Do-it-yourself water supply for country houses

Do-it-yourself water supply for country houses
Do-it-yourself water supply for country houses

Given the cost of modern city apartments, it is not surprising that more and more people appear who permanently live in their suburban areas. Of course, making do with the conveniences of the yard, dragging hundreds of liters of water from the well, in which case no one agrees.

water supply of country houses
water supply of country houses

In some summer cottages there is a permanent water supply system, but still the water supply of country houses is a rare occurrence. What to do in the case when you don’t have any “excesses” of civilization on your site and are not expected? Naturally, build your own water supply system! That is why today we will just talk about the methodology of such construction.

As you understand, talking about a banal connection to the central water supply is stupid, since the nearest water supply network can be tens of kilometers from you. In addition, even if there is water at the dacha, in most cases it is turned off for the winter in order to avoid breakthroughs of frozen pipes, which there is no one to monitor. That is why we will talk today about those cases when you have all-Is there a well or well? Even if they are not there, you will have to seek help from those who can do the water supply of a country house with their own hands, since the availability of amenities in housing will quickly pay for all the costs incurred.

country house water supply scheme
country house water supply scheme

First of all, resolve the issue of distributing water pipes. The fact is that if you do not live in a country house in winter, it is quite realistic to reduce costs and make only external wiring: if you use high-quality pipe insulation, they will easily survive autumn use. Of course, in the latter case, the costs will be much less, since you don’t have to dig anything.

However, we repeat once again that it is unsuitable to use this option for year-round living in rural areas. Otherwise, not only will you not avoid a large amount of excavation work, which the water supply scheme of a country house must inevitably take into account, but you will also have to accurately find out the depth of soil freezing in your region.

Time to get to work. You will have to purchase not only the required number of pipes, but also fittings, taps, couplings, splitters … and the automatic pump itself, after all! The choice of pump depends only on the depth from which you plan to lift the water. Pipes should also not cause any particular difficulties in choosing and buying. Even though there are still metal varieties of them, you should choose only plastic and metal-plastic models, since the water supply of country houses inthis case is done for decades.

The diameter of the pipes is also selected depending on the pump. By the way, where should the water supply device be installed? The ideal option would be to place the pump in the house, but this can only be done if the well or well is also located near the house.

do-it-yourself water supply for a country house
do-it-yourself water supply for a country house

Otherwise, you will need to build an insulated building on the street, which will provide water supply to country houses. If winters are especially severe in your area, then even pipes laid underground must not only be protected with insulation, but also “insure” using a heat cable.

A water filter must be installed in the well itself or in the well. Thanks to him, the water will always be clean, and the pump and other plumbing equipment will faithfully serve you for more than one year. In a word, do-it-yourself water supply for country houses is quite real!