Wooden house - the most comfortable and environmentally friendly housing. Various technologies can improve the safety of such a structure - remove excess moisture, increase fire safety and insulating properties. But one of the most important issues in construction is the design of the heating system of a wooden house.
Varieties of boilers for heating
The following boilers can be used to heat the area of the house:
- gas (fueled by natural or liquefied gas);
- solid fuel (those that process coal, firewood, briquettes, etc.);
- electric (the power source for those is electricity);
- boilers running on liquid fuel (diesel).
Each of the above species has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

The most profitable heating system in a wooden house is gas. Absolutelyall models are fully automated, simple and inexpensive to operate. For a house, the design of which provides for 2 or more floors, such an installation is considered the most profitable. In addition, if the boiler is modern, it will not be necessary to install equipment for heating water.
Among the disadvantages of this equipment are:
- required for gas supply (i.e. connection to the main is required, operation on liquefied gas is possible only for a short period);
- Installation and commissioning should be carried out by specialists.
Solid fuel boilers require significant stocks of material. But despite the time-consuming process of installation and maintenance, such systems are popular, especially in regions where there is no gas supply and frequent power outages.

Electrical equipment is ideal for small structures (up to 200m2). For large areas, such a system is inefficient, because it consumes at least 100 watts of power per 1 m22. To increase productivity, it will take a lot of time, replacement of equipment and replacement of documentation. In addition, high performance equipment is dangerous.
Oil-fired boilers are somewhat more economical to use than electric ones. Pros include:
- autonomy;
- easy to operate;
- safety.
Among the disadvantages are:
- the need to build a separate building underboiler room;
- difficult to install;
- high cost.
Do-it-yourself heating in a wooden house
In addition to the standard connection to the boiler, it is also possible to install a system with a furnace. An ordinary stove has a significant drawback - the heat throughout the house diverges unevenly. Modern heating stoves are different from the usual "Russian" ones.
Such equipment is equivalent to a primitive solid fuel boiler. A significant difference between these systems is the presence of a chimney at the furnace. The oven also heats the adjacent wall.

Stove heating in a wooden house is often installed in places where there is no gas main, there are often interruptions in the electrical system, and installing a gas tank is impractical.
The scheme for connecting and distributing the system may be different, but the design of the furnace does not depend on these parameters.
Installation of the boiler is carried out in the following order:
- First of all, you should equip the ventilation system. In special cases, the installation of a hood is allowed.
- Next, the chimney is being prepared.
- After installing and checking the chimney, the boiler is connected, and all joints are carefully sealed with clay.
- At the end of the installation of the boiler, radiators are connected, then the system is checked for tightness and operability.
Location of the heating system
When placing systems in a wooden house, these fire safety regulations, as well as sanitary instructions and safety regulations, should be taken into account.
Some boilers (eg electric ones) can be placed directly in the house or basement. The only requirement is a minimum room humidity.
The rest of the heating systems should be placed in specially equipped boiler rooms or boiler rooms.
The boiler room can be located both within the house and in a separate room, depending on the parameters of the boiler and the type of fuel.
How to choose the right equipment
In order to choose the best heating for a wooden house, you should:
- choose design power (depends on many parameters, such as area of the house, building material, climate zone, room upgrades, etc.);
- pick up a system (steam or water, furnace);
- take into account the energy potential of the region (availability of one or another type of fuel).

No less important are the parameters:
- environmental cleanliness (the system and coolants should not have a negative impact on the environment and residents of the house);
- fire safety;
- economy.
How to make heating in a wooden house
For small structures, water heating will be an excellent heating option. Its principle of operation is quite simple: the coolant (water, transformer oil, etc.) enters the radiators at a certain temperature, gives off energy to the surrounding space and returns. It is possible to install a system with natural circulation - for itsoperation does not require a pump. It is also completely autonomous and does not depend on the presence of electricity in the house.
To install water heating in a wooden house you will need:
- radiators;
- pipes with accessories (couplings, half-couplings, elbows, adapters, etc.);
- oven or boiler;
- expansion tank;
- tools (wrenches, pipe soldering iron, scissors, etc.).
Installation takes place in several stages:
- Drawing up a layout of equipment and radiators.
- Installing radiators. At the same time, the norms of dimensions and slopes, as well as distances from the floor and walls, must be observed.
- Supply pipes to batteries. There are several options: top, bottom, diagonal. The choice of connection depends on the number of radiators.
- Next, the boiler is started for the first time and the system is checked for leaks.
Schemes of water heating of a private house
Water stove heating in a wooden house can be carried out according to two schemes: single and double circuit.
The first one is quite simple and ideal for small one-story structures. When choosing this system, the need to install a circulation pump should be taken into account. If such equipment is not installed, the room will warm up unevenly.

The two-circuit system can also be made with natural and forced circulation. In the first case, one should take into account the special slope of the heating pipes in a wooden house andradiators. For houses with two or more floors, it is still advisable to install circulation pumps.
The location of the boiler for water heating is completely irrelevant. The absence of the need to build a boiler room or a special room for the boiler makes this system more preferable among the rest.
What alternative heating options are there
Today, residents of private houses have identified the most profitable options for heating a wooden house:
- Diesel fuel (diesel oil). Despite the high cost, this method is ideal when supplying sufficient power to the mains is not possible.
- Solid fuel. Mostly coal is used. This type of fuel is about 2 times cheaper than electricity.
- Alternative sources. Wind turbines and solar panels are quite popular.
Air system: pros, cons and features
This heating system of a private wooden house is the most modern and technological solution. The air system automatically maintains the required level of humidity in the room. This feature allows you to save a wooden structure without deformation and distortion for many years.
The advantages of installing air heating are:
- saving space for installing radiators;
- the possibility of installation in houses that are made of timber, logs, the number of storeys of the building also does not cause installation difficulties;
- when air is supplied to the system, ventilation is simultaneously performedpremises;
- you can connect a central air conditioner and air purification filters to the unit.

Negative points are:
- the need to create a project before building a house;
- high cost;
- difficult to clean.
Electric heating. Nuances and reviews
Before installing the electric heating system of a wooden house, you must choose the principle of its operation. There are the following types of electric boilers:
- electrode;
- TEN.
The first model has a fairly large power - 3-16 kW. This option is suitable for an area up to 100 m22. Among the advantages are:
- quick heating of water and home;
- high efficiency - up to 0.9.
The negative point is the difficulty in preparing the coolant and selecting resistance.
The second model can also have high power (single-phase - up to 6 kW, and three-phase - up to 30 kW). Heating element boilers are produced in the form of heat exchange chambers with special heating elements.
Users note the following positive features of the system:
- any water is used as a coolant;
- rapid heating of large areas.
The disadvantages of the installation are:
- the need for a three-phase supply;
- installing a network at 380 V.
Heat floor system
There are several types of floor heating in a wooden house, but the best optionis an infrared heating system. The advantages of this system are:
- possibility of heating large areas;
- durability;
- cheap service;
- uniform air heating (excessive dampness and, consequently, various fungi will not be present in the house);
- easy installation;
- security;
- system is serviced by experienced professionals from private companies.

Unfortunately, underfloor heating cannot be used for certain conditions such as diabetes.
Installing a floor heating system is quite simple and consists of several steps:
- sealing and thermal insulation of the concrete floor;
- laying the cable on a thin concrete screed;
- cable reinforcement;
- installation of thermal sensors;
- sealing the system with mortar;
- suitable flooring (tiles, laminate, etc.).
If the floor in the house is made of wood, the cable should be attached to the metal mesh between the lags. Heat transfer should be taken into account - this parameter should be less than on concrete structures.
Reviews on various systems
Users recommend various heating schemes for a wooden house. So, in the northern regions they prefer to install combined systems (mainly "gas-electricity"). The latter are very convenient, because in the event of a failure in the supply of one energy carrier, the house will be heated by another.
In more distantIn regions, stove heating is popular.
For a house from 80 m22 users choose electric heating. They justify their decision with unstable prices for blue fuel.
Which is the most economical option
Heating a wooden house has many features in both design and installation. When choosing a system, it is worth considering all the costs of the device and maintenance.
Today, users recommend installing gas heating. Despite the high cost of materials, it is the most economical and safe. Checking and repairing gas systems is also easy, because all parts are within easy reach.

Installation of electrical equipment is much cheaper than gas. A significant disadvantage is the high flow rate of the coolant. Therefore, this method is less economical than gas heating.