Suspended ceilings are no longer a novelty in construction and renovation, but they continue to be popular. In this case, built-in ceiling lights are used as lighting. The fact is that the variety of such elements is quite large, they serve for a long time, are very easy to install and have an acceptable cost. Moreover, they can be used in almost any room as both the main and additional source of lighting. And they can also become a highlight of the interior.

Recessed ceiling lights can be fixed or swivel. The first option after installation shines in a strictly defined direction. Swivel elements after installation can change the direction of the light beam. Naturally, choosing such an element of the interior, you need to pay close attention to the material of its manufacture. The main manufacturer of lamps is China, although sometimes Russian and Polish products come across on the market.
As for the appearance of products, the variety of modern lamps is quite large. Often, buyers choose devices in the form of a washer or a cube, as well as in the form of small round dots. The color and quality of glass can also be different, so it will not be difficult to harmoniously fit the lamp into the overall interior.

When choosing built-in ceiling lights, you need to pay attention to the fixtures of the devices, as well as the method of their installation. Naturally, the light bulb that will be used in the device is of great importance. The choice depends in part on the material of the ceiling finish. However, low-temperature light bulbs are often preferred. Halogen lamps can burn through a ceiling made of plastic clapboard or drywall.
In order to install recessed ceiling lights, you do not need to make special efforts. Their installation is quite simple. It is only necessary to decorate the ceiling and bring out the wires to connect the structure. The basis for the device is most often drywall. It is in it that holes are cut out for the body of the lamp. At the same time, it should be taken into account that recessed ceiling lamps require a certain inter-ceiling space.

Each bulb requires its own distance, which ranges mainly from 6 to 12 cm. Before cutting holes, they need to be marked. Before installation of ready-made structures, it is necessary to make a fine finish of the ceiling.
In order to install LED recessed lights, you need to make holes with a drill with a crown of the desired diameter. Althoughsometimes other tools are required, because the shape of the product may be different.
After preparing the ceiling, the wires can be connected to the terminals of the lamp, press the fasteners to the body, put them into the hole and release. The clips will snap into place on their own and securely fix the lamp. Naturally, twisting wires need to be well insulated.
The procedure, as you can see, is not difficult, so even an amateur who does not have the appropriate skills can handle it.