Chalk "Mashenka" from bedbugs: reviews, instructions for use

Chalk "Mashenka" from bedbugs: reviews, instructions for use
Chalk "Mashenka" from bedbugs: reviews, instructions for use

Bedbugs are a problem that needs a quick and effective solution. Having found insects in the house, the housewives immediately acquire a variety of means for their destruction. A variety of drugs have appeared on the market that "promise" to remove parasites in a short time. But the use of some requires temporary eviction from the premises, while others are ineffective. The simplest and most convenient to use is the Masha crayon from bedbugs. User feedback indicates that, despite the availability and low price, the tool copes well with the problem.

chalk Masha from bedbugs reviews
chalk Masha from bedbugs reviews

Beware of bed bugs

Often, seeing redness on the skin, many people attribute it to mosquitoes. However, the problem may be the appearance of bedbugs. Finding them is sometimes quite difficult, but noticing their presence, the ownersare lost. A reasonable question arises: where do bedbugs come from in an apartment and how to get rid of them.

The reason may be unsanitary conditions in the room of neighbors. In an apartment building, parasites quickly spread to all rooms. The flat body of the insect helps it squeeze through the narrowest gaps.

Where do bedbugs come from in an apartment:

  1. Insects can be brought in a suitcase from a trip. Larvae and a sexually mature female can cause the development of an entire population.
  2. Parasite enters the house along with used furniture.
  3. Bedbugs, getting on clothes, are easily transferred to a new habitat. It is enough to sit on an infected chair.
  4. Insects often hide in household appliances. Therefore, when buying it from hand, you can get an unpleasant gift in the form of bedbugs.

It is not uncommon for bedbugs to become a kind of addition when buying an apartment. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out a complete processing before settling into the premises.

where do bed bugs come from
where do bed bugs come from

Methods of disposal

Quite a common occurrence - home bugs. How to get rid of adversity on your own worries most clean housewives. Unfortunately, this is sometimes difficult to do. There are the following ways:

  • Mechanical. The bottom line is that bedbugs are exposed to extremely low or high temperatures. However, it is quite difficult for hostesses to do this on their own. For this, building hair dryers are used or, if weather conditions allow, the room is frozen.
  • Industrial. Involves the use of insecticides. The method is effective. However, it is necessary to select high-quality drugs and take precautions.

There are many different means. But some require the complete eviction of tenants from the apartment, others involve several complex treatments, and others are quite expensive. Therefore, housewives often prefer to use the Masha chalk from bedbugs. Customer reviews show that the drug is easy to use, does not require special skills and does not emit harmful volatile substances. Despite this, the crayon copes with parasites quite well, the bugs die out completely, and their reappearance is a rare exception.

does chalk help from bedbugs
does chalk help from bedbugs

Crayon composition

There are consumers who do not trust pencils and find them ineffective against the ubiquitous insects. To figure out if the Masha crayon helps against bedbugs, you should find out its composition.

So, the tool has two active components. Moreover, each has a destructive effect on parasites:

  1. Insecticide - zeta-cypermethrin (0.1%). The substance has established itself as an exterminator not only of insects, but also of agricultural pests. Once inside the body, it has a nerve-paralytic effect, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. The resulting paralysis contributes to the immediate death of the parasites.
  2. Deltamethrin. Enhances the effect of the first component and in combination has a more effective effect.
bed bugs how to get rid of yourself
bed bugs how to get rid of yourself

How the chalk "Masha" works on bedbugs

Active ingredients get inside insects through paws and chitin shells. It is important that the insect that has been in contact with the crayon becomes infectious. Therefore, even if the bug did not get on the treated surface, it will die from contact with its fellows. As you can see, the Masha chalk is quite effective and at the same time safe from bedbugs. Reviews, however, indicate that an instant effect should not be expected. The active substances gradually accumulate in the body of parasites, and their death occurs 5 days after treatment. At the same time, the activity of the Cretaceous band persists for a long time. If the treatment is carried out in hard-to-reach places, then its effect will last for a whole month.

Dignity of crayons

This form of the drug has several advantages. Users highlight:

  1. Easy to apply. It is convenient to distribute the chalk on any surfaces, including vertical ones. Moreover, it can be dissolved in water and hard-to-reach places can be treated with the resulting solution.
  2. Complete lack of smell. In the process of fighting bedbugs, you do not need to ventilate the room or leave it at all. This feature is important for the elderly and families with small children.
  3. Quite high efficiency. Since the appearance of the first crayons, their composition has been improved. Effectiveness is proven by numerous reviews.
  4. The drug is freely available and has a budget price.

Customer reviews indicate that the drug is not only easy to use, but also relatively quickly and effectively copes with the problem of bedbugs.

how does chalk mashenka work on bedbugs
how does chalk mashenka work on bedbugs


The "Mashenka" chalk is quite simple to use. The instruction describes in detail the algorithm of action. Although it is not necessary to leave the premises during treatment, it is still recommended to do so if the area of infestation is high. Then proceed as follows:

  • It is better for small children and animals to temporarily stay elsewhere. The chalk has no volatile substances, but the ingredients may accidentally enter the digestive system.
  • It is necessary to move all furniture and take it apart as far as possible.
  • Mattress covers and covers should be removed.
  • The dishes should be taken out.
  • Better use gloves when handling.

Ways to use chalk

You can choose one of several ways to get bedbugs out with chalk "Masha":

  1. Drawing lines. To process furniture, you should draw wide lines.
  2. From the drug, you can prepare a powder and pour it over baseboards and into various slots.
  3. Crayon dissolves well in water, so you can prepare a solution. This method is good for processing mattresses and upholstered furniture. For these purposes, a spray gun is used.

The effectiveness of the product depends on the degree of processing. It is important to pay attention to skirting boards, cracks in the floor, gaps between wallpaper, furniture insides. If apaintings, clocks hang on the walls, then they should also be processed.

Bed linen and clothes are washed at the highest possible temperature with the addition of disinfectants.

how to get bedbugs out with small mashenka
how to get bedbugs out with small mashenka

Processing locations

For processing, it is necessary to release the crayon from the packaging, leaving the bottom. It is for this remaining package that the “Masha” crayon should be kept from bedbugs. Reviews indicate that the drug is able to completely get rid of the problem, if you follow the rules:

  1. It is necessary to process the entire perimeter of the room. If there are cracks or baseboards move away, then these places are given great attention. Powder can be used directly.
  2. For hard-to-reach places, a solution is used. If there is no spray gun, you should use a brush. If you cook the gruel, then it is easy to apply it to any cracks.
  3. All carpet surfaces are also processed on the back surface.
  4. The frame of the sofa and bed is being processed. Furniture should be completely disassembled.
  5. Drawing on the back of watches, paintings and other decorative items with chalk.
  6. Favorite places for bed bugs are lagging wallpapers. These places are also being processed.

Actions after processing

If the chalk was used in the form of a solution or powder, then the room is ventilated. To protect the safety of people and animals, wipe all contact surfaces (door handles, table surfaces).

It is important that no re-processing is required. The mechanism of action involvesefficiency within a month. After that, wet cleaning should be carried out and all traces should be removed. The chalk is easily removed. It is recommended to use a soap and soda solution. Upholstered furniture, carpets should be well vacuumed. Knock out mattresses and ventilate.

"Masha" for prevention

If the apartment is at risk, preventive measures should be taken. This approach will avoid the appearance of insects and eliminate the need to deal with an unpleasant phenomenon.

During preventive treatment, the algorithm of action remains the same. But you can not be so zealous with a pencil and not make too wide strokes. To prevent bedbugs from entering the apartment and settling securely there, proceed as follows:

  • treat vents;
  • slots that form at the entrance of heating risers are also smeared;
  • apply strokes inside rosettes;
  • door frame and threshold being processed;
  • be sure to coat the sewer risers and pipe entry points;
  • under the windows you can also anoint with chalk "Masha".
Where can I buy a chalk Masha from bedbugs
Where can I buy a chalk Masha from bedbugs

Crayons manufacturer

Unfortunately, Masha is not a brand of any particular manufacturer. Therefore, good reviews can overlap with negative ones. It is important to choose a trusted company and not chase the cheapness of the goods.

The question of where you can buy a crayon "Masha" from bedbugs is not acute. The drug is freely available in stores. It can also be found onspecialized sites. Customer reviews indicate that if you take a trusted company that has a lot of other developed and effective drugs, then the effectiveness of the chalk is very high. If you buy a pencil from a little-known manufacturer, then there is a high probability of buying a useless drug.