How to fix a toilet leak? Call plumber at home

How to fix a toilet leak? Call plumber at home
How to fix a toilet leak? Call plumber at home

For many people, calling a plumber is the only solution to a leaking toilet or any other problem. The unwillingness to aggravate the situation and the lack of relevant experience leads to the fact that the family budget has to be spent on solving an elementary task. In order not to resort to the services of specialists and make an independent connection of the toilet, it is enough to have at your disposal the most common tools and understand the design of the plumbing device.

toilet leak
toilet leak

Main parts

The internal elements of the drain tank are called valves, it is necessary to regulate the flow of water. At first glance at the internal structure, it may seem that there are only two primitive parts - a drain mechanism and a float, but in fact they are complex devices consisting of many elements.

The supply valve includes a body equipped with a membrane that ensures the flow of liquid, and a float, which is complemented by a lever system for communication withmembrane. The adjusting screw is used to change the amount of water supplied to the toilet bowl. When it rotates, the position of the float changes and, as a result, the amount of liquid. The need to regulate this device arises in case of excessive water consumption or, conversely, insufficient flushing.

Types of connection to the sewerage

The outlet is a drain hole connected to the sewer. The execution of the plumbing fixture is possible in three variations, all of them differ in a different installation method and characteristic properties.

Slanted outlet at 45 degrees.

The vertical version goes exactly to the floor. Such equipment is common in individual construction, the main advantage is the possibility of installation in any part of the room.

The horizontal outlet of the toilet is at the back of the bowl and has the opposite direction. Models of this type can only be installed close to the wall.

toilet cistern
toilet cistern

Drain design

Some plumbing fixtures use a rather complicated drain mechanism. As for the standard version, it consists of three structural elements: a drain button, a valve and a shell. It has a relatively simple principle of operation: a button controls a movable valve located in a plastic case, the connection between the two elements is provided by a lever system. There is also no chance of overflowing the tank, for this an overflow is used, which redirects the excess amount of water into the toilet itself. This device looks like a plastic small tube, characterized by adjustment by lowering and raising, it is located in the central part of the drain.

plumber call
plumber call

When it needs repair

A toilet leak or lack of water most often occurs due to a breakdown of the main elements - the body, the drain mechanism or the float. The latter is capable of delivering such difficulties as insufficient cessation of the water supply and its absence in the tank. In these situations, it is worth paying attention to two elements - this is the float part itself and the valve to shut off the supply. The design of the float can be different, the most common options are in the form of an inverted glass and parts with an internal hollow cavity. The latter is distinguished by the need for frequent replacement, since when water enters the inside, it ceases to function. Another device stops working only if dirt sticks, this problem is eliminated by normal washing.

Faults in the shut-off valve are related to the water passage holes, which can become clogged over time, or to the membrane. A disassembly of the float design is required, which includes unscrewing the cap that protects the internal parts, removing the membrane and cleaning the internal ducts. Then the membrane returns to its original place and is fixed with a cap. It is worth noting that the toilet leak is often caused by the membrane, as it quickly fails, therefore, when performing repair work, it is best toreplace it.

how to fix a leak in the toilet
how to fix a leak in the toilet

Change in liquid level

Adjusting the float does not require special knowledge. It is enough to draw water into the tank and note the liquid level, it should not exceed the side holes. In the absence of holes, you can focus on the drain mechanism, it should be partially in the water. Due to the possibility of overflow regulation, it should not be taken into account. If you lower the float, the water level will decrease, when it is raised, the opposite effect occurs. The design is equipped with various devices for moving, depending on the model, it can be a rail or a screw.

The main problem in the drain mechanism is the toilet leak, in which case the water continuously flows into the bowl itself. This can happen for two reasons. If the overflow device is incorrectly adjusted, in particular, if its tube is too low, an excessive set of water occurs. In this case, it is necessary to raise the tube and pay attention to the changes that have occurred, if everything remains as before, the tube rises even higher, nothing needs to be done when the spontaneous outflow of water stops. If there is a risk of liquid overflowing through the holes on the sides of the tank or its top, it is necessary to change the location of the float.

toilet pipe
toilet pipe


When the tank connectors leak, you need to replace the old gaskets and seals necessary to connect the two parts. Also, the toilet pipe may eventually come touselessness, in order to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant situations, such as flooding of neighbors, you should immediately call a specialist.

Malfunctions in the design of the valve and, as a result, a toilet leak are possible if dirt gets under it or the rubber element dries out. To fix the problem, it is necessary to disassemble the mechanism, while removing the tank itself is not required. The drain device is sufficient to be divided into two parts to provide free access to the hole for draining the water and the valve. First of all, it is necessary to clean all the elements of accumulated debris and check the operation after reassembly. If nothing has changed, the membrane needs to be replaced with a new one.

toilet connection
toilet connection

What you need to know

The toilet cistern is distinguished by a fairly simple device, which is why its repair does not cause any particular difficulties. It is worth noting that the breakdown of one part of the valves is often followed by others, so it will become more rational to replace all the components. It is necessary to understand the existing valve mechanism, it can have a different design, the main difference is in the water supply option: the hose can be connected at the bottom, side or top.

How to fix a leak in the toilet

In order to replace the valves, you need tools that can be found in every home. These are pliers and wrenches.

To begin with, the valve closes and the drain button is removed by dismantling the clips or unscrewing. Separate the toptank.

The inlet hose is disconnected by unscrewing the existing fasteners. In order to dismantle the top element of the drain column, it must be rotated 90 degrees.

Next, the mounting bolts are removed and the tank is set aside. The remaining parts of the column are removed after unscrewing the nuts that fix the valve.

After the installation of the valves, all parts are assembled back.

If suitable new parts are available, any elements that fail can be replaced. The task is complicated by the fact that the components of devices produced earlier are not suitable for most modern tanks. Therefore, in some cases, you have to purchase a new tank. It is worth noting that the toilet bowl can have either a one-piece design or consist of basic individual elements.

toilet outlet
toilet outlet

Integrity breach

If even small cracks appear on the surface, the tank must also be replaced, since the destruction cannot be repaired with repair work. You can delay the acquisition by sealing the crack with a silicone compound with pre-drying. The nature of the existing damage and shortcomings directly affects the algorithm of repair work and the necessary costs. Replacing the internal components is not able to solve all problems. In the absence of suitable elements or the presence of damage on the body, it is necessary to purchase the tank itself or the entire toilet bowl, in this case, a plumber will be required to carry out the work.
