One of the methods of connecting metal parts to each other is gas welding, in which the welding process is carried out by heating and melting the edges of the joined metals. It is produced using a welding flame formed as a result of the combustion of acetylene in a directed stream of oxygen. Hydrogen, kerosene, gasoline and other combustible gases are also used for these purposes. The temperature of the flame as a result of the combustion of these gases reaches a temperature of 3050-3150 ° C. In gas welding, the gap between the edges of the parts to be joined is filled with a filler wire, which, when melted in a flame, fills this gap.

Gas welding is carried out using special equipment, consisting of cylinders for storing gases, a reducer with two pressure gauges (low and high pressure), designed to regulate the supply of gases during welding, as well as a torch and hoses for supplying gases to burner from the control gear.

Gas welding is used in industry to connect (weld) structures made of steel and some non-ferrous metals, including brass andcast iron, having a thickness of not more than five millimeters. Also, gas welding is applicable for surfacing, soldering and other repairs. Welding of metals of greater thickness is carried out using electric arc welding. It should be noted that gas welding of metals is ineffective in comparison with electric arc welding.
Cutting of metals is carried out with an oxygen jet using cutters or special burners. Their main difference from gas welding torches is that they have two oxygen jets - one for heating the metal, the other for blowing out the molten metal at the cutting points. The cutters differ in the design of the nozzle (mouthpiece), which are separated in relation to the location of the heating flame and the cutting jet by a stepped arrangement of nozzles, as well as subsequent and concentric ones. They are also divided according to the type of fuel used. There are cutters for hydrogen, acetylene, light gas, hydrogen, etc.
The process of cutting metal is as follows: at the point where the cutting starts, the metal is heated by a heating jet to a white color, which corresponds to approximately 1000 ° C, after which the metal is partially burned or blown out at the cutting point. It is very important when cutting to “keep” the melting temperature of the metal, for which the optimal option for supplying the cutting jet is selected. Suitable for cutting iron, low carbon and low alloy steels.

Due to the fact that gas welding and cutting of metals are production processes that require certain skills in working with gas welding equipment and knowledge of safety measureswhen performing hot work, for this type of work it is necessary to involve qualified workers who have undergone special training. Careless handling of equipment, as well as neglect of safety measures, can lead to serious consequences.