- If necessary, glue the joints with aluminum tape.
So this modern material will help solve many of your building problems.