For centuries, craftsmen have waxed wooden furniture. Thus, the wood received protection from various external influences. At the same time, she retained her natural beauty and warmth. Our ancestors also knew about the water-repellent properties of this product.
Today, a sufficiently large number of wood processing options are known. But wax for furniture retains its leading position. It is often used to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of a wooden surface.

Benefits of using
Wax, unlike other types of protective agents, completely penetrates the structure of the tree, and does not lie on the surface. Thus, the tree does not lose its texture and retains its natural warmth. The furniture covered with such means perfectly maintains long loadings. This tool has other advantages:
- The velvety of the material will be preserved, which is so lacking in polished furniture.
- Cabinets, chairs, tables and chests of drawers made of natural wood will become even more beautiful if they are covered with wax. Underan invisible coating of the protective layer shows through not only the texture, but also the color of the surface of the product becomes more expressive.
- Using a tinted type of material, you can create furniture that fits perfectly into the desired interior.
- Furniture wax is an excellent restoration tool. Thick plastic mass well fills any cracks, scratches and chips, helps restore the original appearance of the headset.
The right shade will not only restore household items, but also make them even more beautiful. Furniture polish with wax is also an excellent restoration tool.

Varieties of wax
In stores you can see a large selection of various options for furniture wax. There are the following types:
- Soft wax for furniture. Experts recommend using it for interior woodwork. This type of polish is great for restoring surfaces and removing chips, cracks, scratches and dents. It is also used for work with both wooden and laminated surfaces. Wooden panels of cabinet furniture and interior doors coated with soft wax perfectly withstand various physical loads. They retain their integrity under the influence of high humidity and in conditions of sudden changes in temperature. Wax does not require pre-mixing, it is immediately ready for use. The mixture is applied to the desired area using a special plastic spatula. surplusremoved with the same tool. If a specific color background is required, different shades of wax can be easily mixed.
- Furniture hard wax can be used for both exterior and interior applications. It fits perfectly on wood, not only protecting it from negative external factors, but also restoring the damaged surface, repairing chips, dents, scratches and cracks. Unlike its soft counterpart, this wax for furniture restoration has a denser structure. A soldering iron is required to work with a hard type of polish. Wax is pre-melted using this device. And the already melted mass is applied to the desired area. After a few seconds, he grabs a tree. Excess material is removed with a plastic or rubber spatula.

How to apply wax on furniture with your own hands?
The work of waxing wooden surfaces will not be difficult if you learn some rules in advance:
- Preparing the surface correctly. In order for furniture wax to be evenly absorbed into the wood structure, the pores of the latter must be open. If the furniture has just been assembled and its surface has not been treated with any paint and varnish materials, no preliminary preparation is required. It is more difficult if the furniture is already varnished. In this case, before applying the wax polish, the surface must be treated with a solvent. This procedure will have to be carried out several times until all varnish particles are completely removed. After that, wooden surfacestreated with sandpaper. Important: work is carried out only in the direction of the fibers. The end result should be a perfectly flat surface.
- Apply furniture wax correctly. The consistency that the wax has is very important. Depending on its variety, certain devices and tools may be needed in the work. The liquid look of the polish is rubbed with a dense cloth with uniform movements in the direction of the wood fibers. In some cases, you can use a brush or brush. For thicker wax, use a rubber or plastic spatula. Important: no matter what type of wax is used in the work, after processing the tree needs to settle for at least an hour. Then the excess is removed. If the product is applied in one layer, the surface will remain matte. To achieve a glossy sheen, it must be applied a second time.

Create DIY furniture wax
Some masters use their own preparation in their work. The recipe is quite simple. In order to cook it with your own hands, combine beeswax with turpentine. Consider the fact that the first component, as a rule, has saturated shades of yellow. Therefore, for light furniture, you should take clarified material.
The mixture is prepared in a water bath. Beeswax is crushed with a knife and placed in a jar of turpentine. The last component will need two times less than the first. The saucepan with the contents is placed in a water bath. After our main ingredientmelted, the container is removed from the fire. The remaining wax is added little by little to the molten mass until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

Safety First
During work, do not forget to follow fire safety rules. Do not leave turpentine on fire for a long time. It is highly flammable, which can lead to very unfortunate consequences.

Estimating the result
The quality of the resulting wax coating can be judged only after it has completely cooled down. If the mass seems very thick, the mixture is again placed in a water bath. And, adding turpentine, bring to the desired consistency. Store prepared wax in a tightly closed container.