Poems and songs are dedicated to the beauty of chrysanthemums. They are admired and admired. Chrysanthemums give autumn extra bright colors and allow you to enjoy their multicolor before a long winter.
Chrysanthemums are flowers that not only look charming, but also smell wonderful. If you cut off a bouquet and bring it home, then pleasant aromas will soar in the room for several days. This plant is easy to grow at home or in your summer cottage. It is enough to have a minimum of knowledge and put them into practice. It will be told right now about what conditions the chrysanthemum flower prefers. Caring for her after planting is watering, weeding, loosening and top dressing.

Chrysanthemums are divided into indoor and outdoor. Indoors, subject to good lighting (without direct sunlight), at a temperature of + 15 … + 17 ° C, the plant will feel great. It is important not to forget about sufficient watering and spraying from a spray bottle, as chrysanthemums are very fond of moisture. They will thank the owner for their care and will bloom until late autumn or even winter.
Reproducing and planting a smallmiracle
Indoor plants are easy to propagate. There are 2 ways to do this. More reliable is reproduction by dividing the bush. Usually in spring and autumn, lateral processes with roots appear on the plant. They must be very carefully separated from the mother bush and transplanted into a separate small pot. It is important to perform the procedure when the ground is wet. In this case, the soil from the roots of a young chrysanthemum will not crumble. Flowers may appear on it next fall.
Plants for open ground are propagated in the same way. At the end of September or in May, several children with stems and roots are separated from an adult bush, which are planted in the ground. Work must be done in cloudy weather. A hole 30 cm in diameter and 20 cm deep is dug in fertile soil. Humus and several granules of flower fertilizer are poured into it. Now the contents of the hole must be mixed well and spilled with water. The roots of the plant descend there and are covered with soil. From above, the earth should be slightly crushed by hand. If a rather tall chrysanthemum seedling is planted, the flowers (if any) are cut off along with part of the stem. 4-5 leaves are left on the center shoot so that the plant bushes well.

You can propagate the flower and cuttings. This is the second way. The vending branch is cut off and dipped into the water for a week, in which Kornevin is dissolved. Now the stem can be planted in loose soil slightly obliquely. Produce cuttings in spring or autumn. In the spring - in the open field, and in the fall - at home in a pot.
Chrysanthemums planted on the plot must be shaded by covering with non-woven material.
Plant care
After the chrysanthemum seedling has taken root in autumn, flowers should be expected at the end of next year's season. When planted in spring, they may appear as early as the same autumn. For this, the plant needs sufficient watering. After it, each time it is necessary to carefully loosen the ground around the bush. You can not do this if you pour peat mixed with sand under the bush. Plants are fed with liquid flower fertilizer only for next year, as there are still enough nutrients in the planting hole.

Chrysanthemums are autumn flowers. At the end of the summer season, they will delight the gardener with their colors, and house plants will cheer up the owners with their fragrance and colorful splendor until winter.