Smart lock: description, device, principle of operation, functions

Smart lock: description, device, principle of operation, functions
Smart lock: description, device, principle of operation, functions

Intelligent electronic systems in home improvement will not surprise anyone. The era of digital locking devices began a long time ago and today it is only evolving into new, more technological forms. A modern smart lock, on the one hand, has become more compact, optimized and ergonomic, and on the other hand, it has acquired new functionality and increased the degree of reliability.

Device design

The user controls the system wirelessly via a computer, tablet or smartphone, so the basis is formed by the electronic filling. Physically, the device is a small metal device, usually with an original stylish design. To give a brevity to the appearance of the device, many manufacturers use anodized aluminum in the manufacture of the structure. As for the locking mechanics, the smart door lock provides for special adapters that connect to the blocking elements. That is, the castle itself does not have in the basic designshutter - it only controls its position through electronic components. The power supply is provided by conventional AA and AAA batteries or by a battery pack.

Battery operated smart lock
Battery operated smart lock

Working principle

As already noted, the system is controlled from a distance - both via Internet channels and via Bluetooth. The lock is unlocked by reading the electronic key, which is transmitted at a distance from the user's device to the lock. Again, to synchronize the locking system and a smartphone, for example, a special application is required, which will send the appropriate signal with an encoded message.

How to unlock smart lock?

Physical keys in this system are not always provided, so the following question may arise: what to do if the same smartphone is dead? How to open the smart lock in this situation? There can be two ways out of the situation:

  • Use the emergency release method, which may require direct contact with the lock. For example, in some systems, you can do without an electronic key by scanning your fingerprints or by entering a code through a special keyboard.
  • Use another mobile device. The system does not involve binding only to a specific list of gadgets from which it will be possible to transmit a signal with an electronic key. You can ask a friend for a smartphone and send a signal through it to unlock it, after logging into your online account.application cabinet.


smart lock
smart lock

Actually, the main advantage of modern locks with intelligent control is a wide range of functions and system management capabilities. The list of tools may vary depending on the model, but the basic list of functions of mid-range devices includes the following:

  • Contactless mechanism control.
  • Remote direction of commands.
  • Support Bluetooth 4.0 module.
  • Fingerprint scanner function (fingerprint). For example, a Xiaomi smart door lock with a fingerprint scanner allows you to store about 30 templates, and the sensor only responds to real fingers without dummies. According to the manufacturer, the percentage of false positives is 0.0005%.
  • Temporary ban on the operation of the key. That is, even a genuine electronic key or a successful finger scan will not open the door until the unlock lock is lifted.
  • Maintaining pass statistics.
  • Availability of sound and video intercoms.

Xiaomi Aqara ZigBee Smart Lock

Xiaomi Aqara smart lock
Xiaomi Aqara smart lock

The model appeared on the market in 2017 and today it is almost a reference sample of an intelligent door lock. It’s worth starting with the fact that the developers have provided 4 options for opening the mechanism:

  • Via finger scan.
  • By entering a digital password.
  • With a contactless NFC tag.
  • Directly through the physical key. It's more of a way to unlock in case the batteries run out.

The power base of the Xiaomi Aqara ZigBee Smart Door Lock includes a pin group that integrates into the pre-installed shutter mechanism. The inside of the device contains a battery compartment that holds 8 AA batteries. Moreover, 4 batteries are enough for the full functioning of the device.

Of course, work with the application is also provided. To do this, a special MiHome service is connected, through which the gateway plugin is launched to add a control device (tablet, smartphone, etc.). The lock plug-in indicates the opening sensor, from which the status of the door is read - closed or open. Depending on the current position, when a signal is sent through the mechanics trigger log, one or another action will be performed. In the Unlocking mode system menu, the user can make various settings for the operation of the lock, including entering fingerprints, passwords, electronic keys, etc.

August Smart Lock Model

Smart Lock August
Smart Lock August

A rather simple, but at the same time safe and reliable lock, the operation of which is completely focused on remote control without physical keys and codes. A feature of the system in terms of security is two-layer encryption with support for two-factor authentication. The owner can control access around the clock or provide only temporary windows for passage according to the schedule - in the morning, at lunchtime, in the evening, etc. Deviceconnects to an existing shutter mechanism, which allows it to be used in temporarily leased objects without the risk of violating confidentiality. The very installation of a smart lock from August involves only replacing the internal part of the existing mechanism without changing its design. Installation is carried out with a special Philips screwdriver in just 5-10 minutes. If we talk about functionality, the device is synchronized via Bluetooth 4.0, allows you to connect video intercoms, a numeric keypad and connectors for direct access to the Network.

Lockitron model

Smart lock Lockitron
Smart lock Lockitron

Lockitron is one of the pioneers in the field of intelligent security systems and, in particular, smart door locks. Today, the development of a Bolt device is relevant, which is designed to exchange information between the Internet and the lock. The system can be connected to a mobile device via the Bluetooth LE protocol, which will allow full control of the door locking mechanism. The connection of the Internet, the control device and the Lockitron bridge also makes it possible to send action commands at a remote distance. It is worth noting that the creators of the Bolt smart door lock focused on the mechanical stability of the system. If the first versions of the model were made of 40 elements, which caused some problems with reliability, then modern modifications have undergone serious optimization, as a result of which all parts were redesigned, except for the cell. This modernization made the design simpler, more reliable andconvenient to use.

Kwikset Kevo model

Smart lock Kwikset Kevo
Smart lock Kwikset Kevo

Another variation of the lock with intelligent control from a mobile device. The connected application runs in the background, constantly monitoring the status of the door position. On command, a special eKey encrypted key is transmitted, which can also be sent to another person who has access to an organized digital infrastructure. In case, for one reason or another, electronic access is not possible, you can use the complete key fob. The physical part of the Kevo smart lock is based on SmartKey technology with a high degree of security. Moreover, the external unit is presented in several colors - polished brass, nickel and bronze. AA batteries are also used for power supply. According to the manufacturers, one set of batteries is enough for a year of operation of the lock at an average load.


smart locks
smart locks

Intelligent access controls certainly provide a host of operational benefits. These include the flexibility of the system of control and prevention of unauthorized access, ease of control of the lock and a simplified approach to its installation. But there are also weaknesses in such devices, which do not yet allow them to completely replace mechanical systems. The disadvantages relate to the sensitivity of digital technology to signal quality and power supply. For example, Xiaomi's smart door lock runs on 220 V, consuming 800 watts. Even if we discount the coststo electricity, severe power failures will disrupt the operation of the device, forcing the user to resort to alternative means of unlocking the lock. Nevertheless, many models of smart locks today are equipped with special fuses from network surges. Wireless communication modules are also being improved, which makes it possible to improve the quality of reception of signals with electronic keys.
