Today, the market for children's goods is oversaturated with toys made of low-quality, harmful materials. The main producer of such goods is China. This supplier has long supplanted competitors from other countries and has become almost a monopolist in the production of toys. Since China offers toys at a low price, Russian manufacturers were forced to leave the "battlefield". However, today the population is beginning to understand that children do not need cheap toys, but high-quality and environmentally friendly ones. That is why many come to the conclusion that you need to make wooden toys with your own hands. Or maybe not just make them for your children, but set up a small production?

What does it take to produce children's wooden toys even in small batches?
First, you need a room. It is desirable that there be at least three rooms: for woodworking, painting, assembly and packaging of finished products. But this is ideal. In reality, at first you can get by with a garage or a summer house.
Secondly, you will have to acquire woodworking machines and some other equipment. At first, a chisel and a drilling, milling, grinding and edge banding machine are enough. You can decide which more machines are needed after you decide on the assortment.
Thirdly, in order to make wooden toys with your own hands, you need equipment for painting. Here the choice is only for the master. The main thing is that all materials are environmentally friendly and do not harm children.
Fourth, you need equipment for packaging products. But that's in the future. For now, you can just buy boxes of suitable sizes and pack the products yourself.
Fifth, the staff. 2-3 people are enough to start production. Later, when the range and scale of production increase, additional workers can be hired.
Requirements for wooden toys
When making toys yourself, you must follow a few rules:
Toys should be easy to make. For example, a pyramid. Making such a toy is extremely simple, because they were invented a very long time ago. A rod is attached to the support, rings of various sizes and colors with holes are put on it. The top of the pyramid is crowned with a ball. Everything, the toy is ready for sale
Toys should not have small parts that a child can put in his mouth. The consequences of breaking this rule can be very sad for the producer and fatal for the baby
All products must be bright, elegant and beautiful. Only such toys will be able to attract the attention of buyers and delight children
Dignity of wooden toys

These items for games have their undeniable advantages:
- Wooden toys are environmentally friendly and safe.
- Wooden toys are strong and durable.
- This is a traditional Russian wooden toy.
First of all, pyramids, various wooden labyrinths for the smallest, cubes, rocking horses come to mind. It is advisable to make the cubes not too small so that children can build castles from them not for dolls, but for themselves. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to choose a lighter material, such as thin plywood, or even lighter. After all, large wooden toys will be too heavy and unsafe for the child.
You can make simple swords and shields for boys, cars, prefabricated houses for dolls.

Outdoor toys
If you decide to make wooden toys with your own hands, you should not forget about toys for the street. Various playgrounds, houses, slides, swings will be in steady demand. Although the market is full of plastic counterparts, the buyer is not satisfied with the quality of such towns and corners. Wooden products will serve the child for more than one year, enabling the child to spend time outdoors with benefit and pleasure. Of course, street playgrounds and towns are produced only to order, as different buyers need different configurations of these sets. Yes, and you can give the customer the opportunity to independently choose the color of the product - thiswill be a nice bonus.
Sports corners can be considered as a street toy. Of course, such children's wooden toys are bought not only for the street - they fit perfectly even in small apartments, allowing the child to throw out the accumulated energy.

Drawings of toys
Drawings of wooden toys can be drawn by a master or a business owner on their own. As long as no complicated things are being done, there is nothing difficult about it. More complex outdoor playgrounds are made according to individual drawings, based on the age and height of future users.
If there is a need for a drawing, you can always contact a specialist who will do all the necessary calculations for a reasonable price.

Children love toys made of wood, especially if their parents created them, and the children also helped. In order to make wooden toys with your own hands, it is not necessary to be a carpenter. For example, anyone can make a wooden duck.
To do this, you will need a piece of wood at least 2 cm thick, a template, a saw or a jigsaw, paints, a printer, nail files, a template, sandpaper.
- Print an image of a duck silhouette on the printer.
- Cut out the image, superimpose it on the tree and circle it with a pencil or pen.
- Cut along the contour with a jigsaw. All sections must be carefully processed first with a rough nail file, then with sandpaper. This is done in order tothe child could not get splinters.
- Together with the child, color the duck. After the paint has dried, you can varnish the duck to make the color last longer.
- You can leave the toy as it is, you can cut it into several pieces to make a puzzle. In this case, all slices must be processed again.
- You can drill holes and put the duck on the wheels, making a gurney for the baby.
Handmade wooden toys can bring joy not only to your children, but also to complete strangers who can get reliable, safe and interesting toys. If you approach the matter with the mind and soul, then the work will bring not only moral satisfaction, but also quite tangible material profit. The main thing is to correctly calculate all the pros and cons of such an event. To minimize risks, you can order a business project to a professional who will not only show the advantages and disadvantages, but also calculate the profitability and payback period of production.