Choosing mowers for walk-behind tractors

Choosing mowers for walk-behind tractors
Choosing mowers for walk-behind tractors

Among the huge list of additional equipment that is produced for walk-behind tractors, mowers occupy an important place. They are divided into two large types: disk and segment. Mowers for walk-behind tractors have their strengths and weaknesses.

mowers for walk-behind tractors
mowers for walk-behind tractors

If we talk about the disk version, then the most common is "Dawn" from the enterprise "Kaluga Engine". The Chinese produce mowers for RM-1 walk-behind tractors, which are surprisingly reliable, and also quite affordable.

All of these varieties are great for slopes up to 20 degrees. They will easily remove not only stubble from cereals, but even small shrubs.

Note that the lateral tilt cannot exceed 8 degrees. A pronounced advantage of these devices is high security. Rotary mowers for walk-behind tractors can lay the cut grass into neat swaths, which greatly facilitates the further process of its processing. We should not forget about the reliability of these devices, which significantly exceeds the performancesegment models.

All their varieties from domestic manufacturers are suitable for Russian walk-behind tractors. If you own a Salyut walk-behind tractor, you will have to look for special models for your equipment. Note that disc mowers for walk-behind tractors are extremely sensitive to stones in their path, so you should first inspect the surface of the field along which they will pass.

rotary mower for walk-behind tractor
rotary mower for walk-behind tractor

The Zarya-1 model is especially good. It can be used for mowing lawn grass (working height from three centimeters). It does not have a belt drive, which greatly facilitates repair and maintenance. In addition, this model makes it much easier to work on bumps.

There is a mower with drums to push the mowed mass. This allows it to be used in heavily overgrown areas where the height of the mowed grass exceeds a meter. Such a rotary mower for a walk-behind tractor will be a real find for owners of remote and hard-to-work plots.

Segment models are no less common. You can often find mowers KM-0.5 from the Mobil and KNS-0.8 Strizh enterprises, which are produced in Moscow. They can also be used with almost all domestic walk-behind tractors.

Their principle of operation is based on the forward-return type of movement of the cutting surface. They are much more complicated than rotary ones. They also have many advantages. So, thanks to the lateral movement of the knives, these devices practically do not crumple the grass, which is oftenoccurs during the operation of the first type of mowers described above.

mower for motoblock Zarya
mower for motoblock Zarya

In addition, the blades pass at a minimum distance from the ground, so forage losses due to high stubble are a thing of the past.

In any model of the segment type, the position of the knives can be adjusted +/-20 degrees from the horizontal, which makes it possible to process even very uneven areas. The complexity of the mechanism has a positive side: such a mower for the Zarya walk-behind tractor can be urgently unhooked from it, since it has no direct connection with the drive of the latter.
