Psychrometric hygrometer: characteristics and principle of operation

Psychrometric hygrometer: characteristics and principle of operation
Psychrometric hygrometer: characteristics and principle of operation

Humidity is one of the main environmental parameters that affect the storage and processing of various types of raw materials and finished products. Therefore, the measurement of air humidity is an indispensable process in production. Currently, many doctors recommend monitoring the degree of humidity in the air and at home, as humidity readings also affect the well-being of a person, especially young children. It is recommended to maintain this parameter indoors at the level of 50-70%. To determine the humidity of the air, a special device is used - a hygrometer or, as it is also called, a moisture meter.

psychrometric hygrometer
psychrometric hygrometer

Hygrometers are of different types, which differ in the principle of operation. There are absolute, hair hygrometers and psychrometric hygrometers. There are also devices whose operation is based on determining the dew point. The main and most commonly used is the psychrometric hygrometer. It allows you to measure not only the level of humidity, but also the temperature. Hygrometerpsychrometric allows you to determine the relative humidity in percent. It is a base on which there is a scale with divisions and two capillaries are fixed. The base of one of the capillaries is wrapped with a fabric wick, the end of which is lowered into a glass flask. Water is poured into the flask before determining the humidity. The hygrometer scale is graduated in degrees Celsius. The measurement is based on the difference in air temperature indicated by the "dry" and "wet" capillaries. Each psychrometric hygrometer is also equipped with a table, with the help of which the relative humidity of the air is determined from the difference in temperature readings.

psychrometric hygrometers
psychrometric hygrometers

To measure air humidity, a psychrometric hygrometer should be installed in a vertical position at eye level in such a place that its readings are most accurate, that is, that there are no heat sources or vibrating parts nearby. Water must be poured into the flask. It is necessary to ensure that the wick does not come into contact with the walls of the flask. Then it is necessary to wait until the temperature difference is established, which will take more than thirty minutes. Care must be taken when using the hygrometer as the capillaries are made of thin glass and may break.

psychrometric hygrometer Vit-2
psychrometric hygrometer Vit-2

The most commonly used psychrometric hygrometer VIT-2. Its body is made of plastic. And as a liquid inside the capillaries is toluene. Humidity measurement range is 20 - 90%, and temperature 20 - 400С. Thisthe hygrometer has a low cost, ease of measurement, a wide range of air humidity values - this determines its prevalence. To measure humidity at lower temperatures, a VIT-1 hygrometer is used. It allows you to carry out determinations in the temperature range from 5 to 250C.

A hygrometer is a necessary device not only in production, but also in residential premises, since air humidity should be within the normal range, because excessive dryness of the air adversely affects the condition of the mucous membranes, skin, and also contributes to an increase in dust levels, which can cause severe allergic reactions.
