In the modern world, laminate flooring is widely used for indoor flooring. The building materials market is ready to offer a large selection of varieties of this flooring. However, for a long period, the most popular is the Quick Step laminate. Consider further the features that you should pay attention to when choosing this material, as well as what to consider when laying it.

About structure
In reviews of Quick Step, it is often said that the Belgian laminate in question is of a high level of quality. This is explained by the fact that the coating consists of four layers. They are based on HDF-type glued fibreboard, which is characterized by high strength.
The top layer performs an exclusively protective function - a special transparent coating Stratch Guard prevents the formation of any cracks, scratches, stains or otherdamage, and immediately below it is a decorative one that conveys the image in a realistic way.
The third layer of this type of laminate is a solid board, which serves as the basis for the entire structure. It is made of HDF with melamine addition. Quite often in reviews of the Quick Step backing, it is noted that it shows extraordinary durability even in the event of very strong impacts.
As for the last layer, it has a stabilizing function. It is with the help of this part that the evenness of the position of the laid out panels is ensured.

Quick Step Laminate Benefits
The considered building material has a number of advantages. They are immediately visible to the naked eye during the operation of the floor, decorated with Quick Step laminate.
The list of advantages, first of all, should include environmental friendliness and operational reliability provided by the Stratch Guard coating.
In reviews of Quick Step, many builders emphasize that this material can be safely used for laying on a "warm floor" system - it perfectly tolerates high temperatures. They also really like the ease of installation of the cover and its easy removal if necessary.
It is worth noting that its top layer has an anti-static coating that minimizes dust on the floor and carpets laid on it. In addition, such a floor does not need to be looked after in a special way. It can be treated with any household chemicals,intended for contact with the laminate. Moreover, the manufacturer notes such quality of the coating as water resistance, which also facilitates the operation of the material.
The advantages of Quick Step include the beauty of its appearance, as well as the comfort provided when walking on the surface.

Quick Step Collections
Special attention should be paid to the fact that the company offers customers not just one version of the laminate, but a number of collections that combine original interior solutions. Model lines currently in production include the following:
- Creo;
- Majestic;
- Classic;
- Rustic;
- Impressive and Impressive Ultra;
- Eligna and Eligna Wide;
- Arte;
- Perspective and Perspective Wide;
- Desire;
- Exquisa.
As for the most popular lines today, they are: Classic, Impressive Ultra., Exquisa and Impressive.
Quick Step laminate flooring reviews from builders and consumers quite often emphasize that each of the presented collections is balanced in its own way and attracts the attention of a certain group of buyers.
The manufacturer notes that for any type of flooring, the company is always ready to provide no less high-quality laminate that will perfectly suit its style.

Color palette
Considering the features of the branded Quick Step laminate, it should be noted that the presented collections offer the client a coating made in such color schemes that will be able to fit perfectly into any interior. Consider further the most popular scales:
- Beige and yellow. This combination is ideal for the living room, as well as for those rooms where you plan to create an atmosphere of tranquility and comfort.
- Gray. This variant of the color palette perfectly complements any elegant interior. As practice shows, the laminate of this color from Quick Step is great for offices, as well as living rooms decorated in classic or retro style.
- Red and orange. Selected collections of Quick Step flooring have such vibrant colors. Designers recommend using them for living rooms - rooms in which you need to create an atmosphere of family warmth. Also, this floor option will fit perfectly into the interior of the dining room.
- White. The white color of the floor is universal, it can be used to decorate any room. The advantage of this color scheme is that with properly selected other details of the interior decoration, the room will appear lighter and larger.

Features of care
In reviews of Quick Step, it is often noted that branded laminate, despite the high cost of the material, needs fairly simple care. Thus, the exploited coating can be subjected to both dry and wetcleaning, but in the second case it is desirable to control the level of the liquid supplied.
For professional cleaning of this floor, it is advisable to use the Cleaning Kit, which includes a unique mop with a special fiber.
In reviews of Quick Step Eligna, it is often said that for high-quality cleaning of the laminate of this series, it is necessary to first clean the coating with a vacuum cleaner, and then wet it. And only then rub each element with a fiber cloth.
In order to extend the life of the laminate, care must be taken to install furniture on soft wheels and rubber pads.

What to look for when choosing a cover
Quick Step reviews by construction professionals often make recommendations for this laminate. They also concern the correct choice of coverage of the type in question.
So, first of all, you should pay attention to its labeling. It should be in the range of 32-33. This designation is an indicator of the European standard, which indicates the high strength of the material. Such a coating is resistant to abrasion and may well be used for laying in rooms with high traffic.
It is worth noting that all the original laminate series have just such a marking. The only exception to this rule is the Quick Step Impressive Ultra line. In reviews of this type of coverage, it is said that he,with a strength index of 12, its strength is in no way inferior to the material with a mark of 32 and is specially designed for use in wet areas.
A lot of reviews about Quick Step are left by both builders and those people who preferred the floor from just such a material. They often talk about the high quality of the material, as well as the ease of assembly. Many consumers also appreciate the easy maintenance of Quick Step floors.
Along with positive comments, there are also negative ones, but their share is relatively small. So, in reviews of Quick Step Basic, it is sometimes said that this series of coatings is not the most durable. In particular, its elements tend to swell almost immediately after they get a large amount of moisture. With regard to the Rustic line, consumers have increasingly begun to notice the curvature of the pattern, which only appears during the laying of the floor.
It should be noted that most of the negative comments are received by Quick Step laminate, which was assembled at Russian factories. There are no such complaints about the original Belgian product.

In reviews of Quick Step Impressive, it is often noted that this type of building material has a high cost. In the capital's stores, it can be purchased at a price of 890 to 1850 rubles per 1 m2 depending on the product series.
Practice shows that when choosing a branded productit is impossible to give preference to the laminate, which is offered at a price much lower than that declared by the manufacturer, since in this case there is a high risk of acquiring a fake.