Even the most stylish and beautiful renovation can be spoiled by the wrong arrangement of furniture. Using various interior items, you can give the room an original and unusual look, visually change its shape and hide flaws. Proper arrangement of furniture will help emphasize all the advantages of the room. And it is not necessary to use the services of a professional designer. From our review you will learn how to arrange furniture in a rectangular room.
Problem description

Elongated rectangular rooms are quite common in standard Khrushchev, however, not everyone knows how to create the right composition in them. Most residents of such apartments do not choose the most original solution and simply place all pieces of furniture along the walls. In this case, the room only visually stretches more and begins to resemble a wagon. Besides,the borders created by the furniture "put pressure" on the person. Therefore, designers are advised to abandon this method of arranging furniture. This is especially true for large and massive elements.
How to arrange furniture in a 3x5 rectangular room? Photos of ready-made solutions will help you make the right choice. Experts recommend dividing the room into several functional zones. It can be a dining area, a nursery or an office. Thus, you can not only make the room more comfortable, but also visually change the shape of the room. You can even try to move away from the usual symmetrical approach.
The main feature of elongated rooms in standard apartments is their small size. Regardless of the functional purpose of the room, the principles for arranging furniture in it will be approximately the same.
Main recommendations:
- Try to use only functional furniture.
- Give up everything superfluous.
- Large interior items should be grouped in one zone.
In most cases, the residents of such apartments prefer to place large pieces of furniture in the corners so as not to clutter up the space. Designers are advised to avoid "empty zones". It is better to group items in such a way that they fit together. If the size of the room allows, then in the central part you can place a sofa and a couple of chairs, and organize a working area behind them.
Furniture placement patterns

How to arrange furniture in a rectangular room? Photos of ready-made solutions and expert recommendations will help you decorate the room correctly.
Let's consider the main models of furniture placement:
- Around the perimeter. This model allows you to significantly "unload" the central part of the room, but at the same time visually the room will greatly decrease.
- One against the other. Large and massive pieces of furniture are placed against opposite walls. In this way, you can shift the center of the room.
- In the corners. This model is most often used in small rectangular or square rooms. To get a harmonious interior, you need to carefully choose the composition. You can try to play with mirror elements on doors and furniture. They are able to visually double architectural proportions, and also create an optical illusion of expanding space, while adding a sense of symmetry.
How to arrange furniture in a small room in Khrushchev? Photos of ready-made options will help you make your choice. To decide which model is best to use when arranging furniture in your room, you can draw a floor plan. This way you can view different accommodation options without moving the furniture.
Important points
There are several factors to consider when planning your furniture arrangement. The first is the position of the doorways. Ideally, they should be located around the living room, and not through it. At the same time, furniture can be easily placed in such a way that it does not occupy the aisle.
Another nuance thatbe sure to take into account - this is the position of lamps and windows. This will maximize the use of natural and artificial lighting.
Rooms with balcony
Let's look at this option in more detail. An important question that worries many apartment owners with a typical layout is how to arrange furniture in a rectangular room with a balcony? Photos of ready-made solutions will help you choose the best option. Some prefer to combine a balcony with a room, others leave the classic layout. The main principle that should be observed when setting up such a room is not to block the passage to the balcony door. Often, the owners of such apartments place armchairs and bedside tables close to the door, which makes it difficult to move around the room.
The main advantage of a room with a balcony is the presence of a source of natural light that occupies almost the entire wall. You can decorate the window with beautiful curtains, or you can leave it open. This solution is suitable if the room is not large in size. How to arrange furniture in a rectangular room with a balcony? Photos of the interiors of such premises look amazing.
Before planning the arrangement of furniture, it is necessary to select the center of the composition. Proper organization of space changes the whole appearance of the room and its functionality. The main component of a comfortable life in a house or apartment is ease of movement.
Room with two windows

What is the peculiarity of this option? So howarrange furniture in a rectangular room in Khrushchev, if it has two windows? The ideal option would be not to close the window openings, but to use both windows, to beat them somehow. If you have thick enough walls in your house, you can install wide window sills. This option will provide additional usable space. In the windows, you can easily arrange small cozy places to relax. Along the wall under the window sills, you can make a niche for storing various small things. With such a composition, it is better to place furniture not along the perimeter of the walls, but in the central part. However, this can only be done if there is sufficient space, otherwise the interior will look ridiculous.
How to arrange furniture in a rectangular room with two windows? Photos of finished interiors will help you find the right option for yourself. If both windows in the room are on the same wall, furniture can be placed along the side walls. So it will be possible to save access to the windows, and the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room will not suffer from this.
Making a plan

How to arrange furniture in a rectangular room? The first step is to analyze the shape and size of the room. It would not hurt to make an approximate layout. To do this, measure the length and width of the room. The plan is best drawn on graph paper at a scale of 1: 3. Separately, on a sheet of paper, you can still depict the main pieces of furniture, observing the same proportions. After that, carefully cut out each of them. Now you can apply paper layouts to the plan, choosing the bestoption.
There are some simple practical tips for organizing your space:
- The largest sofa should be placed opposite the focal point of the living room.
- Chairs and armchairs can be placed on both sides of the room.
- To balance the arrangement of furniture, you can add ottomans.
Today, it is worth using special computer programs to draw up a floor plan. This greatly simplifies the process. Much also depends on the functional purpose of the room. Consider the features of furniture placement in different rooms.
Living room

When organizing the space of this room, it is extremely important to determine what is the centerpiece. It can be a fireplace, a TV or a picture. To focus on the main element of the room, use various accessories. For example, a TV would look good surrounded by bookshelves and shelving.
How to arrange furniture in a rectangular room of 18 meters? Photos of design options for decorating the living room allow us to highlight several main trends. Furniture should be arranged in such a way as not to impede movement around the room. To create a cozy seating area in an open setting, it is worth making a vignette between the chairs and the rug. Such an element will help to tie together several pieces of furniture. Using a coffee table and ottomans, you can make a reading nook. If you plan to place two sofas in the living room at once, then the distance between them shouldbe 1.8-2.4 meters. Try not to clutter up the space with large pieces of furniture. The main rule of harmony and comfort is freedom of movement for all family members and guests. Tables and sofas should be at arm's length. This location is the most comfortable for tea drinking.
Pay special attention to the corners. In a compact room, they should be filled with necessary, but not requiring special attention items. It can be a rack or a floor vase. Furniture placed in the corners will look elegant. However, this solution takes up a lot of space, which is not suitable for small rooms.
An important element in the design of the living room is the carpet. In a small room, a small round rug will look perfect. Particular attention should also be paid to the presence of several levels. The height of the surfaces must be selected in accordance with the zones in which they are located. A decorative table in the corner of the living room is usually located higher than between armchairs or sofas.
If it is necessary to highlight several functional areas in the living room, special examples should be used. So, for example, a good solution would be to use furniture to divide the room into zones. However, this point should be taken into account at the initial stage of the design of the premises. To distinguish between the living and dining area, you can use a high rack or sofa backs.
To create an overall harmonious picture, it is not enough to know how to arrange furniture in a rectangular room. Attention should also be paiddesign. For example, long curtains will look good in a small room. They help create the effect of a high ceiling. Also, do not clutter up the space with a huge number of pictures, photographs and souvenirs. Accessories and pieces of furniture are best placed according to the principle of symmetry. For example, sofas and armchairs can stand opposite in a checkerboard pattern. Shelves and racks are best placed on both sides of the TV. Using these techniques, you can easily achieve optimal proportions in the room.

The main item in this room is the bed. However, many have difficulties in organizing space. How to arrange furniture in a rectangular room? Photos of the interiors of the bedrooms look very original. The first step is to decide whether the bedroom needs storage space, or is it intended solely for relaxation. The bed is best placed along the long side of the room. On the sides of it you can put bedside tables. Designers advise positioning the bed in such a way that there is a distance of 40 cm around it. This will ensure unhindered movement. Particular attention should be paid to the bed. It is the main piece of furniture in the bedroom and should be decorated in a stylish way, in accordance with the main decoration of the room.
Let's look at this aspect in more detail. Most questions arise during the design of this particular part of the apartment. How to arrange furniture and a crib in a rectangular room? If aIf you are decorating a room for a newborn, then it is important to create a kind of triangle. This will make it easier for parents to move around.
It is most logical to arrange furniture in the children's room along a long wall. Thus, you can arrange more items: a bed, a table, a workplace.
How to arrange furniture in a small room in Khrushchev for two children? Here are a few key recommendations:
- It is better to place the working area for kids near the window. This will allow you to get as much natural light as possible.
- Sleeping place should be located in close proximity to the storage system. Near the bed, place a place for such improvised items as an alarm clock and a telephone.
- Be sure to provide space for play and socializing with friends.
- The color of furniture for a small nursery is better to choose light. Bright colors will also look good.
There are no special recommendations for older children, so it is not so easy to give a definite answer to the question of how to arrange furniture in a rectangular room for a teenager. Here everything largely depends on the personal preferences of the child.
Arranging a spacious rectangular room is quite simple. It will easily accommodate all the necessary household appliances. The table should be selected according to the size of the room. If space allows, you can use a rectangular or oval version. In conditions of limited space, a square table will still look better.

In this review, we examined in detail how to arrange furniture in a rectangular room. The choice of the optimal option for organizing space depends on many factors, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is decisive. If you follow the advice of designers, it is quite possible to achieve a good result.