Recently, a laser sight has been actively installed on chainsaws. In order to fix it, it will be necessary to make a choice between a universal and a specialized mount. But there is another option that began to be used not so long ago. In this case, a special adapter is used. Its specialization is connected with the place on which the sight is attached. The adapter must be installed on the sloping surface of the front handle in the part where the damping spring is located.

There is a laser sight that does not require the use of screwdrivers, wrenches or other tools. It can be secured by hand by twisting or unscrewing with your fingers. After the adapter is installed on the chainsaw handle, there will be no difficulties in fixing the sight itself. It is easy to install by hand

The laser sight is necessary in order to facilitate the cutting of the wood trunk into separate pieces of the same size. Usually this size is from 25 centimeters to one and a half meters. The principle of operation of a laser saw is as follows:
1. It is necessary to install the chainsaw at a certain distance from the edgelogs to be sawn. The sight should be set so that it points to the edge.
2. You need to make a mark on the wood with a chainsaw.
3. Then you need to move the saw so that the beam points to the mark made earlier.
4. After that, the process with creating a mark must be repeated.
The number of such operations will depend on the length of the log to be cut. When switching to another log, the laser sight should not be reconfigured. It should also be noted that the sight adjustment itself does not require the use of additional tools. Everything is done easily and simply.

Very often there are doubts that the laser beam can be seen in bright sunlight. But you should not worry about this: the beam is visible in any light. The main problem arises only with the fact that orange spots may appear before the eyes due to the fact that the beam is constantly in the field of view. But in this case, there is a way out. In order for the laser sight not to harm your eyesight, you should purchase special glasses.
When using such a sight, an error may occur if it indicates the direction along the log, and not in the form of a point. In the second case, it is much more difficult to miss.
Summing up, we can say that this type of chainsaw sights is good because it can be used to facilitate the process of sawing logs and increase the accuracy of felling. This tool is also called "two in one". In the secondIn this case, laser beams are designed to highlight the desired target, which is located at a certain distance, and set the direction of the fall of the tree. Laser sights in this situation require accuracy in relation to the geometry of individual chainsaw models. In addition, the fact that it will not be difficult to install a laser sight with your own hands is pleasing.