Metal purlin is a structural element of a building in the form of a horizontal beam. It relies on columns, other elements and beams to support the roof of the building. It is an important part of the load-bearing structure as it supports the roof covering and helps anchor it to the frame surface.

Item features
Metal girder, depending on the type, can be solid or lattice type. The second option is used more often because it is cheaper and installs faster. As for the design of the roofing roof, several elements stand out here. This is a ridge run, side parts and a power plate. These types of metal purlins can be found in almost all roofs.
The ridge purlin is a support for the top of the roof, the side elements help create protection for the different sides of the roof. Mauerlat is located near the base of the rafters, and its function is to lay around the perimeter of the outer wall.

Metal Purlin Benefits
Positive factors such as high strength stand out. If we compare elements made of wood, concrete and steel, then the latter will be much stronger and more durable than others. The metal does not require additional treatment with protective agents, it is not afraid of moisture or mechanical pressure.
In addition, metal purlins can be used for any type of coating, as they are universal in terms of fastening. To enhance the protection of the metal, anti-corrosion mixtures that protect against rust can be used.
Due to its small mass, the element exhibits high endurance, which makes it attractive in the goods market. Metal purlins can be used for buildings with any type of foundation, because they do not create an overload, but at the same time provide the desired strength.
Speed of installation is also one of the advantages of metal products. Metal roof purlins can be mounted in a matter of hours, and they are easy to fix on any surface. The main thing here is to choose reliable fasteners that can withstand a lot of weight.

Types of parts
Solid run is considered strong and reliable, quite efficient in terms of use and durable. A channel or an I-beam can be used for it. The material in terms of work is also quite simple. It is necessary to cut it into pieces of the required dimensions and cover with a mixture of corrosion and rust corrosion.
Next in the right placesmarks are made and holes for mounting are drilled. This is the most durable option for fixing and creating a metal roof beam.
Curved elements are a modern option. They have a specific shape, which simplifies the installation process. For the manufacture of parts, a galvanized profile is used, which goes through the process of forming on special machines. The versatility of the resulting part is that it can be used both as a profile and as a crossbar.
The weight of the run is small, it can be mounted independently and without help. Fastening elements with additional clamps are made from a galvanized profile. Their use significantly simplifies the work and speeds it up.
The purlin is also popular. It is welded from a profile pipe or a special corner. To connect the two crossbars, tight jumpers and braces are used, which add power to the structure and increase its reliability. Even with a small weight, a fairly strong element can be obtained.

Types of connections
Fastening corrugated board to metal girders can be done using different options, ranging from ordinary nails to special rivets.
As for convenience, the craftsmen highlight self-tapping screws and rivets. The first option does not require the creation of holes; also, if necessary, the self-tapping screw can be unscrewed back and attached in another area. No special tools needed for the job.
For rivets, it is necessary to prepare the surface, having previously madeholes. For the accuracy of applying holes, you need to attach a profiled sheet to them in order to make the necessary marks. It is problematic to remove rivets and large holes and even damage to the profiled sheet may occur in the process. Rivets cannot be reused, unlike self-tapping screws. Therefore, fastening the profiled sheet to metal girders is best done using self-tapping screws.

Proper fastening
This item depends on many elements. Firstly, from fixing the profiled sheet on the surface. This can be done both vertically and horizontally. On the lower and upper edge, fastening is done on each wave, in other places - through the wave, it depends on the place of application.
Secondly, if the installation is carried out for the fence, then the first fixation should be done 8-10 cm from the ground. Thirdly, in the process of attaching corrugated board to metal girders, chips must be removed from the surface, which can lead to corrosion and destruction of the metal.
Expert Tips
Before starting work, make marks on the surface if rivets will be used for fastening. This will help not to make mistakes during the installation process and make holes in the right places.
It is necessary to take care of the run and, if necessary, cover the metal with a protective mixture. The use of metal purlins for roofing involves the application of several layers of protective material so that the corrosion stage does not begin. Masters advise using continuous runs for the base, which have greater endurance anddurability.