Rose Barcarolle is a medium-sized compact shrub with noble velvety purple flowers and a delicate classic aroma, known to gardeners in many countries for more than four decades. Let's get to know her too.

Features of the species
Tea-hybrid roses (the category to which the Barcarole rose is assigned) are a group of varieties of popular, modern crops, a feature of which is a long flowering time. French and Dutch catalogs for the mass consumer call this category of roses large-flowered, because the size of the bud is really impressive. The rose variety Barcarola fully meets the declared parameters of the group:
- Forms powerful non-spreading bushes, reaching a height of up to one and a half meters when grown in the southern regions and greenhouses. In colder climates, the bush does not exceed 0.6-0.8 m.
- The stems are covered with reddish and then dark greendense large leaves, there are almost no thorns on them.
- Buds of maroon, almost black color are formed, blooming into a classic purple flower with a diameter of up to 9-12 cm.
- Flowers have a pleasant unobtrusive aroma.
- The flowering of the bush continues until autumn.

The versatility of the culture is manifested in the excellent decorativeness of the bush and the possibility of growing for cutting. In industrial cultivation, the Barcarolle rose is grown as a cut crop. However, this plant is widely used in park and garden design. The rose is equally spectacular in single plantings, in arrays and ensembles with other decorative perennials.
The velvet buds of the Barcarole rose are popular all over the world. They open into perfectly shaped flowers with a characteristic rich red tone. The petals are delicate, with a pronounced velvety on the outside. Flowers do not fade in bright sun. They hold well on long stems, which is ideal for cutting. It is noticed that the color of flowers becomes richer and deeper in temperate latitudes with a cool climate. Among breeders, the variety is recognized as one of the darkest varieties positioned on the market today.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The high decorative quality of the rose also increases the repeated flowering throughout the summer season. The hybrid tea rose Barcarole is not only exceptionally beautiful, it is distinguished by its excellent resistance to dangerous diseases - black spot, variousfungal infections, powdery mildew.

The disadvantages of the culture include average winter hardiness - in the harsh winters of temperate climatic zones, the plant will need shelter. Judging by the reviews of the Barcarolle rose published on various forums, gardeners are confused by the unevenness of the bush, and often by the pronounced lopsidedness, so more often the flowers are cut for bouquets.
Like many hybrid tea roses, Barcarolle requires careful planting. The site should be well lit, protected from through winds, but also excluding air stagnation. The culture prefers fertile, breathable, drained soils and does not withstand the close approach of groundwater. It is better to plant a plant in the spring - in April or May. Preliminary preparation of the site is mandatory: 7-10 days before planting, the soil is dug up with humus and complex fertilizer is added containing the necessary nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. After planting, the seedling is generously watered and subsequently monitored for soil moisture. Sufficient regular watering promotes faster rooting of the plant.
Rosa Barcarole: care
It takes a lot of effort to develop a high-quality culture and abundant repeated flowering, which is why periodic top dressing throughout the growing season is so relevant. During the summer, the rose is fed 3-4 times, using multicomponent preparations dissolved in water in proportions corresponding to the annotations for fertilizers. With the onset of spring, a rosethey are fed with compositions with a predominance of nitrogen, before budding and during flowering - phosphorus-potassium compounds, in the fall - phosphorus preparations.

Barcarole responds with gratitude to foliar top dressing with microelements - manganese, boron, magnesium. They are carried out during the budding period, spraying the leaves and tying buds.
Barcarole - a rose, the description of which presents us with an exquisitely decorative flower. But to preserve its attractiveness, it is necessary to cut off the dried buds in a timely manner. Another factor in proper plant care is weeding the soil under the bush and periodic careful loosening. In addition, regular moderate watering is also necessary, the intensity of which increases during the flowering period and fades away with the onset of cold weather. Stop watering by mid-September.