Acrylic putty for walls and ceiling: main characteristics

Acrylic putty for walls and ceiling: main characteristics
Acrylic putty for walls and ceiling: main characteristics

A fairly common product on the modern construction market is acrylic putty. It is one of the varieties of polymer finishing materials.

Key Features

acrylic putty
acrylic putty

The main distinguishing feature of acrylic compounds for puttying walls and ceilings is that they are offered for sale in the form of a finished mass, which does not require mixing with water or mixing with other ingredients. The main component of the described mixture is acrylic, which is a synthetic substance with altered properties. It perfectly interacts with the rest of the components, as a result, the mass becomes homogeneous, and after the completion of the drying stage, it forms a dense and smooth surface with a perfectly even texture.

If you use such a putty, you can be sure that it will not crack or crumble after drying. After reviewing the range of such mixtures, you can understand that they are presented by the manufacturer in several varieties. For example, facade is best suited for finishing exterior walls, as well asfloors inside the house. As for the water-dispersion mixture, it is great for finishing concrete walls, as well as eliminating defects on wooden surfaces. Acrylic putty may have a different composition, which determines whether the mixture will be used to create a starting or finishing layer. In the first case, the master has the opportunity to create a rough version of the coating in order to mask cracks, level differences and depressions. And the finishing putty is used to decorate the finish.

Differences of acrylic putty by type of base

putty price
putty price

Acrylic putty may differ in the type of material on which it must be applied. For example, woodworking compounds can even be used for drywall surfaces. There are also those compositions that are intended for finishing brick, metal and concrete bases. If you want to save money, then it is best to purchase a universal material that can be used for processing external and internal walls.

Main Features

putty for painting
putty for painting

Acrylic putty has certain characteristics, among them plasticity, water repellency, ease of application and short drying time should be highlighted. Due to plasticity, you will be able to create a coating that is not afraid of temperature changes, shock loads, as well as prolonged exposure to frost or heat. Thus, the described compositions do not crumble and are not covered with cracks.

Thankswater-repellent properties, the walls acquire excellent protection against decay, mold and dampness. An additional advantage is also the ease of working with a similar composition, which can be applied to any surface using a spatula. If necessary, cover the wall with the thinnest possible layer, add a solvent to the ingredients, pour the resulting composition into the spray gun. Putty for painting can also be used by you, while it will show all its best characteristics, for example, it will dry within the shortest time after application. That is why it is necessary to try to work with the mixture as quickly as possible, since it will harden in a container within an hour. The surface of the already hardened putty can be sanded using sandpaper. As a result, it will be possible to obtain a coating that allows the walls to breathe, excluding the occurrence of fungus and mold.

For reference

putty for wallpaper
putty for wallpaper

Putty for painting is able to provide walls with improved thermal insulation qualities, after drying the composition will not burn, which indicates its safety in case of fire. These mixtures can be safely used inside residential premises, as they are environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful substances into the external environment.

Negative characteristics

best putties
best putties

If you decide that you will use putty for wall or ceiling decoration, the price of this material should interest you. The cost, by the way, is one of the disadvantages of this composition. Yes, foruniversal mixture will have to pay 740 rubles. In this case, we are talking about a Russian-made product, while you will have to pay even more for foreign analogues. Another negative quality is the need for thorough sanding after the drying stage is completed. This can be very time consuming and problematic for a craftsman who does not have enough experience. During this, a large amount of fine dust will be released, which can harm the human respiratory system and lead to the need for long and thorough cleaning.

Apply putty

which putty is better
which putty is better

For even substrates, a fairly large trowel can be used, while for corners and hard to reach places, a smaller tool will do. Initially, a starting layer is applied, the thickness of which is 6 millimeters. If the base is in poor condition, crumbling and covered with cracks, then the first layer should be reinforced with a special mesh, it is best that it be plastic. After the first layer dries, which will take about a day, you can start applying the second. Often about 3 layers are required for walls or ceilings. Puttying with a finishing layer should be carried out in such a way that the thickness is 2 millimeters. When working on each layer, you need to change the direction of movement of the spatula, this will allow you to form a more uniform coating. After the wall should be treated with sandpaper, the most commonly used size 150 sandpaper.

Which putty to choose

applying putty
applying putty

If you have chosen putty for repair work, the price is not the only thing that should interest you. It is also important to pay attention to the manufacturer. The most popular brand today is Vetonit, which can be used as a base for wallpaper. When opened, the surface will be dusty, which is not suitable for living quarters. The mixture has a low cost, as well as low consumption, which varies within 1.2 kilograms per square meter. If there is a need to close up errors in the form of holes and seams on drywall, then you can prefer the equally popular Knauf putty, which can act as a base not only for wallpaper, but also for painting. Its consumption is slightly higher and amounts to 1.7 kilograms per square meter.

Considering the best putties, you can also pay attention to "Eunice", which is a composition of increased whiteness. It can be used for dry heated residential premises. If you want to use it for finishing, then the Vetonit or Knauf mixture can act as the basis. For damp rooms, basements and exterior walls, you can use Prospectors, which is not used for decorative painting, as it is the heaviest cladding.

Which putty for wallpaper is suitable, it was described above, but quite often when carrying out repair work there is a need to process more complex surfaces, for example, those that are in damp basements. Mix "Hercules"has high adhesion and allows you to seal potholes and cracks in concrete.


No matter how good the putty is, it is important to properly prepare the walls, even if they will be used in ideal conditions in terms of temperature and humidity. Which putty is better, you can understand for yourself by reading the information presented above. But even having bought the highest quality composition, it is important to rid the walls and ceiling of old plaster, paint and wallpaper, only then it will be possible to achieve a positive result.
