Mutsu (apples): botanical information about the culture

Mutsu (apples): botanical information about the culture
Mutsu (apples): botanical information about the culture

A vigorous, resistant fruit tree. In the southern regions, it bears fruit more actively than in cool areas. Growth activity tends to change. The peak of growth falls on 7-8 years from the moment of planting to a permanent place of cultivation. Older apple trees grow less actively, moreover, this factor does not affect fertility in any way.

Mutsu apples
Mutsu apples

Botanical reference of Mutsu apple-tree

The main difference between this variety of apple trees is precocity. Dwarf rootstocks please with a harvest already in the second year after planting, seed - in the third.

Interesting! Mutsu apple trees do not need additional support. Therefore, after planting the seedlings, there is no need to bury the support pegs.

The formation and recovery of shoots in the culture is average, which is why the top of the tree crown is often bare, but this feature is unlikely to be considered a disadvantage: in view of this, Mutsu (apples) warm up better in the sun.


Rounded in shape, as the tree matures, it acquires a wide pyramidal or reverse pyramidal shape, the foliage is medium, the crown is not thickened.

Interesting! Since the trees are not tall, the lower branches often bend, touching the ground, under the weight offruits.


Leaf blades are oblong, large, their surface is smooth and looks polished due to a noticeable luster, which becomes more pronounced at the beginning of the warm season. The color of the leaves is dark green, saturated.


The size of the inflorescence is medium, the color is milky white, the shape is saucer-shaped. Flowering is medium late, due to which the percentage of death of flowers and ovaries during return frosts is extremely low.


Mutsu - large apples. The average weight is 160-190 g. The mass of fruits is determined by seasonal conditions, soil fertility, and climatic features of the growing region.

Fruits are rounded or slightly elongated down. Mutsu - apples that turn yellowish green, lemon, pinkish or light red. The skin is dense, smooth to the touch. A characteristic feature of apples is the skin covered with black or white dots. The pulp of the fruit is juicy.

Mutsu apples description
Mutsu apples description

Taste qualities were appreciated by tasters from more than 10 countries of the world. For which Mutsu (apples) received an average score of 4, 7. The harmonious sweet and sour taste will not leave any apple lover indifferent.

Using apples

Mutsu (apples) are mostly consumed fresh. But besides this, the fruits make delicious juice and jelly, rich compote, selected jam and marmalade.

Virtues of apples

  • Small tree height.
  • Precocity.
  • Great yield (subject to planting on nutritious and rich in moisturesoil).
  • Good fruit transportability.
  • Long-term storage of apples.
  • High palatability.

Fruit deficiencies

  • Dramatic changes in the duration of fruiting periods of apple trees.
  • The fruits are covered with a thick skin, which is not very pleasant when eating apples.
  • Medium level of winter hardiness.
  • Apple trees are too affected by fungal diseases: scab, powdery mildew; pests of fruit trees: codling moths and caterpillars.
apple storage
apple storage

Delicious, inexpensive and common - that's exactly what they are, Mutsu apples. The description we have prepared will come in handy when choosing seedlings or fruits in the supermarket.
