Do-it-yourself "living" and "dead" water apparatus. Apparatus for preparing "live" and "dead" water - photo

Do-it-yourself "living" and "dead" water apparatus. Apparatus for preparing "live" and "dead" water - photo
Do-it-yourself "living" and "dead" water apparatus. Apparatus for preparing "live" and "dead" water - photo

Once upon a time in Russian fairy tales, the concept of "dead" and "living" water appeared. The first heroes washed the wounds received, and a few sips of the second revived the person. You can believe the legends or not, but scientists have learned how to get these magical liquids. The process was called electrolysis. As a result of the action of an electric current on ordinary water, “living” and “dead water” is obtained. The do-it-yourself device is easily made from improvised materials.

do-it-yourself apparatus of living and dead water
do-it-yourself apparatus of living and dead water

The essence of unique disinfection, or a little chemistry

To begin with, two metal plates are lowered into a container of water, each of which is connected to one of the contacts of the battery. When such a circuit is closed, electricity arises in it, and the process of electron movement begins in the liquid. Near the anode plate, an acidic environment is formed, near the cathode - alkaline. After disconnecting the device from the current, everything mixes, returning to its normal state, the water again becomes an ordinary liquid.

Duringelectrolytic reaction, the formation of several substances occurs, among which:

  • oxygen, acid and ozone;
  • chlorine and hydrogen peroxide;
  • nitrogen and hydrogen.

Where did all these substances come from? It is known that water is a universal natural solvent, which neither liquids, nor gases, nor minerals can resist. As a result of electrolysis, a change in molecular bonds occurs. The activated solution becomes softer and more transparent than the original one. Oxidizers, produced from the water itself, disinfect the liquid and return to their previous state, having completed their task.

What is called the terms "living" and "dead water"? The device, made with your own hands, will help not only show children an interesting experience. The disinfecting and healing properties of these liquids have been proven by science.

do-it-yourself living and dead water apparatus
do-it-yourself living and dead water apparatus

Composition and features of "fabulous" liquids

The very first do-it-yourself apparatus for preparing "living" and "dead" water for industrial purposes was designed by workers from one of the boreholes in the USSR. They accidentally discovered the healing qualities of such a liquid. After washing with it, burns and cuts on the skin of workers healed, drinking water inside increased the general tone and working capacity of people. Medicine became interested in the phenomenon, but the use of activators did not receive much distribution.

It turned out that the "live" fraction has a slightly alkaline environment and is a strong biostimulant. The seeds of plants processed by it give morestrong seedlings and a rich harvest. Ingestion strengthens the human immune system, improves digestion. The influence of such water on the aging process and the growth of cancers has been noticed.

"Dead" water has a slightly acidic composition, is a strong disinfectant and sterilizing agent. This fraction smells slightly of acid and has a slight astringent taste. This liquid perfectly treats colds by rinsing. It reduces pressure, soothes joint pain, relieves insomnia.

do-it-yourself apparatus for preparing living and dead water
do-it-yourself apparatus for preparing living and dead water

How to make an apparatus for "living" and "dead" water with your own hands

The simplest device for direct electrolysis is assembled from the following parts:

  • glass liter container;
  • two rectangular pieces of food-grade stainless steel (145mm by 40mm);
  • diode bridge;
  • two pieces of power wire;
  • plug;
  • denim or canvas bag;
  • Plastic circle with holes.

The edge of each strip is bent at an angle of 90 degrees (10 mm). On the bent parts, drill 2 holes for the bolts. On one of the electrodes, between the mounting holes, another one (larger) is made for installing the diode.

do-it-yourself apparatus for making living and dead water
do-it-yourself apparatus for making living and dead water

Instrument Assembly Order

Do-it-yourself apparatus for "living" and "dead" water is mounted in the following sequence. The electrodes are placed on the cover and fixed with bolts. metal stripsshould be parallel to each other. The diode is screwed into the appropriate hole and connected to the upper wiring terminal. A wire is also soldered to the second electrode. Both outputs close on the switch.

A bag made of canvas is put on the anode-plate with a diode to collect “dead” water. Immediately after turning off the current from this case, you need to quickly pour the liquid into a separate vessel. A concentrate of "living" water is formed around the negative electrode.

The fabric bag is used as a separation membrane. It prevents the solution from mixing after a power outage. The diode serves as a "rectifier" for AC from the mains.

The do-it-yourself apparatus for making "living" and "dead" water is ready. It remains to fill the jar and bag with ordinary liquid from the tap and plug in the plug.

How long can "living" and "dead" water retain its qualities

The do-it-yourself device (the photo shows this) is assembled and connected to the power supply. The reaction should continue for about 5 minutes until the jar is slightly heated. During this time, it is necessary to prepare two vessels for transfusion of the obtained fractions. Immediately after the current is turned off, the electrodes are carefully removed from the vessel along with the canvas cover. "Dead" water is poured from the bag into one container, and "live" (remaining in the main bank) - into another.

If you hesitate and leave both liquids in the original bowl, the reaction will very quickly occur in reverse order, and all the released components will mix. Water will remain activated, disinfected and useful, but will loseexclusive properties that the apparatus of "living" and "dead" water gave her. With your own hands, you can ruin the whole thing, and you have to start the process all over again.

Shelf life is as follows:

  • Acid liquid ("dead") is stored for up to two weeks;
  • alkaline ("live") must be consumed within a few hours, as it quickly loses its healing qualities.
living and dead water do-it-yourself apparatus photo
living and dead water do-it-yourself apparatus photo

Is it possible to install an ordinary stainless steel for the anode and cathode

When making a do-it-yourself apparatus for “living” and “dead” water, it is important to use exactly food grade steel, purified from all kinds of impurities. It has been proven that under the influence of electricity during the reaction, heavy metal molecules are released. Water saturated with ions of nickel and chromium, molybdenum and iron, vanadium and others becomes not only harmful, but poisonous. It cannot be used for drinking.

That is why food grade stainless steel is used for the cathode and anode in such a device.
