Kitchen sets made of composite material are gaining more and more popularity. But not all housewives know how to wash an artificial stone sink. However, if it is not properly cared for, it quickly loses its attractive appearance. Washing artificial stone is easy. The main thing is to do it regularly and apply the appropriate means. It should be remembered that the sink, like other items made of artificial stone, which are constantly exposed to water, causes certain inconveniences to their owners.

Sink specifics
In stores, housewives pay attention to stone sinks because of their unusual appearance and non-standard design. However, before buying, you should find out all the possible difficulties that may arise. Even if you clean it regularly, it is sometimes difficult to avoid the following problems:
- The interior surface is prone to lime deposits, especially if the area has hard water. This is most noticeable on dark samples. Sometimes, even a special filter does not help.
- If the sink is light, then you should beware of stains from coffee, beet juice and other coloring products. If you pour out such a drink and do not wash the sink, then a persistent stain will form on its bottom.
- A broken faucet can be a big problem. Constantly leaking water causes rust stains that are difficult to remove.
- The appearance of cracks makes the cleaning process much more difficult. The material is able to absorb dirt and is difficult to remove. To prevent this, do not throw heavy objects into the sink.
Despite its apparent strength, the artificial stone sink is quite capricious and easily damaged if strong abrasives are used.

Effective cleaning
How to clean an artificial stone sink? The answer to this question is of interest to many housewives who are faced with the appearance of spots. To do this, you need to purchase funds that act directed at pollution. You can even choose aggressive preparations, the main thing is that they do not contain abrasives.
How to wash an artificial stone sink if persistent stains appear on it? Any bleach based on chlorine will work for this purpose. Cleaning will be more effective if paired with a melamine sponge.
Stained with coffee (but onlyfresh) liquid soap easily copes. It is enough to apply the product to the entire perimeter of the sink, rub a little and rinse the solution with water. The best effect can be achieved if the sink is dried with a towel after cleaning.
Before washing the sink made of artificial stone, it is necessary to assess the extent of contamination. If the stains are persistent, it is better to purchase special products designed for cleaning products made of composite materials. Their application is quite simple. A small amount is evenly distributed around the entire perimeter of the sink and washed off with water after 10 minutes.
Some prefer to use the usual powders like Comet or Pemolux. Their action is undeniably confirmed by the reviews of the hostesses. But, the hard particles included in their composition can damage the surface of the stone. Therefore, it is recommended to slightly moisten the powder with water before use, bringing it to a paste.

Removing limescale
A frequent question of owners of modern kitchen sets is: "How to wash an artificial stone sink?". There is always a lot of water in the kitchen and limescale is not uncommon. Help to get rid of it safely and quickly:
- special preparations for cleaning composite materials;
- acetic solution.
If vinegar is used, a number of actions must be performed:
- Put on gloves.
- Wet a sponge with 9% vinegar and wipe problem areas.
- Leave for 2-3 minutes.
- Wash off with plenty of warm water.
- Wipe dry.

Let's do without chemistry
Many housewives are interested in how to wash an artificial stone sink without resorting to industrial means. To do this, you can use the following options:
- Lemon. It is necessary to take the fruit, cut it in half and wipe the entire inner surface of the sink with a slice. Lemon cleans well from specific contaminants and gives the sink freshness and a pleasant aroma. But you should not keep the solution for a long time. Otherwise, the stone may change its original color or the sink will lose its luster and become too matte.
- Mustard powder. Used as an industrial cleaner. Mustard must be poured into the sink and rubbed with a melamine sponge. Stubborn dirt can be cleaned by making a paste from the powder with a little water.
- Baking soda. The instructions are the same as for mustard powder. In this case, due to the strong abrasive properties, the paste should be prepared immediately.

Those who are wondering how to clean a white faux stone sink may be surprised. For perfect whiteness and freshness, you can use toothpaste. According to the reviews of the hostesses, it is necessary to take a gel sample, it copes better with the task. Of course, there is no need to use a toothbrush. The best cleaning materialwill be the same melamine sponge.

Out of the box
Many people love the artificial stone sink. How to wash rust so that it regains a fresh look is interesting to everyone. For these purposes, you can purchase tablets for dishwashers.
Their action is such that they cope with lime deposits and help remove rust spots that have appeared. To do this, the tablet is diluted in a small amount of water and the entire surface of the sink is treated with the resulting solution. The product must be left to act for 5-10 minutes. Then it is washed off with water and the sink is wiped dry. In the fight against rust, the main assistant will be the constant maintenance of cleanliness and dryness.
Prevention measures
It is known that it is better to prevent complex pollution than to deal with them later. If you follow preventive measures, then there will be no question of how to wash an artificial stone sink. Reviews indicate that the sink will not acquire unpleasant stains if, after washing the dishes, remove the remnants of food and wipe it with dishwashing detergent. Lime deposits will not be a problem when the sink is wiped dry.
It is not recommended to pour coloring drinks like coffee into the sink. If necessary, immediately rinse the surface with water.
In conclusion
The artificial stone is quite exquisite. But if the sink made of this material has lost its former attractiveness, it is necessary to use cleaning products. However, in the futility of attemptsto return the gloss to the sink, you should not part with it. The stone has a uniform internal structure, so it can be polished.