FMF filter: specifications and reviews

FMF filter: specifications and reviews
FMF filter: specifications and reviews

FMF filters are used to purify liquid in pipelines. Processing is carried out in two positions (cleaning from mechanical impurities and magnetic filtration). The fastening of the part is carried out with the help of bolts. Several modifications of this equipment are used, which differ from each other in size and cross section. Let us consider in more detail the device and the purpose of this element, as well as expert reviews.

Magnetic filter FMF-100
Magnetic filter FMF-100

Design features

Magnetic FMF filters include a mechanical mesh and a magnetic part. The first of them serves to trap sand and other large inclusions, and the magnet helps to filter ferromagnetic elements, regardless of their size. The mesh compartment is made of stainless wire, designed to hold objects whose dimensions exceed the area of one construction cell (1x1, 2x2 or 4x4 mm). The mesh is removable, if necessary, it can be removed and replaced.

The magnetic part of the FMF filter works effectively if the element is correctly positioned. The device is placed in such a way that the filtered liquid processes the maximum area of the magnet at a minimum distance. In this case, the water is in contact with the washed surface with the greatesttension indicator. The component may vary in size, is made of cast iron or similar metal. The service life of this part is about 15 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

FMF magnetic flange filter is used to purify cold and hot liquid. For the effective operation of the product, regular checks of the sludge block for clogging and its timely purging are required. Some modifications are equipped with a backwash option, high pressure cleaning of the filter is not allowed.

Magnetic filters FMF
Magnetic filters FMF

The main advantages of the element in question:

  • Resistant to clogging and warping, keeping maintenance to a minimum.
  • Simplicity in design, making it easy to operate and install the part.
  • High efficiency in the processing of ferrocompounds.
  • Wide operating temperature range.
  • Low cost.

Among the disadvantages of the FMF filter is the intended use, which allows capturing only a limited list of compounds.

Working principle

The device is designed to contain contaminants coming from the internal and external environment, including open water bodies from which water is taken. They may carry leaves, algae and other large particles.

Internal pollution includes penetrations formed on the walls of the water supply system as a result of corrosion or scale. As a result of the impact of mechanical processes on the metal, the breaking elements fall into the liquid.

The FMF flanged filter, due to its optimal configuration, uses the maximum possible volume. While cruising along the pipe, the liquid changes direction slightly, getting into the working glass. Seeping through the walls of the device, it interacts with the mesh and magnetic parts, getting rid of impurities.

This principle of operation is more efficient than in analogues, where the change in the working flow is not used, since the contact occurs only at the edges of the filter, which reduces its functionality. When water interacts with the entire area of the magnet, it is possible to obtain a destruction of the physico-chemical stability of impurity particles.

Flange filter FMF
Flange filter FMF


The devices under consideration differ from each other by their DN (nominal diameter). It indicates the actual throughput of the part. For example, FMF-50 flange filters are designed to retain persistent chemical particles. At DN 50, the cell area is 1.4x1.4 mm. The device is installed in the supply and return lines with a maximum working pressure of up to 1.6 MPa. At the same time, the temperature range varies from +5 to +150 °C. The assembly length of the product is 23 cm. The following DNs are distinguished (in millimeters): 350, 300, 250, 150, 125, 100, 80, 65, 50, 40, 32, 25, 20.

The length of the device with remote control 65 - 29 cm, weight - 16 kg. The modification is designed to delay pollution in the same highways as smaller counterparts. The cell area is 1.4x1.4 mm. Filters FMF-80 and 100 are used in pipelines with an average diameter, have identicalcharacteristics with other models, however, have increased throughput. Mounting length is 31 and 35 centimeters. The cell size - 1, 4x1, 4 mm allows you to trap all large particles in the line. Weight of products - 16 kg.

Installation and maintenance

When installing the FMF-50 magnetic filter and its analogues, a number of conditions must be observed:

  1. The pipeline should first be cleaned of contaminants by flushing it.
  2. The filter is insured with a special device that prevents it from falling off during installation.
  3. Rafters should not be removed until the equipment is fully installed.
  4. The edges of the pipes adjacent to the product are attached.
  5. Particular attention is paid to fixing the gaskets between the flanges.
  6. Important point: the FMF filter must be installed evenly, excluding distortions and tightness, ensuring complete matching of the bolt sockets.
  7. Installation of the device is carried out on a hard platform, avoiding the pressure of its mass on the pipeline walls.
  8. Checking the tightness of the installation.
  9. Installation is done with the flange cover down.
  10. Fluid must be supplied in the same direction as the indicator on the housing.
  11. Magnetic flange filter FMF
    Magnetic flange filter FMF


If during the operation of the FMF-100 magnetic filter the pressure surge was 0.15 MPa from the norm, it is necessary to remove the filter element and clean it. Beforehand, it is mandatory to turn off the fluid supply, and then unscrew the special plug.

When maintaining the structure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is forbidden to clean or repair the element in question if there is high pressure in the main cavity.
  • Inspection and maintenance of the product is required at the scheduled time.
  • Explosive pipelines are repaired strictly in accordance with the technical operation regulations.
  • If the gaskets lose their tightness, they are replaced with new parts with tightening of the bolts.
  • The product must be stored in its original packaging, the air in the room must not be filled with corrosive components.
  • Filter FMF-50
    Filter FMF-50


Users note that modern FMF-50 filters are reliable and easy to use. Experts advise choosing goods from trusted manufacturers, avoiding cheap low-quality fakes. A great advantage of this device is a wide range of working values (nominal diameter). This allows you to choose a filter element for all sizes of pipelines. Also, consumers point to better cleaning efficiency compared to analogues that do not provide for a change in the direction of fluid flow. Modifications of domestic and foreign production are presented on the market. With proper operation and timely maintenance, these parts will last at least 15 years.

magnetic filter fmf 50
magnetic filter fmf 50


FMF magnetic flange filter is widely used in variousareas where water pipes and other lines filled with working fluids are used. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in practice and confirmed by expert reviews. The use of this element allows for major water purification not only from mechanical impurities, but also from ferrimagnetic compounds.
