The issue of battery decor is still relevant for many compatriots. The aesthetic appearance of even the most modern heating radiators sometimes leaves much to be desired or simply does not fit into the interior of the room. In order to do everything correctly and beautifully, you need to take the advice of experienced craftsmen.
The laws of heat engineering
The desire of the owners to arrange the battery to their liking often leads to undesirable consequences in the form of heat loss. The decor of radiators should not interfere with the passage of infrared radiation and convection. Thanks to these two values, comfortable conditions are created in the room: infrared radiation heats objects with heat, and convection provides air heating. Warm air rises and displaces cold air.

The conclusion suggests itself that the deeper the battery is hidden, the greater the heat loss. The radiator should not be covered from above and tightly closed over the entire area. The smartest decisionwill choose a way to decorate the battery so that it provides maximum access to it (large holes in the overlay, painting, decoupage, etc.).
Options for decorating heating radiators
There are several ways to decorate radiators. Among them:
- coloring (can be solid or using a stencil) is the most budget option;
- decoupage (sticking patterns with subsequent coating), refers to budget options;
- screens (can be made by yourself or bought from a hardware store), prices fluctuate depending on the material, workmanship and manufacturer.
Screen designs
Before you start decorating battery screens, you need to understand the designs of these products. They can be leaning on the floor and hinged, in the form of a table or cabinet with doors. The screen has two significant drawbacks. The first is the presence of sharp corners that can hurt, tear clothes or curtains. The second is that this complex structure is difficult to keep clean, since inconvenience with access provokes a constant accumulation of dust in the small elements of the screen. Consumers should understand the models that best meet all aesthetic and functional requirements. Screens come in the following designs:
- Flat (the battery is in the recess between the walls, there is a window sill on top). Flat screens must have ventilation holes, otherwise the warm air supply will be completelyblocked.
- Mounted (the screen is hung on a heating radiator). These products must also have holes for air circulation. The heatsink must be strong enough to support the weight of the screen.
- Attached (completely autonomous design, which is attached to the heating radiator). Such a screen is the most expensive, since it is made directly to the size of the battery and is difficult to perform (the customer himself comes up with a design to taste).

Materials for making screens
Battery decor (see photo in the review), made in the form of a screen, must be made of the following materials:
- Plastic. It is not environmentally friendly, because during the heating process it releases substances harmful to the human body. Aesthetic characteristics are also not ideal. During operation, the original shape is lost, the color fades and becomes more faded. The positive aspects are the relatively low price, moisture resistance and practicality (you can dry things on it).
- Metal. This is an environmentally friendly material that heats up well, has a long service life and an attractive appearance. The disadvantages include rapid rusting in case of damage to the surface.
- MDF. A material of average cost, which can be presented in the form of products of the most original and attractive forms. Negative characteristics include: lack of resistance to moisture (which will lead to rapid deformation of the form) and release inair toxic glue fumes.
- Tree. This is an environmentally friendly material, which at the initial stages of operation has an attractive shape and transmits heat well. The disadvantages are that the tree is afraid of dampness (you can’t dry things) and deforms from constant contact with warm air.
- Glass. Environmentally friendly material that has a stylish and attractive appearance. The negative qualities are fragility and unwillingness to pass infrared radiation, which leads to heat loss.

This is the most budget option of all. The painting method can be used not only to decorate cast-iron batteries, but also modern heating radiators. To do this, you need to purchase acrylic, oil, pentaphthalic quick-drying heat-resistant paint or enamel at a hardware store and paint the batteries in the desired color. You can also use aerosol cans or water-soluble formulations with the above characteristics. You can paint the batteries at any time of the year, but the most reasonable solution would be to start the painting process not during the heating season. The paint will have the opportunity to dry naturally, which will protect it from uneven distribution over the surface. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:
- Remove the battery (optimally).
- Remove old paint with a wire brush, a drill with a nozzle or an anti-corrosion remover.
- Apply a primer (preventscorrosion, provides better adhesion to the paint).
- Coat one or more coats of paint.
- Can be painted with a stencil. To do this, cover the battery with one layer, then glue the stencil and apply a second layer from the sprayer. After the paint has dried, the stencil must be removed.

A great way to decorate a battery with your own hands is decoupage. This is a great solution to make beautiful drawings on the radiator that will be in harmony with the overall color scheme and fit perfectly into the overall style of the room. This method consists of the following steps:
- Clean the battery with cleaning compounds, a drill or a brush. Rub problem areas with sandpaper.
- Coat the battery with paint and wait for it to dry completely.
- Cut out the desired patterns from napkins and separate the excess layers of paper.
- Smear the fragments with PVA glue and attach to the radiator.
- Smooth the surface of the drawings, remove air bubbles.
- Wait for the glue to dry completely.
- Coat the battery with two coats of clear light varnish.
Decorative lattice

Battery decor can be made in the form of an original lattice with a pattern you like. This method is mainly used if it is necessary to cover a radiator located in a niche. The step-by-step instruction is as follows:
- Cut out a template of the pattern you like from plywood.
- Step through this patternelectric jigsaw.
- To achieve perfect transitions between the elements of the ornament, it is necessary to process it with a router.
- Depending on the size of the battery and the selected pattern, make the required number of patterns.
- Templates must be cleaned with sandpaper and coated with the selected paint, varnish or enamel.
- When choosing an ornament, do not forget about the holes for air ventilation.
- The elements are fastened with fasteners, the grid is installed or hung on the battery.
False fireplace
The decor of the battery in the form of a fireplace will look very original. This method is used if the radiator is located in the center of the wall. To make a fake fireplace, the following steps are recommended:
- Prepare the following materials: furniture board, plywood, beams, wooden layout.
- Create a fireplace template with a window in the center.
- Fix the box to the wall.
- Process the joints of the screws with putty.
- In an impromptu firebox, install a lamp.
- Close the battery with an imitation stone.
You can make the decor of the radiator with your own hands using drywall. To do this, it is necessary to cut out a box of the required size (slightly larger than the size of the radiator), fixed with metal profiles, and fix it on the wall. It is only necessary not to forget about the ventilation windows through which warm air will escape. Plasterboard decor will help the battery merge with the overall interior of the room, withoutattracting too much attention.
Pipe finish
When designing a heating radiator, it is also recommended to pay attention to the finish of the pipes. If the entire heating system is the same color as the walls, there will be a visual harmonious connection of the common space. If the battery and pipes are made in a different color, a bright accent will appear (it is necessary that it fits harmoniously into the overall style). Pipes are part of the overall visual experience of a room, so decorating them should not be ignored.

Interior use
The decor of radiators, photos of which are presented in large numbers on the site, can be used in the interior of different rooms. Experienced craftsmen are ready to share some secrets:
- Living room. Here, a radiator in the form of a fireplace or a drywall box, suitable for the general style, would be appropriate.
- Bedroom. A decorative grille, decoupage, original painting that matches the overall concept, as well as a fake fireplace will look great.
- Children's. Decoupage is the best solution, because young children love to look at modular pictures.
- Kitchen. A screen that will match in style and color with the overall concept of the kitchen room is most suitable. Painting options to match the color of walls or windows are also possible.
- Bathroom. It is best if the battery in the bathroom is painted or covered with a special mesh. They are presented in large numbers in the assortment of stores and often perform the functions of a systemstorage.

Not only heat, but also the beauty of the room depends on the heating radiators in the house. If you do the decoration yourself, originality and charm of the overall visual perception will appear. A little skill, a lot of desire and a maximum of imagination are enough to make the apartment elegant and stylish.