Dry waterproofing: types, purpose, consumption and instructions for use

Dry waterproofing: types, purpose, consumption and instructions for use
Dry waterproofing: types, purpose, consumption and instructions for use

Waterproofing of building structures, engineering structures and technological surfaces is an important condition in protecting an object from water. Penetrating agents are considered the most effective solution to this problem, as they form a dense water-repellent layer. The material is a dry waterproofing, which is prepared according to the principle of a mortar, after which it is applied to the working area.

Insulator purpose

Dry waterproofing
Dry waterproofing

The intended purpose of the material is to make a waterproof coating indoors and outdoors on crack-resistant and non-deformable surfaces. Depending on the specific composition, there may be contraindications to the use of waterproofing in relation to mineral and gypsum bases. Most often, the material is used in the following works:

  • External and internal water protection of underground and buried structures.
  • Filling voids and holes in masonry of old structures and buildings.
  • Finishing wet rooms for the purpose of subsequent application of tile lining. As a rule, dry waterproofing on concrete is used, which can be combined with sanitizing plaster.
  • Protection of sewage and hydraulic engineering facilities constantly operated in contact with moisture.
  • Waterproofing of tanks, pools and containers intended for the maintenance of drinking water.

In some cases, there may be special requirements for the use of different modifications of the insulator. For example, the same deformable bases are processed only with an elastic waterproofing mass on a two-component polymer-cement base. If necessary, individual qualities are enhanced by additives - for example, to improve frost resistance, elasticity and strength.

Concrete waterproofing
Concrete waterproofing

Operation principle

The mixture has a penetrating effect, forming a reliable water-repellent layer with the surface structure of the target material. This effect is achieved thanks to a special composition. The standard formulation implies the inclusion of cement, quartz sand and active chemical elements with granulometric filling. In the process of dissolution, the ions of the mixture penetrate the micropores into the structure of the same concrete and crystallize. As a result, chemical reactions lead to the formation of a barrier to water and moisture. At the same time, dry cement mixtures of waterproofing can interact with metals in different ways. Usually assumedreaction with calcium ions of reinforcing rods, as well as aluminum inclusions. The s alts and oxides contained in the concrete structure, as they interact, form insoluble needle-like crystalline hydrates. The network of such crystals is located randomly, filling microcracks and capillaries up to 0.5 mm in size. Due to the force of surface tension of aqueous media, the filtration of liquid through the structure is blocked. The resulting network of crystals forms a common monolithic structure with concrete, increasing its strength characteristics.

Varieties of material

Dry waterproofing installation
Dry waterproofing installation

Techniques for applying waterproofers vary, causing different requirements for the characteristics of mixtures. As a rule, the following types of dry waterproofing are distinguished:

  • Coating. It is used in the protection of construction material from external hydrological influences.
  • Tampon. It is used for seams, joints and junctions of structures. In professional construction, this is a typical means of terminating interpanel nodal joints.
  • Cement repair. It is used in sealing local leaks. A kind of sealant that can be used as a means of repairing existing holes, etc.
  • Additive in cement. Even at the stage of creating a mortar, the mixture is introduced into the mass, acting as a full-fledged component of the future structure, along with the same cement or sand.

Preparing the base for application

The work surface must be solid, level and clean. Glossy finishesshould be sanded with an abrasive, otherwise the active components will not penetrate the material. Also, the surface gets rid of grease stains, efflorescence and traces of the previous finish. On the other hand, dry waterproofing does not tolerate large pores and cracks. Such surface defects must be embroidered and sealed with a primer for concrete, and only after polymerization, work can begin. For example, weathered masonry joints are embroidered to a depth of about 2 cm and filled with plaster or cement mortar. Deep losses in masonry should be replaced with new segments or completely filled with mortar.

Mix consumption

Preparation of penetrating waterproofing
Preparation of penetrating waterproofing

Waterproofing mass is prepared from two components - directly dry active mixture and water. For 25 kg (usual packing volume), 6-7 liters of pure water are enough. As for the calculation of the dry waterproofing mixture according to the consumption for a specific area, it depends on the type of composition and the degree of humidity in the room. So, for places with a high moisture coefficient, a conventional solution is used in a volume of 2.5-3 kg / m 2 with a layer thickness of 2 mm. If a room with a pressurized water environment is being serviced, then the flow rate increases to 5-6 kg/m2 with a laying thickness of 5 mm. In the case of elastic compounds, the volume is 0.8-1 kg/m2.

Applying the insulator

Application of penetrating waterproofing
Application of penetrating waterproofing

Laying is performed in several approaches, each of which must be completed with careful leveling. It is better to start work with a brush -with a maklovitsa, and apply subsequent layers with cross movements with a brush and spatula. When working with hardened layers, there may be a problem of reduced adhesion. This happens if the breaks between approaches are more than 12 hours. Special additives will help to compensate for the lack of coupling, but it makes sense to make them only during the preparation of the solution. When using dry waterproofing for fillet welds, the protective structure is supplemented with a waterproof tape. This consumable is usually produced by the same manufacturers of insulating materials. Tapes with an adhesive backing are also laid in other problem areas, then acting as a reinforcing lining. The laid mixture dries completely after 3-5 days.

Recommendations along the way

It is desirable to apply the solution at temperatures of 5-30°C. If the work is carried out outdoors, then after laying, external protection from the sun, rain and wind should be considered. When waterproofing the floor with a dry penetrating mass, it is important to ensure the mechanical protection of the treated structure. To do this, after the curing of the laid mixture, special coatings based on polymers and composites are used. A good solution would be to use bituminous mastic, but with the same water-repellent effect.


Treatment of the premises with dry waterproofing
Treatment of the premises with dry waterproofing

Penetrating insulation has many benefits ranging from high vapor permeability and environmental friendliness to alkali and s alt resistance, making it an attractive outdoor solution. But importantremember that this is not permanent protection. For example, a dry mix for waterproofing concrete must be laid at intervals of several years. This can be a problem if the surface has a decorative finish that will also need to be replaced. Temperature requirements must also be taken into account. Many manufacturers put rigid limits on the use of such insulators in freezing conditions.
