Autumn aster: description, planting and care

Autumn aster: description, planting and care
Autumn aster: description, planting and care

As after a long and cold winter, we all look forward to the appearance of the very first delicate flowers, so in autumn, when nature fades, we admire the blazing fires of perennial autumn plants. Everyone who is fond of growing flowers in the garden will sooner or later get acquainted with the true queen of the autumn garden - aster.

autumn aster
autumn aster

These spectacular bright perennials delight with a diverse palette of shades. Planting and caring for these plants is not difficult. In this article, we will talk about the popular varieties of asters, the features of their planting and growing.

Astra: plant description

This is a perennial shrub from the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. Do not confuse it with annual asters, which are often called callistefus. Under natural conditions, the perennial autumn aster is found all over the world: it grows in Asia and Europe, America and North Africa. The cultivation of this plant began at the end of the 16th century. The name of the flower is translated from Greek as "star". As the legend goes,the aster appeared on Earth from fallen stardust. The Greeks were sure that this flower brings good luck, it was their amulet.

Astra autumn belongs to perennial and annual plants. In the world, there are, according to various sources, from 200 to 500 of its varieties. The vast majority of them grow in North and Central America.

aster autumn perennial
aster autumn perennial

The plant has simple leaves and inflorescences-baskets collected in corymbs or panicles. Depending on the variety, they differ:

  • bush height;
  • coloring;
  • leaf shape.

Most often, autumn aster has needle-shaped flowers. Annual varieties are grown in central Russia and northern regions. Perennials are preferred in the south. All species are distinguished by long and beautiful flowering, excellent resistance to negative climatic conditions. These are photophilous and drought-resistant plants.

Popular varieties

Late flowering autumn asters include several popular varieties - New Belgian, New England and shrub. New Belgian asters grow up to one and a half meters. Bushes have many branches densely covered with leaves. At the same time, there are stems with practically no deciduous mass. The color scheme of this group is dominated by lilac shades, sometimes pink and red are found. A bouquet of asters of this species is very effective.


This variety blooms for almost a month with semi-double dark purple flowers. Up to six flowers with reed petals are formed on one stem.


Another amazing variety of asters. The bouquet of them looks amazing. In addition, this variety is often used for planting in flower arrangements. Bushes bloom very luxuriantly, so they are often used for a single planting. The flowers are medium-sized, bright pink.

when to plant asters
when to plant asters


The bushes grow up to one and a half meters. Lush blue inflorescences with a diameter of four centimeters delight the eye for almost a month.

Perennial bush aster

The plant is a compact but dense flowering bush. They do not grow to a height of more than fifty centimeters. This variety blooms in early September and pleases with beauty before the onset of the first frost. Flowers are white or light purple.

bouquet of asters
bouquet of asters

Blue Bird

Another low-growing bushy autumn aster, which can even be called a dwarf, because the height of the plant does not exceed 25 cm. The variety is ideal for creating a composition of low-growing plants as a main element or as a border. The color is sky blue or lilac.

autumn aster flowers
autumn aster flowers


Also refers to dwarf varieties, about twenty centimeters high. It is used as a hanging option for framing flower beds. It blooms one of the last, later than other varieties. Lilac-pink flowers delight for a month starting in September.

New England asters have several key characteristics:

  • thick shoots;
  • powerful bushes with straight and tall stems.


A bush up to a meter high blooms in September. Beautiful lush inflorescences are collected in purple-lilac brushes. Flowers are equally good both in bouquets and in flower beds. It is often used as a hedge.

Dr. Eckener

Tall autumn flowers. Asters of this variety grow up to one and a half meters. This magnificent plant blooms with red-purple flowers with a diameter of 4 cm for a month.

varieties of autumn asters
varieties of autumn asters

Rote Stern

An amazing variety of autumn perennial aster with rather large flowers of a carmine hue. The height of the bush reaches one and a half meters.

Preparing asters for planting: choosing a location

We briefly described the popular varieties of autumn asters, now it's time to get acquainted with the planting conditions. To get a beautiful flowering plant, you need to choose the right place for planting and prepare the necessary soil.

You can grow autumn perennial asters anywhere, but if you want to get lush bushes and achieve active flowering, you need to choose the most suitable place on the site. Astra thrives in open, well-lit areas. Sunlight promotes the development and growth of the entire bush, not just foliage and stems.

We must not forget that in most cases the choice of a site for planting depends on the variety and type of aster. If you decide to plant several varieties, choose them by height. This way, when earlier varieties bloom, they will notwill close later. Undersized or dwarf ones are suitable for framing paths, and tall ones look good along the fence.

Soil preparation

Astram needs medium-heavy, loose, permeable loamy soil. Mineral and complex fertilizers must be applied to it throughout the season.

Before planting, prepare the soil: dig it up, apply mineral and organic fertilizers.

When to plant asters?

Planting, propagation and transplantation of perennial asters is carried out in spring and autumn. It is advisable to purchase planting material in specialized stores or in nurseries. Plants can be planted from seeds, seedlings, or cuttings and dividing the bush if you already have at least one plant on the site.

Planting asters with seeds

This method of growing asters is only suitable for the alpine variety, in the case of the rest it is inefficient. This is due to weak seedlings that do not take root well. Sow the seeds of perennial asters in the fall, immediately after they are collected. But alpine aster is more suitable for sowing in spring, when the soil warms up well. With the onset of steady heat, the first shoots appear, and in the fall, young plants are transplanted to a permanent place.

aster description
aster description

When the first sprouts sprout, the plant needs abundant watering, loosening and top dressing. In one place, a perennial aster should grow no more than five years, after which it is transplanted.


This is the most popular and common wayplanting, as well as breeding asters. Preparation for it begins in the spring, when young shoots are just emerging. Cut off the tops of the shoots about fifteen centimeters long so that the bottom cut is slanted. The lower leaves are removed completely, leaving only two or three upper ones.

aster autumn shrub stunted
aster autumn shrub stunted

Before planting in the ground, the cuttings should be held in a growth stimulator, in accordance with the instructions. Then plant them in the soil (at an angle!) in a special shelter with a film. For this, partial shade is suitable. Rooting usually occurs within a month. The ideal soil mixture in this case is peat, sand and soddy soil. Experienced flower growers recommend treating the substrate with potassium permanganate. In this position, the cuttings are left until the next spring for rooting, and then transplanted to a permanent place.

Dividing the bush

This method is suitable when you need to transplant an adult bush to a new place. As we said, this must be done in five years. When to plant asters in this case? This can be done both in spring and autumn. Autumn is more suitable for early varieties, spring is more suitable for late varieties.

When dividing a bush, it is necessary to dig it out and remove all the earth from the roots. Only after that, parts with young shoots and roots are separated with a sharp and disinfected pruner.

Features of care

Despite the fact that the autumn aster is considered an unpretentious plant, certain rules for its care must still be followed. Only in this case you will achieve a long and activeflowering.


It is carried out constantly, and in dry times the volume of water must be significantly increased. This is especially important when the green mass is growing.

Mulching and loosening

We have already said that asters need light and breathable soil. That is why loosening and removal of weeds during the season is necessary for the plant. This process can be minimized by using mulch. For this, peat, sawdust or bark is suitable. This will help keep moisture in the soil, keep it from drying out, and most importantly, slow down the growth of weeds.


This is a mandatory procedure, because asters love nutritious soils enriched with organic and mineral fertilizers. During the growing season, it is important to feed the plant with humus and phosphate fertilizers. This will support the bushes, fill them with strength before flowering begins.

autumn aster
autumn aster

Cutting and garter

Depending on the variety and type of autumn asters, they also need additional care. Shrubby and undersized compact varieties need pruning to form a beautiful crown. If the flowers are planted along the paths, then with the help of pruning you can create the perfect hedge.

Tall bushes will need support as they can grow up to two meters in height. As a rule, long strong pegs are used, or the plant is planted along the fence.

Preparing for winter

Perennial aster is an unpretentious plant that is not afraid of winter cold. But before winter the bushes shouldcut at the root and cover the soil with compost and dry fallen leaves. Such care is especially important for young plants.
