Zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child: design features, interesting ideas and recommendations

Zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child: design features, interesting ideas and recommendations
Zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child: design features, interesting ideas and recommendations

Separate housing is still the cherished dream of many people. As a rule, the first own home for a young family with a child is a small one-room apartment.

Having your own residential meters pleases and inspires. But along with joy, the question arises: how to accommodate all family members in a small area comfortably and conveniently? Modern interior developments come to the rescue, namely the zoning of space.

So, how to properly organize the zoning of a one-room apartment for a family with a child?

General rules for the division of living space

To create a harmonious space, you need to follow a number of rules that will help you achieve the perfect result. Here's what to consider when zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child (recommendations):

  1. When dividing the space, it is necessary to evaluate the natural lightrooms, location of windows and doors.
  2. Place sleeping places away from drafts and the front door, and work areas closer to the window.
  3. When erecting additional structures in a room, you need to take into account its geometry and the height of the ceilings, so as not to make the space even smaller.
  4. When creating separate zones, we must strive to maintain the unity of the overall style of the interior.
  5. When zoning a room, the interests of all family members should be taken into account.
  6. Before starting work, it is better to prepare a preliminary draft (you can just draw it by hand) and act on it as planned.

Zoning a living room with furniture

The most traditional way to highlight separate zones in one room is to arrange the furniture correctly. Zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child implies the presence of at least a children's corner, a sleeping place for parents and a common recreation area, sometimes combined with a working area.

Zoning of a one-room apartment for a family with a child
Zoning of a one-room apartment for a family with a child

You can use the closet to separate the beds, while making the closet functional on both sides. If you put the sofa in the center of the room, it will visually separate the seating area from the rest of the room.

If it is decided to divide the living space into separate zones with the help of furniture, then it is better to immediately select light, elegant designs in the same style with increased functionality. For example, you should pay attention to the various racks. They will not clutter up the space, perfectly combining theirdirect appointment with partition function.

Sliding doors and additional designs in the interior

In order to create a comfortable zoning of a one-room apartment for a family with a child, ideas can be very original. An interesting option is the installation of sliding doors and glass screens. Modern designers love to use this technique. The advantage of such designs is their lightness, airiness, aesthetic design.

Zoning of a one-room apartment with a child
Zoning of a one-room apartment with a child

They are also good for their mobility, allowing you to change the space at will. For example, you can completely close the recreation area from prying eyes, or you can create an open space for the arrival of guests by simply sliding the doors.

Usually glass and mirror surfaces are used for the manufacture of such structures, which further increases the space. Another indisputable advantage of these doors is that they are made to order, taking into account the size of the living space. The only disadvantage of such a solution is a rather high price.

Stationary partitions - additional walls

Establishment of deaf additional walls in the room is justified if the area of the room allows. This may be appropriate, for example, in modern spacious studio apartments. In this case, you can use different design solutions for the design of zones. But in small apartments with low ceilings, it is better to limit yourself to lightweight structures in the form of arches, semi-arches, podiums, bay windows.

Zoning of a one-room apartmentfor a family with a child, ideas
Zoning of a one-room apartmentfor a family with a child, ideas

They allow you to mark the boundaries of various functional areas without overloading the interior. The material for creating such partitions is usually drywall. But in the modern construction market there are many other decorative materials from which similar structures can be made. They look very beautiful. You can also increase their functionality by making additional niches for household appliances, shelves for books, lamps, souvenirs.

Original textile solutions

The interior design of a one-room apartment for a family with children can be made using partitions in the form of various curtains and curtains. Textiles give a special comfort to the home. If the family has a small child, then it is enough to hang a beautiful curtain or canopy over his bed to create a calm, harmonious atmosphere. Curtains are convenient because they can also be used to change the surrounding space as you wish.

Design of a one-room apartment for a family with a child
Design of a one-room apartment for a family with a child

And the varied texture of fabrics and reasonable price leaves a huge scope for creativity. The only condition: when choosing fabrics for zoning a room, one must take into account the style and color scheme of window decoration to create a unified interior.

In addition to the classic options, today you can choose curtains from a variety of materials: threads, rhinestones, wooden elements. They decorate the interior very much.

Changing space with light and color

Amazing visual effect can be achieved with just the rightchoosing the color scheme of the walls and artificial lighting. But doing this is not as easy as it seems. To create a harmonious space, divided into several zones, you need to know the rules of color compatibility and competent lighting.

Zoning of a one-room apartment for seven with children: features
Zoning of a one-room apartment for seven with children: features

To facilitate the task, it is better to select colors from the same gamut of different saturation and shades. For example, make one wall darker, which will visually increase the space. Or arrange one zone in warm colors, and the other in cold, but in one color.

Lamps are also very actively used to decorate the boundaries of a particular residential area. If the general light in the room is warm, then a lamp with a bluish cold light can be installed in the workplace. It helps to focus and create a working atmosphere without disturbing other family members.

The use of mirrors in the interior

Mirrors are a popular tool for changing spaces in an interior. They can also be used to create an interesting studio apartment design for a family with a child.

Interior design of a one-room apartment for a family with children
Interior design of a one-room apartment for a family with children

Mirror surfaces can be used on the facades of sliding doors, visually expanding the space. With properly placed mirrors, you can achieve an interesting lighting effect by highlighting one living area and shading another.

But there are a few things to consider:

  1. Don't overdo it with mirrors, otherwise the room will be veryuncomfortable for life.
  2. Do not place mirrors in front of the bed or front door, or on the ceiling.

Mirrors in the interior are beautiful and stylish, but only if they are appropriate.

Transformers - a modern solution

Zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child can be perfectly solved with the help of modern furniture that deserves special attention. These are the so-called transformers. Such furniture usually consists of several blocks, which allow you to create a table, bed or wardrobe from one common design, if necessary, or vice versa, to hide all protruding surfaces, freeing up space.

Zoning of a one-room apartment for a family with a child, recommendations
Zoning of a one-room apartment for a family with a child, recommendations

The advantage of such modern furniture is also that you can assemble for yourself all the necessary furniture functionality using a minimum of items, like a designer. Transformers are usually made of modern materials and have a very stylish design. For small apartments, this is the perfect solution.

Features of the organization of children's space

When planning the zoning of a one-room apartment, the child and his interests must be considered especially. It is necessary to take into account age, character, hobbies and many other factors in order for the youngest member of the family to feel comfortable and convenient at home.

What does the zoning of a one-room apartment for a family with children look like (features):

  1. For a small child, you do not need to create separate rigid structures, the baby should be next toparents, a light curtain or canopy over the crib is enough.
  2. For a child in the room, you need to choose the warmest, but well-lit place, it should not be a walk-through.
  3. If a schoolchild grows in a family, then it would be appropriate to pick up a special furniture module that includes everything you need. It can be of any size and is suitable even for a small apartment.
  4. It is necessary to take into account the hobbies of the child when decorating the interior of his personal space. Emphasize his individuality.
  5. The separating structure must be made in such a way as to prevent visual contact between parents and child. It should provide maximum autonomy for the children's part of the room.

Thus, zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child has many interesting solutions. It all depends on the taste of the apartment owners and their financial capabilities.
