Aster bouquets. Do it yourself

Aster bouquets. Do it yourself
Aster bouquets. Do it yourself

We love autumn not only for fruit and vegetable abundance. Every year she pleases with the colors that appear on all the trees. And even more fascinating are the autumn flowers. They have not only an amazing aroma, but also a dazzling beauty. One of the main colors of autumn is the aster with its rich palette of shades and sizes. We will learn how to make a bouquet of asters with our own hands.

Knowledge Day

Of course, each of us remembers that autumn begins with a holiday for all schoolchildren. On September 1, a crowd of children goes to a solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. Beautiful boys and girls with white bows and beautiful bouquets go to congratulate the teachers. Flowers are very different, but we are only interested in autumn species. These include:

  • asters;
  • zinnias;
  • dahlias.

All flower shops are looking forward to September 1 and sell bouquets on this day, the price of which is sometimes higher than 1500 rubles. We offer not only to save money, but also to try with your own child to prepare for his main holiday. Let's start studying master classes on the question of how to make a bouquet of asters.

bouquets of asters
bouquets of asters

15 minutes

An amazing and original bouquet can becreate quickly. Most importantly, arm yourself with the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon;
  • sedum;
  • asters;
  • and all the autumn flowers that can be collected in the country.

For a bouquet, you need to collect all the flowers in one knot, while you must beautifully arrange the asters and stonecrop. The latter helps the flowers stay fresh longer. Aster bouquets look beautiful if you do not wrap them in wrapping paper, but simply tie them with a satin ribbon. This is how in 15 minutes you can collect a bouquet for a schoolboy on September 1.

a bouquet of asters with their own hands
a bouquet of asters with their own hands

Dazzling tenderness

Having collected flowers at your own dacha, you can not just put them in a vase, but give them charm and make exquisite bouquets of asters. Prepare the following tools:

  • tape tape;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon bobbin;
  • mesh for bouquet;
  • fabric size 5030 cm.

Here is a step by step guide:

  1. First, clean the bottom of the stem from excess leaves.
  2. Sort the flowers. Only fresh specimens should be included in the bouquet.
  3. We collect flowers in a circle and wrap them tightly with teip tape. Do this until the bouquet fits well in the vase.
  4. Take the fabric, fold it in half. Wrap over the tape.
  5. We form a packing net and tie it around the bouquet.
  6. Tie the bottom with a satin ribbon.

Try it and you will definitely succeed in making a bouquet of asters. The photo will show how diverse and origin althey may be.

how to make a bouquet of asters
how to make a bouquet of asters

Long life

If you are lucky enough to receive a bouquet of asters, which is made with your own hands, extend its flowering. We offer you our tips:

  1. Add 2-3 teaspoons of regular or cane sugar to the water. The sweetened liquid has a beneficial effect on cut flowers.
  2. Aster bouquets love fresh water that is at room temperature. The ideal option is cooled boiled water.
  3. Before you put the flowers in the water, remove the lower leaves. It is also necessary to cut the stems obliquely. In this case, the cut must be even.
  4. Change the water every day.
  5. Asters will stay fresh for a long time if you constantly spray them. To do this, use fresh water and a spray bottle.
  6. And, of course, your flowers will last a long time if you have a good atmosphere in your family.

Lessons for beginners

To make aster bouquets work well, we suggest you use the following lesson. So here it is:

  1. To make it convenient to form a composition, prepare a wide vase of water.
  2. First of all, put beautiful greens in a vase, for example, sprigs of asparagus.
  3. And then the creative moment begins. Distribute evenly asters, amaranth, zinnia.
  4. For additional decor, we suggest using dried flowers. Place them in the middle of the composition.
  5. Secure the bouquet with a satin ribbon - and you can go to visit.
bouquet of asters photo
bouquet of asters photo

If you are serious about making flower arrangements, you will be interested to know what is used for decoration:

  • various greens;
  • beads;
  • vegetables that ripen in autumn, such as ornamental squash;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • gerberas and whatever your imagination desires.


To create bouquets from asters, the following recommendations will also come in handy:

  1. It is not recommended to combine roses and daffodils with asters.
  2. These flowers pair perfectly with peonies, daisies and daisies.
  3. If multiple colors are used, the number of colors must not be the same.
  4. Asters look original in a round bouquet.
  5. It is better to start composition with the central flower. The rest should be placed diagonally relative to the main one.
  6. The perfect composition will turn out when you get acquainted with the technology of choosing and combining colors. But the main role is played by your imagination and taste.

Today we have learned how to make bouquets with our own hands using autumn flowers. You can give your compositions to relatives and friends or simply delight yourself with exquisite compositions. Put in a little effort and you will surely succeed.
