Zemex (spinning rods): customer reviews

Zemex (spinning rods): customer reviews
Zemex (spinning rods): customer reviews

Every year, spinning fishing is gaining more and more popularity. That is why there is a constant increase in the release of gear intended for it. This trend has its own pattern, leading to increased competition in this sales segment. In this regard, manufacturers have to pay close attention not only to the wide range and quality of models, but also to the production of affordable gear.

It's no secret that spinning is on the list of the most important elements, without which normal fishing is impossible. This is a real tool capable of distinguishing a professional from an ordinary fisherman with its quality.

Spinning, however, like any other device, has many parameters. However, the most important of its characteristics, which the buyer should pay special attention to, is the design.

zemex spinning rods reviews
zemex spinning rods reviews

Shelvesmodern stores contain thousands of models offered by a variety of manufacturers. These fishing tools have different purposes and types, modification features and sizes. However, unfortunately, frankly bad specimens can coexist next to high-quality rods. What to choose? This is what our conversation will go on.

Competitive products

Recently, the Russian consumer market is increasingly offering customers goods of various kinds, made in Korea. And they attract our attention due to their competitive cost, while outperforming their counterparts from China in terms of quality.

Russian consumers are happy to use household appliances made in Korea, buy cars assembled in this country, and less and less look at goods from the Middle Kingdom, the purchase of which is associated with the risk of acquiring consumer goods. All this applies to the market of fishing goods. In particular, such a necessary tool as spinning. Why is it worth buying it is Korean production? Yes, because any rod model in its price category will have no analogues from other manufacturers. In terms of quality, Korean spinning rods freely compete even with Japanese ones. It is noteworthy that at the same time they manage to remain in the budget price category.

zemex spinning rods reviews
zemex spinning rods reviews

Judging by the reviews, Korean Zemex spinning rods are especially distinguished by consumers. The gear of this brand very successfully combines reliability,availability and catchability.

Distinguishing Features

Zemex specializes in the production of float rods, feeders and spinning rods. In addition, in the assortment list of goods there are several more highly specialized models of carp and side rods. However, it was Zemex spinning rods that gained high popularity among fishermen. Feedback from many people suggests that they associate this fishing tackle with a wonderful combination of high quality and affordable price range.

In connection with what do Zemex spinning rods receive positive reviews? Among the features offered by the model manufacturer are:

- use in the manufacture of rods only reliable materials that have passed preliminary checks and received a certificate of environmental safety;

- passing preliminary testing of spinning rods, which prevents unsuccessful models from appearing on the market;

- availability a wide range of products, as well as a large number of modifications that differ in their characteristics and operating parameters;- the use of only innovative developments and advanced technologies in the production process, which allows us to produce only the highest quality goods that successfully compete with more well-known large companies.

Let's consider some models of spinning rods offered by Zemex, reviews of which indicate their great popularity.

Spider Pro

Rods of this series were developed by the company's specialists for amateur anglers and beginner spinningists. Thanks to a wide range of models, such rods can be purchased for a variety of conditions. It can be fishing in small rivers with the lightest turntables, and work in deep areas, as well as on the far edges of reservoirs with a heavy jig.

spinning zemex jarnero jigmaster reviews
spinning zemex jarnero jigmaster reviews

Judging by the reviews, Zemex Spider Pro spinning rods are perfect for those who prefer to catch coastal perch on the Micro Jig, and those who are determined to bring home trophy pike caught on wobblers. In other words, this range represents a fairly wide range of features that can be obtained for a reasonable price.

Let's consider some varieties of Zemex Spider Pro spinning rods. Feedback from fishermen suggests that this line of the brand has the most delicate rod. It is a Zemex Spider Pro 210 0, 3-5g model, which belongs to the ultralight type. This is the most sensitive rod among all produced rods that are designed for catching predatory fish. Because of its lightness and thinness, as well as its small size, this spinning rod is often called a whip. However, this tool, despite its fragile appearance, has considerable power, as it is manufactured using innovative techniques, the highest quality requirements and the best materials. According to the reviews of those who have already learned how to handle such a blank, the results of fishing with it are simply impressive. The opinion of most experienced spinners is unequivocal: ultralight is the most effective and convenient rod.

spinningzemex viper reviews
spinningzemex viper reviews

Purchase such gear for catching semi-predatory, as well as predatory fish. This rod does a great job with oscillating and spinning lures.

What other differences does this model have from Zemex? Spinning rods are reviewed as excellent rods for fans of micro jig fishing. After all, their distinguishing feature is a wonderful sensitivity and excellent work on fighting. In addition, this model of Zemex Spider spinning rods receives reviews as an excellent tool for catching pond trout in the style of Area Fishing, which has gained great popularity recently.

What else can you hear about this ultralight spinning Zemex reviews? Users confirm that the action of this rod is designed in such a way as to make it possible to successfully cast the lightest lures. At the same time, the rod perfectly extinguishes the jerks of the trout, which does not allow it to break.

Zemex Spider 10 50 Pro is also very popular. Reviews of the 2.40m rod confirm that it is the most powerful in the spinning line under consideration. This tool is suitable for those who truly appreciate trophy fishing. The main purpose of this type of model is jig fishing. A powerful spinning rod copes with the most impressive loads and allows its owner to enjoy an unusual trophy. The length of the rod is such that it can be easily used both from the shore and from a boat.

In the Zemex Spider 10 50 Pro line of spinning rods, tools and2.70 m long. This rod belongs to the heavy class and allows you to fish from the shore using jig lures. Spinning is specially designed for critical situations when the current of the river is quite strong. In such cases, the jig is not able to quickly fall to the bottom. At the same time, the bait is nailed to the shore. The spinning of this model has an increased weight of the jig head, which saves the fisherman from possible problems.


Spinning rods of this series are distinguished by their elegant appearance and low weight. Zemex Viper gear is very informative and is able to show good dynamics when casting. In this model range there are tools designed for a wide variety of styles of spinning fishing. Why are Zemex Viper spinning rods attractive for consumers? Feedback from fishermen confirms that the main distinguishing feature of the rods of this model range is their ability to work with the lightest baits, while leaving a reserve of binding properties and power for battles with large trophies.

spinning zemex spider pro reviews
spinning zemex spider pro reviews

Let's consider some models of this series. The classic representative of the rods used for the Ultra-Light style is the Zemex Viper Spinning 200 1-8g. The manufacturer has specially developed it for use in catching predatory, as well as semi-predatory fish that live in water bodies of various types.

This model of Zemex Viper spinning reel gets reviews as an excellent tool for catching pond trout, which has excellent casting properties. The rod has wonderfulastringent properties and allows you to fish with silicone lures and the lightest spinners.

Another popular model is the Zemex Viper Spinning 210 4-16g. Judging by the feedback from consumers, it is perfect for various methods of spinning fishing. Such rods are preferred by those who fish from boats, using the light style and using jig lures. This model is especially good for small and medium-sized rivers. The rod allows you to animate various cranks, oscillating as well as spinners, which are especially good for chub.

For lovers of various techniques and fishing from a boat, the Zemex Viper Spinning 210 5-18g rod is perfect. It works great with jig lures, shows excellent casting properties of spinning and oscillating lures. It can be used when fishing with not very tenacious shads and cranks, as well as medium-sized wobblers.

The most versatile rod of this modification is the Zemex Viper Spinning 220 7-25g. Customer reviews confirm that it is convenient to work with it both from the shore and from the boat. The structure of this spinning rod allows you to animate the most popular pike wobblers, the length of which reaches 90 mm. In addition, such a model is equipped with an informative device that allows you to inform the fisherman about a delicate bite when fishing with jig baits. The coveted trophy will not be able to hide in the thickets of reeds or in the cherished snag. A sufficiently powerful and reliable butt of the rod will not allow him to do this. Due to its versatility, the spinning of this modelperfect for those who are preparing for a trip to unexplored reservoirs.

Jarnero Jigmaster

This line was created by the Korean company, taking into account the wishes of the most demanding fans of spinning fishing from the shore. These rods belong to the sports class. At the same time, according to reviews, the Zemex Jarnero spinning rod allows its owner to confidently use a variety of techniques for fishing in the bottom layer. At the same time, the rod is equipped with classic jig or spaced rigs.

Spinning Zemex Jarnero Jigmaster receives user reviews as a reliable casting tool that allows you to catch the most promising areas located at the most remote frontiers with maximum efficiency. The rod combines high sensitivity and accentuation of the action, which allows for filigree animation for the bait in the early stages of fishing. Not only for amateurs, but also for professionals, spinning rods from this series from Zemex are good. Feedback from the owners of such rods confirms the fact that the Jarnero Jigmaster models confidently cope with the resistance of even the most solid trophies.

spinning ultralight zemex reviews
spinning ultralight zemex reviews

Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular rods in this series. The lightest model is the Zemex Jarnero Jigmaster 220 2-10g spinning rod. It is used when fishing with wobblers. This rod gets good reviews from micro jig lovers, as well as from those fishermen who prefer silicone rods.unloaded baits. The owners of this spinning model note its high sensitivity, as well as excellent casting qualities.

Another popular model is the Zemex Jarnero Jigmaster 230 3-12g. This rod offers its owner great opportunities for various experiments. So, it allows you to successfully fish with retractable and spaced rigs, Drop-Shot, as well as with a classic jig. This model is used when fishing with oscillating and spinning lures, as well as when using non-stubborn wobblers.


This series of high-tech rods from Zemeks has no analogues in the consumer market today. And they are unlikely to appear in the very near future.

Zemex Power spinning is characterized by consumer reviews as a universal tool for fishing. It is equipped with a forced depth control system, which allows you to use rods in different places. This can be catching pelagics at sea, or working on a river in a motorboat. At the same time, with the help of this model, domestic fishermen can not only catch zander and catfish with bait in the form of deep-sea wobblers-drivers, but also use the high-speed trolling technique, which has recently been gaining more and more popularity in our country. And in order not to buy various tackles, the Zemex company released such universal spinning rods. Reviews about them confirm the progressive action of the rod, which does not bend at medium and low loads, while providing a confident strike that easily breaks through the mouth of anygiant. Already in the first seconds of the struggle, the fisherman begins to realize that he has a medium-hard parabolic in his hands, rejecting all attempts to free the trophy from the hook.

This durable Korean-made trolling rod features a neoprene handle, a durable screw reel seat, and a New Concept Guide with powerful anti-tangle capability.

The rod is lightweight. This is good for those fishermen who are not used to fixing their tackle with fasteners, preferring to hold it in their hands. In addition to all the above positive qualities, spinning rods of the Power range instantly react even to the most delicate bite, which sometimes allows you to release the hook from grass and other foreign objects in time.


The rods of this series are part of a wonderful family of spinning rods designed for jig coastal fishing. The idea of creating such a tool resulted in the production of gear with informative and throwing properties. It is these qualities of the rod that make it possible to give the bait, which is located at the maximum distance from the coast, the necessary animation.

There are fairly light models among Zemex Solid spinning rods. User reviews say that such rods are to the taste of those who prefer fishing with various types of spinners and wobblers. In experienced hands, these rods turn into catchy and reliable tools, which allows them to be classified as a high-level tournament class, and, what is remarkable, it has an affordable price.

A bright representativethis line is the model Zemex Solid 210 1-7 g. This is a comfortable rod that is able to work with oscillating and spinners without any problems. Such spinning allows you to use various equipment on reservoirs, lakes, ponds and rivers.

The Zemex Solid 245 5-21g rod is considered a universal model of this line. This spinning rod comfortably works with a variety of baits, while having a clear penchant for jig fishing. This tool is distinguished by a fast action, which at the same time perfectly copes with oscillating and rotating spinners. The rod is getting good reviews from both shore anglers and boat anglers.

Bass Addiction

Tackles of this line are the most effective, tough and reliable tools that allow you to catch wobblers of all models and types. They are appreciated by lovers of boat heavy jig. After all, such rods easily cope with overloads and have good information content.

Special attention should be paid to the excellent combination of price and quality of these instruments. This makes Zemex Bass Addiction spinning rods as popular as possible. Consumer feedback confirms the fact that this series is the most popular among its class.

The most delicate rod in this case is the Zemex Bass Addiction Spinning Rod 198 4-14g. It is used on small wobblers, as well as sheds and cranks. Zemex Bass spinning gets good reviews due to the comfortable length of the rod. She is such that the tackle can beequally successfully used when fishing from the coastline, and in the process of boat fishing.


This is a large series of spinning rods belonging to the sports class. The Korean manufacturer performs rods of this line in full accordance with the latest developments. This approach made it possible to reduce the weight of the tackle as much as possible without losing, and even improving its resonant characteristics.

spinning zemex power reviews
spinning zemex power reviews

Tools of this line demonstrate excellent casting characteristics, which are successfully combined with a good spinning balance. All this allows you to make the operation as comfortable and convenient as possible. In order to further reduce the weight, the models of this line were equipped with ultra-light rings, the production of which was carried out in Japan. This approach made it possible to increase the accuracy and duration of casts made by the fisherman.


This line of spinning rods is designed for catching predatory fish in bottom waters. That is why the owners of such rods are recommended to use jig lures in combination with a retractable leash. When designing models, the manufacturer needed to make every effort so that fishermen could make long casts, while leaving the sensory properties of the tackle at the same level.

The main material for the manufacture of such a rod is high-modulus graphite. Usually it is used only when producing top-class tackle. All rod equipment is made by Japanese manufacturers. Especially many positivefeedback is received by the reel seat. It was manufactured using innovative technologies, so there is no equal to it today in terms of the combination of ease of use and a high degree of reliability. The X-Master series offers two types of rods - 220 and 240 mm long.
