Shading mesh: types of meshes, application

Shading mesh: types of meshes, application
Shading mesh: types of meshes, application

Shading net is used to protect areas from the sun to protect plants from burns and pests. Now there are many varieties of grids that are used in various cases. To choose a quality product, you need to know everything about it.

What types of nets exist

Many gardeners believe that the most reliable shading net will be made of polycarbonate. But, unfortunately, it will be very expensive. Due to its material, it is capable of not spoiling or rotting for a long time. All functional features are not reduced.

dimming the garden
dimming the garden

Some use polycarbonate analogues. These include polymer meshes. This material is quite durable. But due to the low density, the price will be slightly less. Shading mesh made of this material is able to keep out pests and sunlight, and can also slightly delay precipitation and wind.

Inexpensive and simple can be considered a mesh made of ordinary fabric. This material can be purchased by the most economical gardener who cannot buy expensive things. This shading gridcan only protect from sunlight. But precipitation will still penetrate. Since this is an ordinary fabric, it will begin to rot from a large amount of moisture. Therefore, it cannot last for a long time.

What are the functions of these grids

Thanks to the synthetic material, the shading mesh becomes quite practical. These products are resistant to weather conditions, are not afraid of light. It is rare when you can see that they have lost color. They are also able to protect vegetable crops from overheating by the sun, from burns.

To shade the greenhouse, you need to stretch the mesh over the equipment and fix it well. As a result, the air temperature in it will drop by at least 5 degrees.

Shading mesh has a cellular structure, thanks to which the light is able to penetrate evenly.

It is able to protect against adverse weather and birds. With the net stretched, the birds cannot reach the plants and therefore do not damage them.

The shading net for the garden stretched over a special solid frame is able to protect the vegetable crop from direct sunlight and other adverse effects.

Which color is better to choose

There are several types of nets that differ in color. Despite the disagreements of many gardeners, this parameter is quite important. Color influences most factors in growing vegetables.

dimming the flower bed
dimming the flower bed

Shade netting for greenhouses should be blue-green as it is the best option for growing vegetables all year round. Thanks to this shade, the internal microclimate is optimized, and it keeps it at the recommended level. Also, a mesh of this color can protect plants from fungal infections, burns, even if water gets on the leaves on a hot day.

There are special shading nets for the garden. The grey-green mesh allows you to speed up the ripening process of vegetable crops and increase the size of the crop. This effect is possible due to the regulation of the microclimate and the receipt of the maximum level of sunlight.

To protect flower beds and trees, a gray mesh is used. Due to this color, accelerated appearance of leaves is observed, shoots develop and buds bloom. Also, this color does not affect the development of the fruit. To protect the plants from frost at night, it is recommended to stretch the net of this color. Basically, it is pulled in autumn or in those regions where the summer climate is not constant, and the air temperature can fluctuate significantly.

growing cucumbers
growing cucumbers

The red net is used to protect fruit trees and vegetable crops. This color allows the active formation of flowers, ovaries and rapid ripening of the crop. Most gardeners have noticed that when using a red-tinted material, the fruits ripen much faster, and as a result, the crop can be harvested earlier. Also, this shade allows you to increase the size of vegetables several times. Since the shoots with a stretched red mesh will grow much faster, it means that pruning will have to be done more often.

Grid Shading Degrees

Depending on the shading of the material, it is used for various purposes:

  1. Shading mesh at 45%. Since this mesh is capable of transmitting a large amount of sunlight, it can be used for growing cucumber and melon crops.
  2. Some gardeners advise in hot climates to stretch a denser mesh with shading by 60%. But it is recommended to use it for growing tomatoes, cabbage and eggplants.
  3. To cover the greenhouses from the outside, stretch the mesh with shading by 70%. It is able to simultaneously pass a sufficient amount of sunlight and protect the vegetable crop from severe overheating.
  4. The shading mesh for the fence has a density of no more than 80%. This material is able to give an excellent shadow.
  5. With shading of 90% and above, they are used only for building gazebos, various sites. Since such nets can harm plants.
greenhouse with mesh
greenhouse with mesh

What is the grid used for

By stretching the shading net, you can increase the yield and protect plants from burns.

When sheltering cucumbers, you need to stretch the net with a little shading, as they love the sun's rays. Due to the lack of light, cucumbers will start to spoil and taste bad.

pepper cultivation
pepper cultivation

If you want to shade the greenhouse, then the mesh is chosen based on which side it will be stretched from. If you want to pull from the inside, then you can take a small degreeshading, no more than 60%. When sheltering outside, choose with a density of no more than 80%.

To quickly put up the fence, it is recommended to take material with a density of 90%.

Before purchasing the mesh, it is recommended to decide for what purposes it will be used. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is recommended to remove it immediately after harvesting and put it in a dark place until the next season.

How does it work?

This equipment is only able to partially transmit the sun's rays and scatter them throughout the enclosed area.

Because of this:

  1. Reduces water evaporation.
  2. The harvest ripens at the same time.
  3. The illumination of greenhouses is uniform.
