Dishwasher not washing well? There are a number of reasons for this. Let's consider the most common of them, as well as the main ways to troubleshoot problems that arise.

Common factors
Why does the dishwasher start to wash the dishes badly? Practice shows that the causes of this phenomenon can be various factors that many housewives prefer to neglect during the entire period of operation of the equipment. These include:
- refusal to use special products designed for washing dishes in a typewriter;
- use of dishwashing detergents in the wrong dosage;
- commission of errors during the operation of the device;
- Untimely cleaning of the dishwasher or its individual parts.
It is worth noting that at first the new unit perfectly copes with the task, and even if a number of violations are allowed during its operation. However, as practice shows,after a relatively short period, whitish stains begin to appear on the dishes, and subsequently food residues are not eliminated at all.
Let's take a closer look at the main reasons why the dishwasher does not wash dishes well, as well as available solutions to the problem resulting from negative consequences.

Lack of timely cleaning
Often, the dishwasher begins to wash the items loaded into it poorly just because the user did not clean it in a timely manner, as a result of which it simply ceases to function normally.
It should be noted that in order to keep the machine in good condition, it is necessary to clean it regularly:
- TEN from scale;
- filter from leftover food;
- anti-raid tank;
- water sprinklers (rocker arms) from blockages.
In order to make a high-quality cleaning of the unit, it is necessary to start the process of washing it with a special tool. This process will produce a fairly quick cleaning of scale, grease and debris that prevents the elements from functioning normally. It is worth noting that in order to maintain the device in a normal state, it is necessary to carry out such a wash at least once every six months, and regardless of how often it is used. After washing, gently wipe wet areas with a cloth.

Operation violation
Why the dishwasherdoes it wash badly? There are quite a few reasons for this phenomenon, however, when considering those, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the most common among them is the improper operation of the device. Practice shows that the most common mistakes are:
- choosing the wrong wash modes;
- wrong stacking of dishes in trays;
- loading lots of crockery.
Any housewife should remember that you need to put the dishes only in such a way that water flows down from it. To ensure this, you need to leave small gaps between the elements, because the denser they are placed, the more difficult it is for water to get into hard-to-reach places.
To avoid the development of problems associated with filter clogging, it is necessary to put dishes in the machine that have been thoroughly cleaned from food residues.
Not using special tools
Unfortunately, most housewives prefer to neglect the need to use special products, as a result of which the dishwasher does not wash dishes well. As practice shows, this problem is especially acute for machines from manufacturers Bosch and Hansa.
The reason for the formation of white stains on dishes, as well as the deterioration of the quality of washing, is often the replacement of a detergent of no less quality. In order to eliminate the resulting problem, it is necessary to start rinsing the machine, not filled with dishes, using a product recommended by the machine manufacturer.

Dishwasher not washing well? The reason for this is often a malfunction of the heater installed in it. The prevalence of the described problem is due to the fact that this part is most often subject to breakdowns, since scale is actively formed on it. As a result, during prolonged use of the device, the element simply burns out.
As a result of the heater burning, the water in the car stops heating up, which is why washing and cleaning from dirt is not as good as usual, because practice shows that it is simply impossible to wash most types of dirt with cold or barely warm water.
The only solution to the problem is to replace the heating element or overhaul it.
Program module failure
It is worth noting that all the main functions of the dishwasher are carried out thanks to the coordinated work of the software module installed in the machine. In the event that it fails, the unit starts to work incorrectly, as a result of which the dishes may not be rinsed at all, washed in cold water, and often water does not drain from the unit. Even worse is when that sensor fails completely.
It is worth noting that a fairly common cause of a sudden deterioration in the quality of washing dishes is a breakdown of the water turbidity sensor, thanks to which the program module receives information regarding the need to replace it. In this situation, it may happen that the cloudy water will not be replaced, but the dishwashing process will continue. As a result -washing cycle incomplete in normal order.
The only solution to the problem in this situation is to overhaul the damaged element or replace it. In some cases, flashing the module helps solve the problem.

Sprinkler impeller failure
Dishwasher Bosch does not wash well? A fairly common problem of the occurrence of violations in the devices of the world famous brand is the breakdown of the sprinkler, presented in the form of a rotating mechanism through which clean water enters the device. As a result of this malfunction, the washed dishes cannot be rinsed sufficiently, because the paddles do not rotate and deliver clean water with enough pressure to remove dirt residues that can later form streaks.
In order to eliminate this problem, you need to assess its degree. So, in the case of a simple clogging of the blades, it is necessary to carefully clean them manually, and then perform the rinsing procedure with a special detergent. In more complex cases, the only way to get rid of the problem is by repairing the element or replacing it.

Why do stains appear on dishes?
What to do if the dishwasher is not washing dishes well? In this situation, you should pay attention not only to the quality of the detergent, but also to the correct use of it.
Besides this, the reasonthe appearance of white streaks on the dishes may be a lack of rinse aid or its absence. In order to fix such a problem, it is worth adding this tool and setting the correct settings for its supply. It should be noted that an excessive amount of rinse aid also adversely affects the quality of washing dishes.
Dishwasher began to wash poorly and white stains began to appear on the surface of the dishes? The reason for this phenomenon may be the presence of s alt that got into the dishwasher tank. In this situation, you should pay attention to whether the lid of the compartment into which it falls asleep is tightly closed.

Any detergent should include bleach to help remove stains from tea, coffee and other products containing coloring pigments. In this case, colored streaks may remain on the dishes.
Any housewife should understand that with hard water, the use of s alt is mandatory, since even the ingredients of 3-in-1 tablets cannot replace it.