Tashkent Lemon: variety description, cultivation features

Tashkent Lemon: variety description, cultivation features
Tashkent Lemon: variety description, cultivation features

When choosing a lemon, pay attention to its appearance. The best is considered to be the one that has a thin skin and a small size. Orange Tashkent lemons are especially valued. These fruits contain vitamins of group B (take part in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and C (take part in the functioning of the immune system) necessary for human life, as well as potassium and copper, which are indispensable for heart function.

Uzbek fruits

The variety "Tashkent" was bred in Uzbekistan in the mid-80s of the last century by academician Z. Farkhutdinov and gained fame far beyond Central Asia. These fruits are very popular among gourmets for their special exquisite taste. For true connoisseurs, Uzbek lemon is considered the standard of taste. Its unique aroma fills the air with invigorating freshness. A fruit grown in the sun, in addition to its excellent taste, also has all the healing properties thatinherent in citrus fruits of this species.

Tashkent lemon: description

The tree reaches a height of up to 2.5 meters. It has a straight thin trunk covered with olive-gray bark. The crown is wide and branched, irregular in shape, can reach two meters in diameter. The branches of the lemon are thin, the bark is green, there are small thorns. On them sequentially (one per node) are smooth, shiny leaves that have a bright green color. Their shape is oval with a sharp tip and small notches along the edge.

lemon flower
lemon flower

Five-petalled flowers, with a pleasant smell, collected from the inflorescence. From the outside they are pale pink, and from the inside they are pure white. After pollination, about six months later, small golden-yellow fruits appear. They are egg-shaped, have a thin skin with an oily surface. The pulp is juicy, exudes a pleasant aroma and has a sweet and sour taste. The thickness of the peel of the Tashkent lemon is only 0.2 - 0.5 cm and consists of two layers: the outer, flavedo, and the inner, albedo. The root system is superficial, consists of numerous and strongly branching roots.

The variety belongs to the dessert table variety, has an average transportability, has a high tasting score, and is attractive in appearance.

Lemon indoors

It is quite possible to grow it in an apartment or on a balcony. The most important growth factors are:

  • Lighting - the windows in the room where the tree grows should face east.
  • Temperature - 18 - 20 degrees. Indoor lemon dies at -7degrees, but during the dormant period it is kept at a temperature of about 10 degrees.
  • Humidity - 60%.
  • Crown formation is an essential condition for fruiting.
Uzbek lemons
Uzbek lemons

One of the best varieties for growing in an apartment is the high-yielding variety of lemon "Tashkent". It does not lose its qualities even in low light.

Features of growing indoors

Growing requires the following rules:

  • The soil is slightly acidic. You can cook it yourself by taking two parts of soddy land and humus and one part of river sand.
  • Water - use well-settled water. In summer, watering is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The pot must have good drainage so that the water does not stagnate.
  • Lighting - a change in lighting, as well as the situation, adversely affects the lemon - it sheds leaves, flowers and fruits. In winter, additional artificial lighting is required.
  • Humidity - where lemons grow, there should be warm and humid air. The plant should be often sprayed with a spray bottle, and in winter, put a container of water on the battery.
  • Formation of the crown - rotate the pot periodically around the axis by 1 - 2 cm, pruning in a timely manner under the fourth young leaf on the shoot.
  • In spring and summer, fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

During flowering and fruit ripening, the plant is not recommended to be disturbed, and for good care, he will thank 4 - 6 ripe fruits.

Propagation by cuttings

The lemon tree is constantly being shaped. All cut branches of the Tashkent lemon serve as planting material. To do this, remove a couple of leaves from below and put the shoot in the water until the roots appear.

lemon seedlings
lemon seedlings

Then transplant it into the substrate. When the plant grows to 25 cm, pinch the top of it. In a grown tree, no more than four shoots are left, which are also cut off when they reach a length of 25 cm. This formation of a bush is carried out twice. After a sufficient amount of foliage has grown and flower buds are laid, the plant is ready to bear fruit.

Seed propagation

How does a lemon grow from seed? Propagation from seed is a very time consuming process and is not commonly used by house plant lovers.

lemon seeds
lemon seeds

The grown seedling develops for a long time, blooms poorly and has poor fruit quality. To get a full-fledged fruit-bearing lemon tree, you need to be vaccinated. And this procedure requires certain knowledge. An ungrafted plant will be just an ornamental shrub that is also pruned to form a nice crown.


A plant can die not only from poor care, but also from pests. The most common are:

  • Spider mite. It is necessary to constantly monitor that small insects do not appear on the surface of the lemon leaves. For preventive purposes, the plant is sprayed with water once a week. But if notmanaged to save from the tick, then it is treated with soapy water. To prepare it, take three grams of grated laundry soap and dilute in a liter of warm water. Next, covering the ground with cellophane, rinse the plant under running water.
  • spider mite
    spider mite

Shield. Sticking to the leaf, the insect feeds on its juice, after which it turns yellow, curls and falls off. The lemon stops growing, the branches become bare, and then it dies. You can detect the pest by brown spots on the leaves. For preventive purposes, regular inspection and constant spraying with water should be carried out. To fight, use a mixture of an alcohol solution with liquid soap. 15 g of soap and 10 ml of industrial alcohol are added to a liter of water

When aphids or thrips appear, use garlic tincture. To do this, grind 2 cloves, pour a liter of water, insist for a day, filter and process the leaves with a cotton swab.

Useful properties of Tashkent lemon

A home-grown lemon tree emits volatile substances into the air - volatile substances. They have a beneficial effect on a person, killing pathogenic microbes and bacteria, thereby purifying the air.

cut lemon
cut lemon

The pulp and zest contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, the fruits contain a lot of fiber, which is necessary for normal bowel function.


Growing lemons at home is a long and painstaking process. First of all,you need to have a fairly spacious room with high ceilings and good lighting. Secondly, this tree requires more attention than many other indoor flowers. But if you manage to wait until the plant blooms and real fruits appear, then all the efforts will pay off with interest.
