Bath s alt - medicinal properties

Bath s alt - medicinal properties
Bath s alt - medicinal properties

It's nice to soak in a warm bath after a day's work. Aromatic bath s alt will help you forget about all the troubles and worries. In addition to pleasant sensations, it also benefits he alth. Bath s alt includes iodine, which disinfects and destroys inflammation on the skin and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Bromine is also included in its composition. Its effect is soothing and relaxing. The composition of s alt can also include a whole range of different elements, as well as extracts of medicinal herbs, which together have a tangible positive effect on human he alth. Useful substances dissolved in warm water are well absorbed by the skin and enter the body.

bath s alt crystallius
bath s alt crystallius

A bath with mineral s alts as a therapeutic agent is often used in medicine for the treatment of diseases such as osteochondrosis, arthrosis, the initial stage of hypertension, stomach ulcers, intestinal diseases and many others. The water should not be too hot. The best temperature for its adoption is + 37 - 39 ° С. The course of taking baths begins with five minutes, and the time gradually increases to half an hour. The higher the concentration of s alt, the stronger the effect of itsimpact. Odor tolerance is very important. If the smell is unpleasant, then the healing effect will be spoiled due to psychological discomfort.

If you want to relieve the fatigue of a day's work, then a s alt bath with the addition of 5-6 drops of tea tree oil is perfect. People with skin diseases, eczema, dermatitis can try taking baths with chamomile. And grapefruit or blood orange oil added to the bath will have an excellent effect on cellulite.

bath s alt cristalius
bath s alt cristalius

However, there is another bath s alt. According to the manufacturers, it has a restorative effect. About three years ago Cristalius bath s alt appeared on the Russian market. It contains vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin B6, caffeine and other beneficial additives.

In fact, bath s alt Kristalius contains the substance mephedrone and its analogues. The effect of mephedrone on a person is something between amphetamines and ecstasy: it is even equated to cocaine. This substance was developed in the USA and was proposed for use as a medicine. But it turned out that it has a lot of side effects, including the disease of a person after a long use of this drug with lung cancer.

bath s alt
bath s alt

The stuff is behaving very insidiously. The resulting feeling of euphoria makes you take this bath again and again. The person does not even understand what is happening. He just loves the feel. However, if he stops taking them, the classic withdrawal syndrome will occur. There will be all the signs of breaking with the corresponding mental disorders. On this basis, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, hypertension can occur. The mortality rate among those who take baths with s alt of Christalius is higher than for all other drugs. Cocaine is not as dangerous to human he alth as bath s alts under the brand name Cristalius.
