For the first time, the violet was discovered by the German governor of the German colony in East Africa, in the region of the Usambara Mountains in 1892. Avoiding the heat, walking with their companion, they turned into the forest, where there was good shade. There he saw beautiful flowers.

He sent the seeds home to his father Ulrich Saint-Paul, who was fond of floriculture and collected orchids. He gave the seeds to his friend - the director of the botanical garden. Hermann Wendland named the violet in honor of the Saint-Paul family, and thus the plant received the name "Saintpaulia".
Introducing Saintpaulia to the world
In 1893 Saintpaulia was presented at the international exhibition of gardeners, its description was published by the magazine "Gartenflora". Since then, this plant has become a common indoor perennial flower in Europe, and a little later around the world. Violet came to the territory of Russia in the 20th century, and began its distribution path from the Leningrad Botanical Garden.
Saintpaulia received its second name in honor of the place of its birth "Uzumbar violet". This name is often found in everyday life. One of the most beautiful andAn unusual species of the Uzumbar variety is the Château Brion violet.
Containment conditions
Violet can grow both in the light and in semi-shaded corners of the house. Most often, of course, you can find violets on the windowsill. But do not forget about the main rule of keeping saintpaulias, which is to provide a lot of light, but not the sun.
It is worth remembering that the plant does not like drying out, which means that it needs regular watering. But in no case should you spray the petals, this will lead to the death of the plant.
The temperature regime for violets is as important as watering. The temperature required for Saintpaulia to grow is 22-25°C during the day and up to 19°C at night.
To provide better care and good living conditions, violets need organic and mineral fertilizers.
Like any indoor plant, violet needs constant care, because in addition to various diseases, the plant can be attacked by pests. Thrips are the most dangerous for Saintpaulia. They can go into the soil, they can be on the leaves of a flower. When they appear, timely treatment of the plant with special preparations is necessary.

Saintpaulia reproduction
The Chateau Brion violet, like all varieties of violets, is propagated by cuttings and with the help of seeds. Most often they are cuttings. The most favorable time for this is, of course, spring.
Although for breeders and experienced flower growers, the season does not matter. Before the stalkbreak off from an adult plant, you need to water the flower itself. Then, breaking off the leaf, it is lowered into the water and the violet stalk is kept on the windowsill or rack until the roots hatch. After that, the stalk is simply planted in the ground.
From seeds, plants grow stronger. But special conditions (temperature, humidity, lighting) are necessary for seed germination.
Growing and breeding racks

Racks for violets are used quite often, especially if there are a lot of plants. Saintpaulias require shelves, the dimensions of which must be selected according to the possibility of placing lighting lamps. For example, a shelf up to 40 cm wide can be illuminated by one lamp, and one with more than 40 cm, this amount of lighting will no longer be enough.
Racks for violets are very convenient to use, there you can not only keep plants, but also breed new young ones. Now there are no problems with the choice of racks. It is possible to buy ready-made, assembled or made to order, you can also order parts and assemble it yourself.
Everything will depend on the number of plants placed on it. And, of course, you need to remember about the right lighting on the shelves of the rack.

Violet Chateau Brion: Description
There are a huge number of varieties of saintpaulias, many of them are very similar. So, the violet of Chateau Brion, the description of which we bring to your attention, will decorate any window sill and shelving. The flowering of this type of plantplentiful, capped.
This plant has powerful flower stalks, they are erect, dense, pubescent and always vertical. The leaf is rich green, slightly elongated and slightly wavy. The flower itself is terry, the petals are noticeably thickened towards the edge, and have a light green or white color. The shape of the flower is round - about 6 cm in diameter. One of the distinguishing features of this variety is the color of the plant, namely dark wine-ruby flowers with a dense wavy border of white or greenish color along the corrugated edge of the petal. The rosette of the flower looks like a pom-pom and blooms profusely and for a long time.
The described violets are quite unpretentious and tenacious - this variety does not require special, exclusive care. It is necessary to keep the flower in the same way as other varieties of Uzumbara violets are kept.

A little about the creator of the variety
Chateau Brion violet is a variety bred by Elena Lebetskaya. She is a representative of Ukrainian breeders, lives in Vinnitsa and has been breeding new varieties since 2000. All flowers obtained as a result of Lebetskaya's selection have the prefix "LE" in the name, such as violet le chateau brion.
By the way, until the indicated time, Elena was engaged in collecting plants and the usual breeding of violets. But, today she has on her account about 250 varieties of Uzumbar violets bred by her. And each of them is unique and strikes thousands of lovers of this beautiful indoor flower with its beauty.