Garden, flower garden, flower beds, pavement edges in flowers - how important and pleasant it all is! When you look at such beauty, it is difficult to look away. There are many scales and varieties with their unsurpassed and originality. To the color scheme, which is rarely found in our area, can be attributed shades of blue. This is due to the fact that such colors have cool tones and do not attract insects, which are so important for pollination to occur. This article will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the types of blue flowers.

One of the most common plants that can be found in the gardens of the middle lane is the delphinium. It is very beautiful, original, bluish or bluish in color. In Nepal, a variety with white and bluish leaves was found, it can also be found in our district at present. This species has almost no differences from ordinary species: the stemhas the same height (2.5 m) and almost 1 meter is occupied by the flower itself, which looks like a candle. Plants with blue flowers include the varieties Summersky, Blue Lace, Venus. Their bushes are lush and can grow in the garden for many years.
There is an interesting variety of Belladonna, with blue leaves. It has nothing to do with the terry group. Bushes of this variety are undersized (up to 1.5 m in height) with a coarse rhizome. The hybrid variety germinates very poorly, and in order for the delphinium to bloom one more time by the end of summer, the first flower will need to be cut.

Lupin is the name of blue flowers, a bit similar to the previous ones. In shape, they are almost no different from the delphinium, the same high arrow-shaped stems, the color is in the shape of a cone, but the buds themselves are closed.
Lupin is also a perennial plant that loves dark areas for growth, tolerates frost well. That is why gardeners love him very much. The highest height is 0.6 meters, and the flowers hardly reach 1.5 centimeters. There is a variety with a very original name Blue, which begins to bloom already in early summer, the second wave of flowering occurs until mid-August. It is just perfect if the flower is used in group plantings. Planted in spring with a distance of 43 cm between seedlings.

When discussing blue flowers, bluebells come to mind first of all. Its book title is Campanula. Bluebells are annual, perennial, biennial, it all depends on the variety. From subspeciesJapanese bluebell is not to be missed the Takeshima variety. The flowers are blue in color with double or simple leaves, the height of which is about 0.6 m. If a round bell is found, then it is classified as undersized (0.4 m in height). This type is used by professionals to decorate borders, which gives them a unique look, especially when the plants are cut in an original way.
This plant loves a climate where everything is in moderation - heat, cold. Its Latin name is Campanula. As in Russian, the name is tied to the shape of the flower, because it looks like a bell.
The flower is unpretentious. It can grow both in the shade and in the sun. Popular varieties have long tall stems that can reach a height of up to one and a half meters. The leaves are arranged in a herd, have an oblong shape. Inflorescences are paniculate, sometimes they are of the same color. The bell itself is quite large (up to seven centimeters). In the center are three stamens and one pistil. Various colors can be observed from blue, blue, purple to white.

Annual bindweed - a variety that the Japanese call the flower of the sky. Its color is saturated with various colors of the rainbow. The blue color is characteristic of the Morningglory species, or it is also called Heavenlyblue. The height can reach 5 meters, and in the middle lane about 3 meters. The diameter of the flowers, shaped like gramophones, is 11 cm, the core is whitish with a darkening towards the edge, smoothly turning into a blue tint. The flower has such a feature that it manifests itself in the fact that at sunrise itopens and closes in the afternoon. The heads themselves turn, like those of a sunflower, following the solar disk. On cloudy days it will stay open all day long. This species has such a feature as a change in shade. The color of the plant can vary from blue to purple. Therefore, they are also called "three colors". Thanks to its high vines, the plant can become an original decoration of a fence or wall in a house. And if you put them on the ground, you get a beautiful green rug in your garden. Blooms in August.
Clematis are very frequent guests in the garden. The predominant species have a rich color range, the height reaches 15 cm. Depending on the variety, various forms are observed: sharp leaves, stars or fluffy balls.
The most famous variety, which has a lavender-blue delicate original shade with a terry core, is Blue Light. One of the differences from other terry species is the ability to bloom on last year's and new shoulder straps. The plant is not very demanding, but if it grows in the middle lane, then it is necessary to protect it from the wind, not planting it in areas where there is no protection on the sides.
General Sikorski variety is very close to the previous one, but shows brighter color and larger in diameter, flowers up to 27 centimeters. Height can reach three meters.
Special attention should be given to the type of Lasurstern clematis, whose petals are initially purple-bluish in color, but fade to dark blue from the scorching sun. They begin to bloom at the end of May on last year's shoulder straps, they canreach about 25 cm. In most cases, this type is used to decorate balconies, verandas.
One of the most beautiful varieties is Peled' Azur with sky blue petals and flowers up to 14 centimeters in diameter. The shoots themselves reach three meters. This species boasts massive flowering from half of summer, pleasing to the eye and warming the soul with its beauty. The plant ceases its activity with the onset of frost. Used, like the previous view, for balconies, terraces, can be in harmony both independently and in combination with other plants.

Sometimes they can be mistaken and give other names for blue flowers, for example, woodland, snowdrop, coppice.
Plant of low stature, grows for many years. Not at all picky about the habitat. It reproduces well, resistant to various diseases and pests. It is actively used in folk medicine. Infused dried flowers can be used for cold infections. Those who are not very versed in flowers often confuse blueberries with snowdrops, since they sprout almost simultaneously in spring. The forest blue flowers have elongated leaflets, the root is bulbous, and the radially symmetrical flowers have six leaflets and stamens. The fruit has a capsule containing many seeds.
Another perennial bright blue flower that has other names: wrestler, waxer, hatter. Likes and prefers to grow in moist and humus areas. It is important to know that this type of plant hastoxic substances that are dangerous to humans. This should be remembered and appropriate measures taken before starting to grow it. The leaves are round in shape, somewhat reminiscent of fingers. The stem is approximately 30-40 centimeters. It has many inflorescences, where rather large flowers are located.
She is well known to all flower lovers, often mentioned in songs. The plant is small in size, usually lowered to the ground. The stem reaches from 15 to 40 cm, the branches are very well developed. Small blue flowers in the middle has a yellow speck. After the fruit ripens, it is divided into four parts, paired with each other.
Known as Pelargonium. There are more than four hundred different types of plants, a large number are shrubs and herbs. Due to the shape of its fruits, which resemble the beak of a crane, geranium has received another name - crane. The stem reaches one meter and has a curved shape. The leaves have a dissected and simple shape. Geranium inflorescences are fluffy and attractive, flowering can last for several months. As for care, this plant does not require special care, it can grow in pots and in open ground, in shaded and sunny areas. Geranium is often used to decorate balconies, terraces, when forming flower beds.
The main thing that a beginner grower should pay attention to is the watering regime. The abundance of water is detrimental to geraniums.

This flower can be foundin fields, in forests, in gardens, near rivers, in gardens. It is considered a weed. Despite this, it has a beautiful appearance.
If you use a cornflower to decorate your flower garden, then the composition in which it will be included can surprise and charm even the most demanding flower growers. This plant has a stem 25 to 100 cm long with a rough long surface. The flowers are beautiful and brightly colored.
This plant can be a tall or short groundcover with blue flowers. These flowers are finicky to grow, they need good soil, which should be saturated with minerals and vitamins, well plowed and always moderately moist. Likes to grow in well-lit areas. Very dislikes shady places. Flowering of these plants begins in mid-summer. If the flowering period is over, they need to be cut, so they will better endure the dormant period and will thank you with a stormy color next year.
An unsurpassed beautiful bush that can be planted or supplemented with any flower garden, flower bed. Height from 50 to 70 centimeters. It likes to grow both in the shade and on the sunny side, but if it is planted where there is a sufficient amount of sunlight, then the flowering of such plants will be more beautiful and plentiful. They love the soil well saturated with minerals, the soil should be moderately moistened. Depending on the variety, it may begin to bloom from June to September.
This plant most of all attracts the owners of country houses, because with it you can wonderfully decoratehome territory. Planting and caring for astilba itself is painstaking work, as it is a perennial plant. It has many species, which can be short, tall, medium, and even dwarf in size. The plant is crowned with inflorescences in the form of panicles, which can be of different colors. In matters of care and planting, astilba has its own requirements: they must grow in partial shade, the earth must be enriched with humus, and watering must be carried out on a regular basis. The flower is very afraid of excessive watering, the roots rot instantly. It is necessary to remove flower stalks when the flowering period is over.

The most popular flowers are blue chrysanthemums. This species was bred artificially by introducing a special gene taken from bluebells and clitoria. This method was developed by Japanese scientists and now everyone who loves heavenly flowers can enjoy blue chrysanthemums. Growing and caring for them is not difficult, but in our area it is not yet possible to meet it in nature. Today you can only buy these amazing unusual flowers in specialized stores. It is believed that this plant invariably brings good luck.