Violet variety Leto Krasnoe is the brainchild of the famous Ukrainian flower grower Elena Lebetskaya. It was bred as a result of painstaking selection work to the delight of many amateur flower growers. Admire this varietal beauty is not in vain. Its chic large flowers of rich red hue leave no one indifferent.
In this article we will talk not only about the features of the Summer Red violet, but also about the specifics of growing it at home. We will give recommendations on reproduction, transplantation and top dressing. Our advice will make it easier for beginner growers to grow saintpaulias.
In fact, Summer Red violet is not too capricious, steadfastly perceives the imperfect conditions of a city apartment and is rarely exposed to diseases. Growing it is a pleasure - magnificent flowering transforms any home and pleases the eye for a long time.

Beauty Violet Summer Red. Photo and description of the plant
This beautiful saintpaulia can be recognized by the following features:
- Even rosette of the plant is large enough.
- Leaves slightlyelongated, oblong, deep green.
- Flowers are large, up to 7 cm in diameter, semi-double, wavy along the edge.
- Flower bouquet.
The most striking feature of the variety, of course, is the unusual color of the corolla - rich shades of red, raspberry, burgundy. And a thin white border along the edge of the petals gives a special tenderness to the violet Summer Red.
The photo shows how elegant and harmonious this plant looks. When looking at the incomparable large flowers, one imagines a delightful summer evening with a bright crimson sunset or a cool morning meeting a gentle dawn.

Saintpaulia care specifics: lighting
For active flowering and well-being of violet Summer Red, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions close to a warm tropical climate. First of all, you need to choose a well-lit place on the western or eastern windowsill. If the sunlight is direct, the violet should definitely be shaded, especially during peak hot hours. It is not recommended to place the plant pot close to the glass, it is advisable to keep a distance of 30-40 cm from the window.
Daylight hours should last at least 10 hours a day (preferably 12-14), otherwise the plant will not bloom. In winter, it is recommended to illuminate the violet with fluorescent lamps.
If you are in doubt about the correct lighting, carefully inspect the violet leaves. Their appearance will tell you about possible deviations in the lighting mode. If the plant looks he althy,has rich green leaves and blooms luxuriantly - so everything is in order. If you notice that the leaves are curling down and turning pale, there is too much light. Shading of the plant is required to prevent burns and further burnout.
If the leaves are small, stretch up, and the cuttings become long - the plant does not receive the required amount of light. Arrange additional lighting or change the place of residence of your violet.

Temperature conditions and air humidity are favorable for red violets
Saintpaulia - thermophilic plants. The optimal temperature range for their maintenance is within + 18 … + 25 ° C in the daytime. At night, a decrease of several degrees is allowed. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +16 °C. Violet Summer Red does not like drafts, the proximity of cold windows in winter and strong temperature fluctuations. Protect the plant from hypothermia.
Another important principle of Saintpaulia care is to maintain a favorable level of air humidity. Experienced flower growers recommend focusing on a value of 50-60%. Dry air is detrimental to violets, the plant dries up and starts to hurt. To increase indoor humidity levels, place a container of water next to the plant or spray room temperature water around the pot with a spray bottle. At the same time, be sure to protect the inflorescences from moisture.
Some growers use household humidifiers. This greatly facilitates the task of constantly maintaining humidity inwithin the set values, especially during the operation of the central heating radiators.
Saintpaulias also favor the periodic "soul". Under a weak stream of water, the leaves are carefully washed, preventing moisture from entering the flowers. This procedure gives the plant a he althy, fresh look and allows you to remove excess dust.

Correct watering of red Saintpaulia
Violet LE-Summer Red prefers timely watering with soft warm water. Cold water has a detrimental effect on the root system of the plant and leads to a lack of flowering. It is advisable to use soft water, purified with household filters, or boiled and settled to moisten Saintpaulia.
Interestingly, some flower growers recommend using hot water for irrigation, especially during the cold season. It warms the pot, nourishes the root system and makes the plant look he althy.
The moisture schedule may vary depending on climatic conditions, it is advisable to focus on the drying of the soil and not water the plant more than 3 times a week.
Ways of watering violets. Choose any convenient
There are several ways to water violets:
- Top watering (it is convenient to use a container with a long spout so that moisture does not get on the outlet and leaves).
- Drip watering (a good method to allow the plant to absorb as much moisture as it really needs).
- Wick watering (the pot with the plant is placed in a container with water, so that the bottomwas above the water level, one end of the cord is inserted into the drainage hole, and the other is immersed in water. Thus, the plant itself regulates the amount of moisture and is not at risk of decay).
- Irrigation by immersion (the pot with the plant is placed in a bowl of warm water and left for a while, then removed and allowed to drain the remaining liquid).
You can use any convenient watering method, the main thing is not to overmoisten the ground and prevent liquid from getting on the outlet and leaves.

Replanting violet Summer Red: how to do it right?
Periodic yearly transplanting of the plant allows you to get a lush, long flowering and he althy plant growth. This procedure is carried out in the spring or, subject to the use of additional illumination, in the fall and winter (during the absence of flowering).
Before transplanting, prepare the correct container, soil and drainage. It is advisable to buy a plastic pot, three times smaller than the diameter of the outlet, shallow in size. It must have drainage holes.
Soil for growing violets Summer Red use loose, moisture and breathable, containing peat and sand. Purchase a special soil mixture for saintpaulias or make up your own from 3 parts of peat and 5 parts of leafy soil. Sand, charcoal, sphagnum are added to the substrate. Expanded clay is used as drainage.
How to transplant a violet Summer Red? The description of the process is as follows. A layer of drainage and some fresh water are placed in a new pot.substrate. Saintpaulia is taken out of the old container, the old earth is carefully shaken off the roots, bad leaves and flower stalks are cut off (it is advisable to treat the sections with charcoal). The prepared plant is placed in a new pot, the roots are sprinkled with a substrate to the level of the lower leaves. At the same time, to compact the soil, the pot is lightly tapped. Everything, the process is completed. The plant is not watered for a day and left alone.
Three ways to propagate red saintpaulia

At home, cultivation of violets is successfully carried out in three ways, including:
- leaf rooting;
- plant division;
- germination of seeds.
All of them are quite simple, the main thing is to comply with the conditions and organize proper care for young plants. To root the leaf, cut off the stalk and place it in water until roots form. And when the roots reach 5-7 cm, the leaf is transplanted into a small pot.
The division method is used when the mother plant has daughter outlets. They are carefully cut with a knife and placed in peat for rooting, and subsequently transplanted into a pot and a greenhouse is built.
Cultivation of violets with seeds is a more laborious method. For this procedure, phytocassettes with lids are required. Sterilized drainage, sand, and soil are laid out on their bottom. Violet seeds are first mixed with charcoal and then with sand to increase their size. Seeds are spread over the ground and the container is closed. Keep warm for two to three weeks, waitinggermination. After the cover is removed, a pick is made when the seedlings reach 1.5 cm in size. And after two weeks, the plants are planted in cups.
Do violets need feeding?
For long-term flowering of Saintpaulia, you need to get enough nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize every two or three weeks in spring and summer, and once every four weeks in autumn and winter. You can feed only a moistened plant, while it is more convenient to feed through the pan. This will eliminate the possibility of fertilizer getting on the leaves.
It is advisable to buy complex fertilizers, which will include the necessary violet Summer Red phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium. For example, "Doctor Foley", "Mr. Color - Universal", "Mr. Color - Saintpaulia", etc. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of fertilizer and dilute them in low concentrations.
Following simple recommendations, you will definitely be able to grow a he althy plant on your windowsill, blooming luxuriantly and for a long time!