Epipremnum golden: home care, flower photo

Epipremnum golden: home care, flower photo
Epipremnum golden: home care, flower photo

Golden epipremnum - is popular with both amateur growers and professionals. The name of this flower in different countries of the world is different. For example, in England it is called "devil's ivy", and in America - "golden lotus".

The flower is a vine with a large number of aerial roots. For the formation of a flower, arches, tubes with a porous spongy surface, or plastic tubes with holes filled with constantly wet sphagnum are suitable as support. Plant roots are hidden there so that they receive additional moisture and nutrition.


Epipremnum (scindapsus) golden is an ampelous herbaceous plant of the aroid family. Natural growing conditions - the tropics of Southeast Asia, the Solomon Islands, Indonesia. In nature, the vine grows in length up to forty, and at home - up to six meters. The root system is fibrous. The flower is an ear surrounded by a veil.

sheet plate
sheet plate

Rarely blooms when cultivated,however, this disadvantage is easily compensated by rich green mass. An adult plant has large ovoid leaves. They are dark green with yellowish stripes. Their surface is smooth. A young liana has a leaf plate of a uniform juicy green color scheme. Golden stripes and spots appear after a certain period.

Feeding for golden epipremnum

Caring for a creeper involves fertilizing. Most often, liquid top dressings are used, designed specifically for plants of this type. Mineral fertilizers are purchased in specialized flower shops.

Feed the flower at least twice a month from spring to late autumn. In winter, once is enough. It is best to use fertilizers containing a complex of minerals.

The lack of nutrients is reflected in the leaves - they become smaller, and an excess of nitrogen contributes to excessive elongation of the stems and the disappearance of the pattern from the leaf plate.

Lighting and air temperature

The most important thing in winter is to protect the flower from drafts and lack of light when caring at home. Epipremnum golden is quite demanding on these conditions, and if they are not met, then the plant dies. Therefore, in winter, a prerequisite is the presence of artificial lighting and the temperature in the room is not lower than thirteen degrees.

young plant
young plant

Liana prefers diffused light. Direct sunlight must be avoided. Otherwise slow downgrowth, and the leaf plate loses its elasticity. It is ideal to place a container with epipremnum from a well-lit window at a maximum distance (about two meters). In spring and summer, the optimum temperature for the plant is about 20 degrees. Liana does not need to be taken out to the street, balcony or terrace. She is very afraid of drafts, and this should be remembered when leaving.

Water and spraying

For spraying and watering golden epipremnum take settled water at room temperature. Between procedures, the top layer of soil should dry out. In autumn and winter, water every seven days, and in summer and spring - every five days. Liana easily survives drought.

Plant Formation Ideas
Plant Formation Ideas

With the heating on and in hot weather, spraying is done. As the leaves get dirty, they are wiped with a damp soft sponge and bathed in the shower.


Epipremnum golden, the photo of which is presented in the article, has the ability to weave and curl quite well. In addition, it is characterized by intensive growth of shoots. Therefore, to give a beautiful appearance to the liana, they carry out forming pruning. It is usually done in the spring, shortening the shoots by half the available length. The result is a pretty lush bush. Sometimes stem cuttings are used as cuttings to get a new plant.

Choice of capacity and soil for transplantation

For golden epipremnum, a shallow wide container with holes in the bottom is suitable. The soil can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently. Forthis will require one part of coarse sand, soddy land and three parts of leafy soil. You can also mix equal proportions of sand with humus, sod and peat soil.

Liana in a pot
Liana in a pot

The only condition is that the soil must be moisture and breathable. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. Lianas begin to be transplanted every three years after they reach the age of three. Until then, every year. For young plants, take a larger pot. Further increase in the size of the container is not required. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a pot, you need to focus on the size of the root system.


Breeding is carried out mainly by apical cuttings, which are cut with three leaves. In rare cases, stem processes are used. The shoots are divided into parts so that one leaf remains, from the bosom of which a young sprout can appear. The cuttings are planted in small containers about 8 cm high. The composition of the soil is leafy, peat and humus soil.

Breeding preparation
Breeding preparation

Each take one part and add 1/2 part of sand and sod land. The container with the handle is covered with a glass jar or a plastic bag. The plant will take root in two weeks. Before planting in a permanent place, the vine is treated with a special agent ("Heteroauxin" or "Kornevin") to improve root formation.

Diseases and pests

Harmful microorganisms infect the vine at high humidity. Botrytis disease manifests itselfreddening of the leaf plate. Fungicides are used for treatment.

Despite good care, various pests can infect epipremnum at home. If the flower was attacked by thrips, spider mites and scale insects, then they are removed with a sponge moistened with soapy water. Next, they are treated with fungicidal preparations. A week later, the manipulations are repeated, which will prevent the development of offspring.

The spider mite hides on the underside of the leaf plate and gradually captures the entire plant, wrapping it in a thin cobweb. The danger of this type of pest is that insects live in colonies. Both larvae and adults feed on plant sap, which contributes to the drying of the stem and leaves. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the plant covered with cobwebs dies off. It is important to remember that ticks can exist in the upper part of the soil, as well as in dead shoots. Therefore, if a flower is severely damaged, it is destroyed along with the container in which it was located.

The incubation period of infection lasts from two weeks to a month. The vitality of the female is four weeks, and during this short period she lays about a hundred eggs. They can be stored in the ground and in a pot for up to five years. Therefore, first of all, to combat this pest, they use means that can destroy eggs. Then they poison the juice of the plant, sucking it out, the tick receives a lethal dose of poison and dies.

sick plant
sick plant

The smallest colonial pests thrips feed on leaf sap. You can only see them under magnifying glass.glass. When there are a lot of these insects, the plant stops receiving nutrients. As a result, the leaf plate acquires a silvery-brown hue, turns black, curls and dries. The peculiarity of thrips is that they secrete a secret in the form of a sticky liquid, which can easily get on other indoor flowers, as well as a window sill or window. It is quite difficult to wash it off. They remove insects from the plant with a sponge dipped in soapy water, treating every centimeter. Take the flower out of the pot and wash the root system under the shower. Then it is transplanted into a new container and treated with chemicals. The affected parts of the plant and the earth are thrown away.

If growths of a brown hue appeared on a flower, then it was attacked by a scale insect. This is a viviparous pest, the female of which is capable of producing about 150 larvae. As a result, the flower turns yellow and dries. When insects are found, the vine is placed in a quarantine zone, and the pests are removed with a sponge moistened with a soapy-kerosene solution. Finally, the vine is sprayed with a fungicide.

Mistakes in care

At home, golden epipremnum, the photo of which is in the article, with poor-quality care and mistakes made by inexperienced flower growers, the following troubles arise:

  1. The tips of the leaves dry out - this is a consequence of insufficient watering.
  2. Falling and yellowing of foliage occurs due to insufficient supply of nutrients and light.
  3. Dark spots indicate overwatering.
  4. The faded color of the leaves is due to the negativethe influence of sunlight.
  5. Root system decay occurs when the earth is overcooled in winter.

Interesting facts

Golden epipremnum surrounds a lot of superstitions, myths and interesting facts:

  • Western scientists have proven that epiprenum is one of the three plants that effectively purify indoor air. It is able to absorb harmful and toxic substances emitted by household items.
  • Feng Shui experts state that the liana accumulates vital energy and places it in places where it is not enough.
  • Flower sap is highly toxic and causes irritation or swelling if it comes in contact with mucous membranes.
Flower as an interior decoration
Flower as an interior decoration
  • The plant effectively affects the mental and physical he alth of the individual. In rooms where there is a liana, there is optimism, good spirits and inspiration.
  • The energy power of a flower provokes intellectual development, increases resistance to negative factors, and even favors career advancement.


From those who decide to grow golden epipremnum, care at home will not require much effort. The plant pleases with its rich and bright greenery all year round. The implementation of simple rules, which include diffused lighting, maintaining a certain temperature, protection from drafts, moderate watering, regular spraying and top dressing, is quite within the power of even novice growers.
