Spring comes into its own more and more every day. March gave way to April, which brought new worries and troubles to all land owners. No wonder they say that one spring day feeds the whole winter.
There is practically no snow left, and the land freed from it begins to demand increased attention to itself in order to sometimes reward its owners with an excellent harvest in autumn, which will be presented by fruit, vegetable and flower crops.
Spring gardening secrets
Every day in April brings experienced summer residents a lot of worries and troubles, and beginner gardeners have a large number of pressing questions. The most burning, perhaps, is this: "What to plant in April to get a decent harvest?". It does not arise in vain.

After all, nature is just awakening, and the snow has not yet completely melted, so there is a danger of freezing some cultures in the bud, which are quite thermophilic. Or, on the contrary, do not wait for a decent harvest, being literally a few days late with planting such plants that have a long growing season.
Spring. Summer resident's cheat sheet
The secrets of earthworks have been passed down from generation to generation since antiquity. From time immemorial, wise ancestors noted all the nuances associated with agriculture, and based on them created rules that have been proven by generations, making it possible to obtain a good harvest. And the answers to questions about how, at what time and what can be planted in April in open ground are based precisely on the experience of landowners.
First of all, in order to have a good harvest, all natural signs were observed. Among them - not only in ancient times, but even now, many summer residents adhere to the following:
- Before the Annunciation, which is celebrated on April 7, any planting of both fruit and vegetable crops in open ground was prohibited.
- Noon - from 12 to 14 hours - the time for any landings is the most unfavorable.
- The best crops that can be safely planted in the ground in April are garden greens: dill, lettuce, parsley, cilantro.
- Up to 12 o'clock on a warm spring day is good for planting onions on a feather, as well as sorrel.
Work on the lunar calendar for April
The lunar calendar is also an indisputable clue for any amateur gardener in the question "What to plant in open ground in April?".

Gardeners here adhere to the following rules:
- New moon period. No work with plants is recommended. You can do such work with the soil, such as mulching or loosening it, as well asthinning of emerging plants.
- What can be planted in April in open ground when the moon is growing? This is the most favorable time for sowing seedlings of early ripe pepper and tomato varieties.
- Full moon. No landings are recommended. Garden tools should be taken care of.
- The waning moon. What to plant in April at this time? The best thing would be to lay out potato tubers for germination, as well as free perennials, shrubs and trees from winter shelters.
April planting sequence
The sequence of spring plantings also plays an important role in the work of any summer resident. So, when deciding what can be planted in April, cilantro, spinach, garlic, carrots, dill and sorrel are called priority crops. These hardy crops can be planted in freshly thawed soil without worrying that the seeds will be damaged by frost on the soil.

But after the possibility of significant April frosts passes, the turn of more heat-loving plants, such as beets, peas, radishes, corn and potatoes, will come up. But tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and eggplants are in no way suitable for early planting. The time for their landing in open ground will come only after the soil has completely warmed up. For early plantings in April, film shelters are needed.
April: what gardening work is planned in the country?
The second spring month is getting very "hot" for the gardener. There is absolutely no time to be lazy. The start of the season brings a lothassle. And in addition to worrying about what to plant in April, the quality preparation of the site for the upcoming plantings comes to the fore. And this is by no means an easy matter.
Here it is required to keep the moisture accumulated during the winter period in the soil, and to loosen the earth, and to apply the necessary fertilizers. But how many more worries does the gardener have with the beginning of the season ?! And everything needs to be done on time in order to have a good harvest in the fall. And yet the main task will be the preparation of seedlings.
Seedling method - we will provide a rich harvest
This landing option for the northwestern region is considered the most reliable and able to fully recoup all the investments of the summer resident. And not only financial, but also moral and physical. After all, it is with this cultivation of most types of plants that truly fabulous crops can be obtained.

Here, amateur gardeners face the question of what can be planted in April for seedlings. The very first days of this busy spring month are suitable for planting ultra-early tomato varieties for seedlings. In this case, they will have a growing season sufficient for ripening in the open field.
From the middle of the month comes the time for seedlings of zucchini, cucumbers, squash. Many hobbyists grow heat-loving crops such as melons and watermelons on their plots, choosing for this purpose zoned varieties bred through many years of selection.
Cabbage seeds are planted for seedlings in April - one of the most popular vegetable crops, not only for the middle lane. her withgreat success can be grown in any area, except perhaps the Far North or the desert.
Vegetables in April. What are the conditions for planting at this time of year?
In addition to the well-established method of growing vegetable crops discussed above, many summer residents prefer planting them in open ground. This method, subject to certain rules, is also quite effective. In addition, thanks to him, you can avoid problems with growing seedlings.

This method is most relevant for the category of summer residents who do not have extra space on the windowsills, and they have a desire to get a decent harvest. According to this growing method, it will be enough for heat-loving crops to prepare warm ridges or film shelters in the fall, which is done quite simply.
So after all, how and what can be planted in April in the ground? In addition to herbs and all kinds of garden greens, at the end of April, seeds of all those plants that are usually planted at this time for seedlings can be planted in open ground. This should only be done using a covering material that will protect sprouting plants from possible frosts and cold snaps.
April: Landscaping tips for beginners
Experienced gardeners, in response to the question of what to plant in April in open ground, have an answer related to signs of plant growth and development. If you are observant, you can make mistakes when choosing the right days for April plantings.to avoid. Yes, and you won’t have to calculate certain numbers, as well as compare them with the lunar calendar. These signs are quite simple:
- Daffodils have blossomed - sowing beet seeds and cabbage seedlings that have hatched into the ground.
- Crocuses are blooming - the turn of onions, carrots and parsley is coming.
- Peonies got buds and viburnum bloomed? It is worth hurrying with planting late cucumbers and corn in the ground.

Knowing these signs, even an inexperienced summer resident will never make a mistake about what to plant in April. Knowledge and observations, proven by centuries of experience, will help you always have a rich harvest.