As you know, acquaintance with this or that building begins with the parade group. It does not matter what it will be - a country cottage or a shopping and office center. The holistic perception of the object depends on how harmoniously their facade will be executed. Visors over the porch allow you to significantly transform the exterior of the room. Depending on the desire and financial capabilities of the owner, they can be made in a variety of ways.

Why do we need a canopy?
In addition to the decorative function, it will also serve as the main protection of the porch from the effects of the environment in the form of precipitation. By installing canopies over the porch, you can ensure the safety of the door and the entire entrance group. In addition, your guests, while waiting for the door to open, will not be forced to stand in the rain or snow, but will hide under a canopy. Modern designs for arranging the front group can be very different both in terms of shape and in terms of base material. So, you can choose from galvanized steel, profiled sheet, asbestos-cement (corrugated or flat) sheets, roll materials, glass and polycarbonate.
When deciding how to make a canopy over the porch, pay attention to the type andattachment features. They can be in the form of wooden bars, corrugated metal brackets, forged brackets or other material. Depending on the features and purpose of the porch, the visor can be large or small. In addition, an ordinary awning can act as a canopy, that is, a lightweight structure that folds and moves. Most often it is used for sun protection, so it is not suitable for permanent use.

Modern canopies over the porch can be of any color, size and shape, but the main condition for their choice is harmony with the overall exterior design of the house. For example, forged structures look very expressive and impressive, but they are not cheap, so not everyone can buy them. However, for a fancy canopy it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials: with the help of ordinary vines, fancy snags and metal wire, you can create quite a spectacular and unique decor for the entrance group.
What properties should porch awnings have?
The most important requirements for such structures are their reliability and strength. Rigidity can be achieved with the help of profile pipes that strengthen the structure. It is equally important to choose a suitable shape, since water or snow should not accumulate on the canopy. Accordingly, the design must be such that water can be drained from it. Ideally, a canopy over the porch (photos show how different stylistic solutions can beimplement) should have a large area, that is, close the porch, railings and doors.

Thus, making out a canopy over the entrance to the house, you should pay attention to such details. First, it is necessary to take into account the general style of the building. Secondly, you need to evaluate its purpose (protecting only the porch or the area in front of the house as a whole). Thirdly, it is important to choose materials that are durable and lightweight. And last but not least, you can think about decorative solutions for the entrance group.