Bosquet is Definition, features, photo

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Bosquet is Definition, features, photo
Bosquet is Definition, features, photo

Video: Bosquet is Definition, features, photo

Video: Bosquet is Definition, features, photo
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Today people pay a lot of attention to landscape design. This equally applies to full-fledged companies that are engaged in the design of recreation areas, parks and alleys, and ordinary people who want to create some kind of miracle on their site near the house. That is why incredibly beautiful plants, elegant figurines and special techniques for planting and caring for plants are very popular today. One of them is the bosquet.


Bosquet is a trend in landscape design. It is represented by certain plants planted in some geometric shape. In fact, the shape does not really matter, the main requirement here is that this figure be closed. In parks and large areas, you can find bosquets in the form of complex geometric shapes or entire labyrinths.

bosquet in the garden
bosquet in the garden

It is quite clear that the bosquet means pomp and grandiosity. That is why it looks best in a large space. However, this does not mean that it cannot be done in your country house or in front of your house. It is quite possible to perform this task, but you will have to limit yourself to simpler ones.forms and lower plants. It is worth noting here that the square bosquet is the most popular option. In addition, the bosquet is ideal for zoning your site. Clearly planted plants can be used to creatively design garden beds, enclose a corner for children, or designate a recreation area for adults.


In general, the bosquet is an invention of French designers. This element of landscape design was especially popular in the 16th-18th centuries. Specialists then approached the design of any park very responsibly. They believed that parks should be designed in the same way as cities - with their own streets, squares and avenues. Given the characteristic appearance and the effect created, many experts of that time assumed that the bosquet was architecture in the full sense. That is why this phenomenon became very popular in those days and continues to maintain it even in our time.

Bosquet in ancient times
Bosquet in ancient times


Given the fact that the bosquet is created using different plants, it can be used to achieve a variety of effects. There is a certain classification of this phenomenon. From the point of view of appearance, two types of bosquet are distinguished:

  • grove;
  • cabinet.

Bosket Grove

The ideal place for a bosquet grove is flat and spacious plots of land that are well lit by the sun. The last condition must be observed both from an aesthetic point of view and from a practical one. The thing is that plants need to receiveenough sunlight for full growth, and plenty of light will also make cutting trees easier.

bosquet grove
bosquet grove

Here it is very important to choose the right plants. The most popular options for the grove are hornbeam, birch and linden. Selected trees must be planted in straight lines with the same interval between each other. As soon as the trees begin to fully grow in a new place, you can begin to form their crown in the shape of a cube. To achieve maximum effect, cutting trees should be carried out regularly. If everything is done correctly, then the individual green cubes of mature trees will form a single whole after a while.

In the end, do not forget that tree trunks would do well to be whitewashed. There is also some dualism in this step: the same height of the whitewash emphasizes geometric shapes, and the whitewash itself protects the trees from sunburn.


The essence of this type of bosquet becomes clear from its name. The thing is that such "offices" are fenced areas of the territory. Very often they are made in order to provide yourself with a cozy corner where you could relax from the outside world in peace and quiet. From another point of view, such bosquets can be used for receiving guests, since the smooth walls of the bosquet give the impression of an open-air room.

bosquet cabinet
bosquet cabinet

As for the walls themselves, their height is usually about 2 meters, and the thickness can reach 60 cm. It is understandable that not every plant will fit these parameters. That is why the most popular plants for creating a bosquet cabinet are:

  • western thuja;
  • yew medium;
  • field maple;
  • forest beech;
  • common barberry;
  • Tatar honeysuckle;
  • clematis;
  • girlish grapes.

Gardening experts should have noticed that lianas, conifers and deciduous plants are presented above, this emphasizes the versatility of such a phenomenon as a bosquet cabinet. Now you know for sure what you can make bosquet beds in your garden from.

You should immediately understand that the creation of such "offices" is a rather long and painstaking work. Once you have chosen and planted the plants, you need to take care of them and wait about 3 years for them to start forming walls. Separately, it is worth noting that Tatar honeysuckle has the highest growth rate. If you can't wait to enjoy the bosquet in your garden, then you need to choose this particular plant.

Bosquet for garden zoning
Bosquet for garden zoning

An additional incentive to pay attention to "cabinets" is the situation when you don't know what to make bosquet beds from. The aforementioned plants can greatly help you in fencing certain areas of your garden. That is why you can meet many people who call bosquet garden beds with green fences.

Proper care

Many now understand that a basket means a bigamount of care and effort. That is why it is worth paying special attention to caring for plants. Roughly speaking, all care can be limited to watering and cutting plants. If everything is quite simple with watering, and the basic requirements depend only on which plant you made the bosquet from, then you can and should talk about cutting the bushes in more detail.

Bosquet Care
Bosquet Care

In order to achieve the most correct geometric shape of your plantings, you need to use special pegs that are placed at the corners of the geometric figure. Then, between these pegs, a rope is pulled along the upper and lower borders of the future wall. After that, the process of shearing becomes very simple - you need to cut off everything that goes beyond the boundaries of the ropes.

Special attention should be paid to the top of your wall, because even the smallest sticking out branches will significantly spoil the impression of the whole bosquet. As a result, you should get a real work of art in the field of landscape design.


So, in landscape design, the bosquet is a real find. With its help, even the simplest park can be turned into a tourist attraction. Moreover, the bosquet can help you make your own summer cottage incredibly cozy, where you will rest your body and soul, and where you will not want to leave.
