The cladding of the foundation has primarily aesthetic functions. It allows you to give the entire structure a finished and holistic look. However, this is not its only purpose. It also performs protective functions, protecting the base of the building from the harmful effects of the environment.
Brick lining the foundation
Any plinth lined with brick looks great. Power, beauty, reliability and durability - this is how this material can be briefly described. However, for such a lining of the foundation, its own foundation is required. Usually it is provided at the stage of construction planning. Although there are ways to arrange it already near the finished building. The laying process itself is no different.

Laying the foundation with plaster
A simple, budget-friendly yet cute way to decorate a plinth. The surface of the foundation before applying the plaster should be pre-primed. The material itself can be applied in any convenient way. But the result of the work is notonly decoration of the plinth, but also additional waterproofing.

Covering the foundation with siding
This method is not much more difficult than using plaster, but for some it may seem even easier. The main feature is that the foundation does not require preliminary preparation. It is only necessary to make a crate and already mount the siding on it. The installation of the panels itself is carried out in the same way as in the case of their mounting on the building. Everyone can do this kind of work on their own. Another issue is the choice of siding. Very often, the same material is used for lining the basement as for the building. In this case, an integral and indivisible general view is obtained. Although panel manufacturers can offer various color solutions, up to imitation of natural stones, bricks or something else. It is only a matter of personal taste and preference. As for performance, the material from which the siding is made plays a huge role in this matter. It can be vinyl or metal. In many respects, the latter type of facing material is much more preferable.

Facing stone foundation
This type of design of the base of the building can be divided into two main groups. This is a facing with natural or artificial stone. The first option is expensive and labor intensive. It is better to entrust such work to professionals, since the material itself is heavy and difficult toamenable to processing. In addition, due to the large mass of natural stones, even at the construction planning stage, the calculation of the foundation should take this factor into account. As for artificial materials, their installation can be done by hand. Unlike natural ones, they are relatively light and have a smooth surface. The material is fastened with reinforced adhesive on a pre-primed surface. Also, artificial stones show good thermal and waterproofing properties.

Foundation tiling
Very often, this method of forming a decorative and protective layer of the basement of a building is classified as using artificial stones. Some see them as completely different technologies. However, be that as it may, the installation of tiles is practically no different from fixing artificial stone, that is, the surface is pre-leveled and primed, after which a decorative layer is attached to it with glue.